Celebrating our second Berlin graduation ceremony

In a testament to the continued success and expansion of Arden University's Berlin campus, we recently hosted our second annual graduation ceremony on Tuesday 31st April. Set against the backdrop of the iconic Spreespeicher, this landmark event brought together over 100 graduates, along with their family members and guests.

Dr. Tobias Kliem, Head of the Berlin campus, welcomed the graduates with heartfelt congratulations, acknowledging their accomplishments:

"Your journey to this momentous occasion has been filled with resilience and dedication. You've not only conquered academic challenges but also navigated through the complexities of living in a new country. Your perseverance is truly commendable, and we wish you all the success in your future endeavors."

For each graduate, crossing the stage represented a significant milestone in their journey with Arden University, representing the culmination of years of hard work and determination. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic for many of our students during this journey, their commitment to their studies shone brightly as they celebrated this important achievement.

While some graduates were unable to attend in person, their achievements were recognised through live streaming of the ceremony to an international audience.

Sophie Harrison, Arden University Students' Association Managing Director, told us:

"This ceremony not only marks the individual success of each student but also underscores the growth of our student community here in Berlin, and we are immensely proud of the accomplishments of all of our graduates."

The day's events also served as a moment of reflection for our students as they now move on to the next stages of their lives and careers. Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors Professor Dr Mary Bishop, commended the graduates on their achievements and emphasised the significance of this rite of passage:

"Your graduation symbolises the culmination of your academic journey and is a testament to your hard work and dedication. May this day serve as a reminder of your incredible capabilities and the endless possibilities that lie ahead."

We’d like to thank all our graduates and their guests, as well as our staff members, for making this year’s graduation ceremony a day to remember.