Terms & Conditions

If you are an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner student at Roots Ivy, please click here to view your Terms and Conditions. 

If you are an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner student at Success Point, please click here to view your Terms and Conditions. 

If you are an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner student at Oxford College of Business, please click here to view your Terms and Conditions

If you are a UK full time (student route) student, please click here to view your Terms and Conditions.

If you are a Kaili University student, please click here to view your Terms and Conditions. 

For all other students, please see your Terms and Conditions below, or alternatively, you can download a PDF copy here.


To contact us, please email marketing@arden.ac.uk.

Thank you for visiting our website.

Arden University Terms & Conditions

It is important that you read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”), together with our Privacy Policy, before you apply so that you understand fully the commitment we make to you as a provider of Higher Education, and your obligations to us. Among other things, it explains who we are, how we will deliver Programmes to you, how you, or we, can terminate the Contract, and what to do if there is a problem or you wish to make a complaint. If you think that there is a mistake in these Terms, please contact us to discuss.

These Terms form the basis of the relationship between Arden University Limited (“Arden” and/or “we”) and any applicant (“you”/”your”) for one of our Programmes of study.

Who we are: We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Contacting us:

Telephone: Our customer service team at 02476 515 700

Email: info@arden.ac.uk or via our website enquiry service: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us

Write to us at Arden University Ltd, Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ.

We will acknowledge your enquiry by email in the first instance.

Cancellation: IIf you wish to cancel, please see our Refund Policy for details on how to do this here: www.arden.ac.uk/about-us/our-policies-standards

The Refund Policy for EU residents is: Refund Policy for UK and EU Residents

The Refund Policy for Non-EU residents is: Refund Policy for Non-EU Residents

How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone, SMS text message or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us in your Application.

"Writing" includes emails. When we use the words "writing" or "written" in these Terms, this includes emails.

Access Date: the date from which we allow you to access ilearn and/or receive learning materials following your acceptance of our Offer to you.

Application: means the application to join a Programme made by you to us. 

Blended Learning: Programmes delivered through a combination of online study (ilearn) and studying at a Study Centre.

Contract: refers to the contract between us to provide the Programme to you under these Terms, once you have accepted the Offer to study a Programme with Arden.   
ilearn: the online or virtual learning environment through which you study a Programme.

Learning Environment: means the environment(s) you have available to you to aid your studies, being either the Online Distance Learning environment or the Blended Learning environment.   

Offer: confirmation that we have accepted you on one of our Programmes.

Online Distance Learning: means the learning experience offered by us by a virtual learning environment only (including ilearn and any awarding universities’ online resources). 

Programme: a course of study or research carried out either online, or a combination of Online and study Centre.

Programme Fees: mean the fees applicable to your Programme, as set out on our Website.  

Programme Materials: means any learning materials supplied by us to you as part of your enrolment on the Programme (including ilearn).

Prospectus: means the digital or printed information pack containing information and illustrations regarding a specific Programme.  

Student Handbook: the digital handbook given to you as part of joining a Programme.

Study Centre: the physical premises at which we deliver Programmes and provide study facilities for students.

VLE: the virtual learning environment through which you can access ilearn and other linked systems including assessment submission portals and Unitu.

Website: our website at www.arden.ac.uk where you can apply for a Programme.

4.1    What you need to do:

4.1.1    To join a Programme you need to apply online through our Website (www.arden.ac.uk) and send all documentation as requested. Our application process allows you to check and amend your application before submitting it.

4.1.2    You must submit your application within the 12-month window before the start of your chosen Programme.   To be considered for joining a Programme you must satisfy our entry requirements for that Programme and be able to produce appropriate evidence that you satisfy these requirements.

4.1.3    You must confirm the country in which you are legally resident on the Application, and you must provide evidence of your identity, nationality and date of birth. If you fail to disclose this information, or disclose inaccurate information, we will reject your application and/or cancel your enrolment on a Programme.

4.1.4    You must provide evidence that you have reached the required standard of English language proficiency to enable you to participate fully in your chosen Programme. We reserve the right to withdraw our Offer to you, or cancel your enrolment on a Programme if it becomes apparent to us in our reasonable opinion that your English language proficiency is inadequate to cope with the demands of the Programme. 

4.2    What we will do:

4.2.1    If your Application is incomplete, we will attempt to contact you to clarify and/or complete the missing information before processing your Application.

4.2.2    We will make you an Offer to join a Programme if we approve your Application. There may be conditions attached to this Offer, for example if you have not yet received a ratified award of your previous qualification. You must accept the Offer in writing and you must confirm that you can pay the Programme Fees before we grant you access to your Learning Environment and/or release learning materials to you.

4.2.3    Our Offer will be valid for acceptance from the date of the Offer for 12 months, unless we agree otherwise. 

4.2.4    We will write to you if we cannot accept your application. Reasons for not accepting your application include: failure to meet our entry requirements for the Programme; your chosen Programme is over-subscribed; your Application was incomplete and we were unable to contact you to rectify the omission(s); or we identified an error in the Programme Fees or a description of the Programme. If you have already paid the Programme Fees, we will refund you the full amount within the timescales set out in the Refund Policy.

4.2.5    We will reject your application and/or cancel your enrolment on a Programme if it transpires that you have deliberately submitted misleading and / or inaccurate information as part of your Application.

4.2.6    As part of the Application Process, we will let you know when and how we will provide the Programme to you. We will also tell you how you can end the Contract (see Clause 12).

5.1    Prospectus accuracy. Although we have made every effort to be as accurate as possible, we reserve the right to correct any typographical, clerical or other error or omission on our Website or in any sales literature, quotation, Programme Fees list, invoice, Prospectus or other document or other information we issue, providing that the correction does not materially affect the Contract between Arden and you.

5.2    Requirements for Programmes. A Programme can be studied by Online Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and a UK residency visa is not a pre-requisite to being accepted on such a Programme. However, admission to Blended Learning Programmes may be conditional on proof of residency, or proof that you have fulfilled the necessary visa requirements to allow you to study in the country in which the Study Centre is based.

5.3    Compliance with Arden’s policies: We expect you to comply with the various policies contained within the Student Handbook (including the Student Learning Contract, the Course Fee Payment Policy and the Student Code of Conduct) and Arden’s academic regulations and/or those of the relevant awarding body;

5.4    Access to ilearn: It is your responsibility to ensure you have all necessary access, network connections and equipment to access your Programme, and Programme Materials, via our Website. We do not accept any liability for any technical difficulties you experience in connecting to ilearn or any loss or damage you incur arising from your failure to comply with these Terms and connected Arden policies. 

5.5    We may refer you to content on non-Arden sites; we do not accept any liability for any content or technical difficulties you experience on any such sites.

5.6    Prohibited actions: You must not: 

5.6.1    breach these Terms; 

5.6.2    copy (except as permitted for normal use of the Programme), reproduce, translate, adapt, vary or modify any of the Programme Materials or software underlying ilearn, nor communicate them or it to any third party, without our prior written consent; or  

5.6.3    remove, adapt or otherwise tamper with any copyright or trade mark notice, legend or logo which appears as part of the Programme Materials.

6.1    No sponsorship without our express permission: If you are a non-EU student who requires a visa to enrol on a Blended Learning Programme in the UK, you agree that you will not use any communication issued by us or any of our partners to obtain or extend a UK residency visa without our prior written permission.

6.2    Applying for a visa to study outside the UK but within the EU: If you need a visa to enrol on a Blended Learning Programme at one of our Study Centres outside the UK but within the EU, you may use any communication from us supporting your application for a residency visa providing you have told us that you are doing so. 

6.3    If you seek or receive educational, tutor or other academic support for any aspects of your Programme from any third party who is not an Arden tutor and/or share any Programme Materials with any such third party, in either case without our prior written permission, this may result in immediate termination of your enrolment on the Programme.

6.4    Ilearn and Programmes taught outside the UK. We are able to accept non-EU students on Online Distance Learning Programmes and onto Programmes taught at our Study Centres outside the UK. Non-EU students may be referred to one of our or our agent’s local centres and will be subject to the terms and conditions of that local centre.

7.1    Access to Learning Environment. You will be able to access your Learning Environment, Programme Materials and tutor support once you have accepted our Offer and we have authorised your access. Your access will last for the duration of the Programme and will cease once you have completed it. 

7.2    Module(s) access. Access to your Learning Environment, Programme Materials and tutor support will be available for the time duration for which you have paid fees.. Following completion of a Module, access to your Learning Environment and the Programme Materials only (but expressly not tutor support in respect of that Module) will continue for the remaining duration of the Programme of which that Module is a part.

7.3    Additional reading not included as part of the Programme or Programme Materials. Programme Materials and tutor support are designed to provide the information required to complete the Programme successfully. We can provide additional reading recommendations but the provision of access to, or copies of, such additional reading is not necessarily included in the Programme Fees. If you wish to access, or obtain copies of, additional reading you must do this at your own cost.  

Once you have accepted our Offer to enrol on a Programme and we have confirmed your access to ilearn, you undertake to agree to our Acceptable Use Policy, found here: www.arden.ac.uk/about-us/our-policies-standards. This governs your access to, and use of, our VLE as well as our right to update the content on it.

9.1    Assessment timetables. A timetable is designed to help you prepare for assessments on your Programme and it is recommended that you follow the guidelines given. If you cannot meet assessment deadlines you must notify us immediately in writing.     

9.2    Assessment submissions. Assessments should be submitted in accordance with the instructions on the ilearn module page. Assessments submitted correctly before the deadline will be marked and we will provide feedback. Assessment outcomes will be governed by the academic regulations of the awarding body. 

9.3    Professional body examinations. If your Programme includes an examination with a professional body, you are responsible for applying to sit such an examination with the relevant professional body unless we agree in writing to the contrary

9.4    Re-assessment. If you fail an assessment or examination, we reserve the right to charge a re-assessment fee if you wish to retake the assessment or examination.  

10.1    If you wish to transfer to another Programme: 

10.1.1    Before you start: If you apply to transfer to another Programme before you start, we will confirm if this is possible and inform you of any relevant changes, such as Fees or timing, to help you decide if you wish to proceed. 

10.1.2    After you have started: If you apply to transfer to another Programme after you have started, and we confirm that this is possible, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee of £250, payable before you start your new Programme. 

10.1.3 Fees: In both cases, if you have already paid the fees for your original Programme, we will refund the difference if the fees of your new Programme are lower; you will pay the difference to us if the fees of your new Programme are higher. Please see our Refund Policy and our Course Fee Payment Policy found here:www.arden.ac.uk/about-us/our-policies-standards

10.2    Our rights to make changes to the Programme: We may change elements of the Programme for various reasons including legal and regulatory changes; correcting errors or omissions; or making adjustments or improvements to the academic content, academic calendar or teaching methods. 

10.2.1   Withdrawing the Programme: We reserve the right to make more significant changes such as withdrawing a Programme entirely before you have accepted our Offer and we have authorised your access if, for instance, there is insufficient take up, or if the Programme is withdrawn by a third-party awarding body. We normally aim to provide a minimum of two weeks’ notice of any such withdrawals.

10.2.2    Significant changes: We will consult you before making any significant changes to a Programme on which you are enrolled, other than those which are beneficial to students such as improvements to the learning materials. We will give notice of any changes to the Programme in a prominent position on ilearn.

10.2.3    Updates to digital content: we may update digital content in the Programme Materials to reflect changes in fact, understanding, research or law. We will ensure the content matches the description we provided before you enrolled.

11.1    We undertake to deliver the services associated with the Programme to you until the Programme is completed, you end the Contract or we end the Contract by written notice to you, both as described in clause 12.

11.2    Delays: We will contact you as soon as possible if, for reasons out of our control, there is a delay in supplying the Programme to you. If there is a risk of substantial delay, you have the right to cancel the Contract and we will refund you in accordance with our Refund Policy for those elements of the course you have not received. If we are responsible for a delay in providing any aspects of the Programme that materially affect key delivery dates, you have the right to cancel the Contract in certain circumstances.

11.3    Extending the period of registration: You can only extend the period of registration in exceptional circumstances with our written permission or that of the awarding body. Please see the Student Handbook for more information on the registration periods for each Programme. 

12.1 Your rights to end the Contract: you may be able to end the Contract if we have not fulfilled our obligations. These might include an incorrect description of the Programme on which you have enrolled; we have made a significant change to which you do not agree; there is an unacceptable delay in delivering the Programme; we have failed to provide the agreed content; or if you have changed your mind within the 14-day cooling off period permitted by law. All of the above are subject to conditions in our Refund Policy.

12.2    Changing your mind: you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days after the day you accept our Offer in writing to us, without charge. If you cancel after you have started the Programme, you may have to pay us for the part of the Programme provided up until the time you tell us that you have changed your mind.  Please consider the refund policy for full details.   You can still cancel the Contract before it is completed (a Contract for the Programme is completed when you have received a formal qualification). However, you may be liable for fees incurred for that section of the Programme already completed. You should consider our Course Fee Payment Policy for full details of course fees payable in conjunction with your offer pack and any subsequent payment method agreed.  

12.3 If you wish to end the Contract, please contact us in writing (see contact details at clause 2 above).

12.4    Our right to end the Contract: we reserve the right to end the Contract if you fail to pay the Programme Fees in line our Course Fee Payment Policy; or if your conduct breaches our code of conduct as set out in the Student Handbook; if we are unable to contact you using the contact details which you provided during the Application process; if you do not provide us with necessary information, such as proof of your qualifications within a reasonable timeframe; or if we reasonably determine that your standard of English language proficiency is insufficient to cope with the rigours of the Programme (see clause 4.1.4). 

12.5 Refund of fees: any refund will be calculated in accordance with our Refund Policy.

13.1    Complaints Procedure: we have a student complaints procedure that is accessible via our Website and is published in the Student Handbook. If you have any questions or complaints about the Programme or the Programme Materials, please contact us by telephone, by email or in writing (as set out above). Complaints may be submitted directly or via a nominated legal representative. 

13.2    Alternative dispute resolution. Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court. If you are not happy with how we have handled any complaint, you may want to contact the alternative dispute resolution provider we use; The Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIAHE), via their website. OIAHE will not charge you for making a complaint and if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can still bring legal proceedings. In addition, please note that disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.

14.1    Distance learning students will be required to pay examination fees to sit any examinations at a centre which is local to them. Students may sit examinations for free in our office in Coventry, UK  .

14.2    Where to find the Programme Fees: Programme Fees are set out in the Prospectus, on our Website and as confirmed on your Application.

14.3    Paying the Fees: We list the methods by which you, your sponsor, or your lender, can pay your Fees on our Website and also within the Course Fee Payment Policy . Fees must be paid in fullat enrolment unless a separate payment plan has been agreed with Arden.; or, if your fees are being paid by a sponsor, within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice. If an official company sponsor is paying your fees, they will need to issue a purchase order number to us.

14.4    If the Programme Fees are incorrect: We will contact you to inform you if we discover an error in the Fees and give you the option of either continuing to pay the Fees at the correct level (either immediately or within a certain timescale) or cancelling your Contract. 

14.5    Failure to pay your fees on time: We reserve the right to deactivate your account and cancel your right to access and participate in the Programme if you do not pay your Programme Fees on time, or if your sponsor, or lender, fails to pay the invoice within 30 days of receipt (unless an invoice is in dispute). 

14.6    Increasing the fees: we reserve the right to increase the Programme Fees every October, capped at the RPI (Retail Price Index).

15.1    Ownership. The intellectual property in the Programme, Programme Materials and ilearn belong to us. You acknowledge that: 

15.1.1    all intellectual property rights used by or subsisting in the Programme, Programme Materials and ilearn are, and shall remain, our exclusive property; 

15.1.2    rights to access and to use the Programme, Programme Materials and ilearn are licensed to you; 

15.1.3    you have no rights in, or to, the Programme, Programme Materials and ilearn other than to use it for the purposes of your studies; and 

15.1.4    you will not at any time make any unauthorised use of, or copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, display, post or transmit any aspect of the Programme, Programme Materials or ilearn containing such intellectual property rights, nor authorise or permit any person to do so. 

15.2    Work created by you as a student. Any documentation, project work or other materials created by you as a student on a Programme will be solely owned by you. 

15.3    Licence of submitted work to us. Where you have submitted work to us as part of the Assessments of a Programme (see clause 9 above), you agree to give us a permanent licence of that work for us to use for academic, research and publication purposes, as well as submitting the work to external moderators or other third parties. We will always ensure that you are appropriately referenced as the creator of that work, although it may be necessary to anonymise such reference when used for moderating and marking purposes. 

16.1    Our liability to you: We will use reasonable care and skill to carry out our obligations under these Terms.  Subject to 16.2 below, our total liability to you in respect of any claims or losses shall not in aggregate exceed the amount of your Programme Fees in any one year.    

16.2    The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

16.3    Events outside our control: We are not liable to you for unforeseeable events, or anything outside our control, even if we had used reasonable care. Examples include: industrial action; staff shortages or illness; severe weather; or civil disorder. 

16.4    Defective digital content: If defective digital content (including, but not limited to, any Programme Materials or content accessed via ilearn) that we have supplied, damages a device or digital content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill, we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation (limited in accordance with clause 16.1 above). However, we will not be liable for damage which you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge, or for damage which was caused by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions, or to have in place the minimum system requirements advised by us.

We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act 2018.

18.1    Transferring the Contract. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the Contract. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to end the Contract within 30 days of us telling you about it and we will refund you any Programme Fees paid for in advance of the Programme being provided. 

18.2    Discrepancies. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and our Privacy Policy and/or Website Terms of Use, these Terms will override those conflicting provisions in the Privacy Policy and Website Terms of Use.  

18.3    Applicable Provisions. When you purchase a Programme or individual Module (or Modules), the terms and conditions in force at the time of that purchase will apply to the contract between you and us. 

18.4    Transferring your rights. The Contract between us is personal to you and cannot be completed by any other individual. As such, you cannot transfer the Contract to another individual or entity.  

18.5    Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

18.6    Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in force and effect.

18.7    If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the Programme, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.  

18.8    Governing Law and Jurisdiction. These Terms are governed exclusively by the law of England and Wales and you can only bring legal proceedings in respect of the Programme and/or your contract with Arden in the courts of England and Wales. 

Offers and Competition Terms & Conditions

30. Arden University Alumni Discount*

Summary of Arden University Alumni discount scheme

If you’ve graduated from an Arden University course or a course supported by RDI and awarded by Anglia Ruskin University, University of Sunderland or University of Wales, you will receive a 10% discount on studying your Arden University Masters or MBA.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the 10% alumni discount from your tuition fees you must be:

1. Graduated from an Arden University course or a course supported by RDI and awarded by Anglia Ruskin University, University of Sunderland or University of Wales.

2. Enrolling on your second programme with Arden University (previously RDI).

3. Enrolling on a postgraduate programme provided by either Arden University, or Anglia Ruskin University delivered through Arden University.

b. Additional terms of alumni discount

1. If eligible, you will receive a 10% reduction in the cost of your total Arden University tuition fee, whether you choose modular or full payment.

2. Discount cannot be applied retrospectively to students enrolled on a second programme.

3. Students must have graduated from an Arden University or Anglia Ruskin University, University of Sunderland or University of Wales course supported by RDI

4. Alumni discount is not available to students who enrol via an agent.

5. Arden University’s decision about Alumni Discount is final.

*Please note: the Arden University Alumni Discount does not apply to Approved Arden University Franchise Partner students.

37. Arden's Annual Student Satisfaction Survey*

Summary of Arden's Annual Student Satisfaction Survey – Completing a survey could mean being rewarded with high street/online vouchers. See below for full terms and conditions

1. Survey participants are selectively chosen by Arden University.

3. Survey participants must complete the survey in order to be entered into the prize draw.

4. Arden University will confirm the prize fund within the relevant survey. This is subject to change.

5. A winner will be chosen at random from the entries. Arden’s decision is final.

6. Arden University will attempt to contact the winner. If the prize is not claimed within a reasonable period, it may be used for a subsequent prize fund

7. Data captured in surveys from students and alumni may be used within promotions. Arden University reserves the right to use these for multiple channels such as; the website, listing sites, emails, social media posts and other media within reason

8. Participants can ask for their data to be removed from the website at any time by making this request to enquiries@arden.ac.uk

*Please note: the Arden's Annual Student Satisfaction Survey does not apply to Approved Arden University Franchise Partner students.

What is the Financial Support Bursary? 

The Financial Support Bursary (the “Bursary”) is available to students who are experiencing genuine and unforeseen financial hardship whilst at university, despite having applied for and received all other financial support. The Bursary can provide support for disability needs assessment or, in exceptional cases, non-repayable grants towards essential living expenses or one-off unplanned costs. The Bursary can also help to purchase essential IT equipment and/or short-term broadband connection for study. Funding to help applicants in hardship to gain access to high quality and reliable IT equipment and/or short-term broadband connection will receive priority. 

The Bursary cannot under any circumstances be used to fund the following: 

  • tuition fees - you must be in receipt of student finance or have a signed payment plan in place which covers your tuition fees; 
  • debts including gambling activities; or 
  • medium to long-term financial instability and shortfall.  

Not all Bursary awards shall result in a cash payment. The University may choose to distribute goods directly e.g., a pre-approved laptop, or to issue a supermarket service voucher or broadband service voucher in relation to its preferred supplier. 


Who is eligible? 

To be eligible for this scheme, you must meet the following student requirements: 

  • be UK domiciled (with settled status where applicable) [applies to Emergency Fund, Inclusion Bursary and Digital Support]


  • be a registered and enrolled student at our Berlin Campus and domiciled in Germany [Berlin Hardship Fund]
  • enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis to one of Arden’s Undergraduate of Postgraduate programmes;  
  • demonstrate a clear shortfall in income versus expenditure which is directly contributing to financial hardship; this includes an inability to meet basic living costs such as food, household bills, and/or travel;  
  • be in receipt of the full Student Tuition Fee Loan to which you are entitled from the Student Loans Company or have entered into a registered payment plan with Arden University; 
  • be able to provide full evidence of all incomings and outgoings along with evidence of any dependents; and 
  • where seeking funding for IT equipment, evidence of unaffordability, and confirmation that such equipment is not available via other grants and schemes such as the Disabled Students’ Allowance. 


Students who are not eligible for the bursary are still encouraged to seek advice and guidance on debt and money from agencies such as Citizens Advice (Debt and money - Citizens Advice). 


What evidence is required? 

Once your eligibility has been verified the University will request that you submit supporting documentary evidence relevant to your circumstances to the Student Success Team. Regardless of the element of the Bursary you are applying for and to support your Bursary application, you are required to provide accurate, up to date and relevant evidence to support your reasons for applying. The evidence required is dependent on your individual circumstances; details of required evidence will be provided to you once your eligibility has been confirmed. In addition to the standard evidence listed above, you may be asked to provide additional evidence if the assessor deems it necessary.  

Bank Statements 

Please note that bank statements must be submitted as either a scan of the original document or in PDF format exported from your online banking or mobile banking app. You must submit bank statements that cover the 3 months before the date of your application.  

All bank statements must include any income and expenditure quoted in your application and be in a clear and readable format, containing the following information: 

  • Student’s name and address; 
  • Bank details, including sort code and account number; 
  • All transactions going into or out of accounts over £100 must be annotated to explain the following: 
  • Where the transaction is from/to; and 
  • What the transaction is for. 

The University cannot accept screenshots of your accounts or summaries detailed via any other format. Evidence must be provided for all accounts you hold, including any joint, savings, or ISA accounts.  

Letters, tenancy agreements, and bills e.g., Council Tax, Utilities Bills 

Any documents submitted as evidence should be on company-headed paper, preferably displaying the organisation’s official stamp to show authenticity. Any evidence that contains a foreign language must be translated to English before submission to the University.  

In the case of tenancy documentation, you should inform the University of any debt/arrears regarding outstanding rent payments. 

Student Finance England Documentation (full-time undergraduate students only) 

You must evidence that you have been means-tested by Student Finance England (SFE). When submitting SFE evidence this must include all income including but not limited to maintenance loans, income from employment, and government benefits.  


Household income and Universal Credit 

If this is not shown on your recent bank statement, you may supply a P45 or P60 for the most recent tax year or a statement of earnings from HMRC. If your income was zero or you have an emergency tax code (e.g., ending in M1, W1, or T) you must submit a statement of earnings instead of a P60 (unless you are claiming one of the means-tested benefits listed below). For any additional income e.g., from external funding or government benefits please include a list of payments you have received and are yet to receive. If you receive Universal Credit you will be asked to provide evidence such as your award letter; eligibility for Universal Credit is one of the factors we consider when assessing the validity of low-income status and requirement for financial support.  

Childcare costs 

You may be asked to provide evidence of invoices, outstanding childcare bills, and any correspondence regarding missed payments/debt arrears. For full-time students, you should also evidence why you have been assessed as not eligible for the childcare grant from SFE. 


How to apply? 

To apply for the Bursary, you will need to do the following: 

  1. ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria
  2. register for Blackbullion with your Arden email address at blackbullion.com
  3. complete the relevant digital application form on Blackbullion which requires you to upload evidence within 20 business days. If you do not submit within 20 business days your application will be closed.

A closed Bursary application cannot be reopened, and a new application must be made if required. 

Once the relevant evidence has been submitted, the University will contact you to advise on the outcome of your application. If the University confirms a Bursary award, you must:  

  1. provide any further details requested to facilitate the Bursary award e.g., bank details. 

Within 4 weeks of the Bursary award, you will be contacted by Arden’s Student Success Team to complete a short evaluation form. At this point, you must 

  1. complete and return the evaluation form to the Student Success Team within 20 business days. 

Note: your application will not be assessed until you submit a complete application form, including all evidence necessary to complete an assessment.  

Only applications submitted via Blackbullion will be considered unless there is an exceptional circumstance that may prevent you from doing so. In this case, please email inclusion@arden.ac.uk 


Award and Conditions 

Please see details below for elements of the Bursary you may be eligible to receive in the event of an award. All students in receipt of the Bursary must complete a follow-up evaluation which will be sent via your university email within 4 weeks of the award otherwise they shall be in breach of these terms and conditions. 

Note: You may apply for one particular financial support fund element or a combination as part of your Bursary application. 

Financial Support Fund Element Award Conditions 
Emergency Fund / Financial Hardship

Food vouchers 

BACS transfer 

Your evidence will be reviewed, and the decision will be made based on your income, expenditure, and current financial status. Once assessed the University will exercise its discretion as to whether a standard or nonstandard award is to be granted. Standard awards are those made to help with the general costs of being a student, where essential expenditure is offset against expected income. If the former is higher, the student is viewed as having an ‘additional need’; the University contributes 70% for a period of 8 weeks. If the former is not higher but the student requires short-term support, vouchers for supplies will be awarded. Non-standard awards should be used for students who evidence unforeseen exceptional circumstances; the value of the award is discretionary based on the evidence provided by the student. 
Digital Inclusion Bursary

A specified laptop will be awarded to you by the University.  

A gifted voucher for internet broadband will be awarded for a short-term solution of 3-months. 

The laptop will include essential software to complete your studies. The make and model of the laptop are variable and dependent on availability however it will be assessed to meet basic student requirements for study. Where a student is studying a course which requires non-standard software the university may consider alternative support options which suit the student’s needs. You are not permitted to sell the laptop whilst you remain a student at Arden University.  

Internet broadband will be gifted as part of a voucher for a period of up to 3 months. 

Inclusion BursaryYou may book an assessment with the university’s specified provider. The provider will be reimbursed directly by Arden University.  Any assessment must be booked in at the student’s earliest convenience and confirmed with the Student Inclusion Team. 
Berlin Hardship fundFinancial support (typically 200EUR) for essential food and travelEvidence of financial hardship


Arden University funds membership of the National Association of Student Money Advisers (NAMSA). Assessors, who are members of NASMA, will examine how well you meet the eligibility criteria for the Bursary with a particular focus on: 

Provision: you must have made realistic provision for all course-related costs, including fees, before starting your course.  

  • Examples of provision may include permanent employment or a suitable level of savings. The Financial Support Fund can only assist with urgent, short-termsituations and should therefore not be considered as a primary source of funding.  

An unforeseen change in circumstance: This must occur after the start of the course, and in the same academic year that you are applying for the Bursary.  

  • Examples of unforeseen change may include redundancy, illness, or domestic issue.  

Supporting statement: as part of your application form you will be asked to provide a statement and it should consider the two points above.  

Financial Situation: In addition to the information in your personal statement, we will look at your income and expenditure to understand your financial situation. If you have high levels of non-essential expenditure, your application may be rejected.  


All information provided in support of your application will be considered and we encourage you to provide as much information as possible to give us a full picture of your circumstances.  

We aim to complete the assessment and provide an outcome of a complete application with evidence within 20 working days, if you are required to provide further evidence to support your application, the 20 working days will only start from the point we have received all necessary evidence.  


Award arrangements 

  • Payment will only be processed for successful applications within 7-10 working days and will be paid directly to your nominated UK bank account as stated in your application. 

Where there is an urgent need for food or travel this may be expedited providing the student has specified this in their application form. Where possible awards will be sent digitally via email however vouchers may also require postage.  

Typically, you will not be eligible for multiple awards from the Bursary within the same academic year. However, in exceptional circumstances and if you are experiencing unexpected and unforeseen financial difficulty an additional claim may be considered. In this event, you will need to complete a brand-new application form and submit evidence to your support your new application. Please note that you can only apply for the Bursary in the same academic year if you have not been in receipt or awarded the Bursary within the last 3 calendar months.  

Please note that internet, travel, and food vouchers will only be issued as a short-term solution, and it will be the student’s responsibility to ensure that long-term provision is in place.  


Award suspension and termination 

The award will be suspended during a period of approved leave of absence where this period covers a whole or part of an academic year. On your return to studies, you may apply/reapply for the Bursary if you meet the eligibility criteria.  

If you withdraw from your studies or are required to withdraw, any scheduled Bursary award(s) will not be made. Your award will be terminated if you cease to be registered as a student or for good cause at the discretion of the Financial Support Team.  

Arden University reserves the right to recover funds where a Bursary has been awarded under false pretence or these terms and conditions have been breached.  



If you are dissatisfied with the decision of your outcome, you can appeal within 10 working days of your outcome via email to hardshipfund@arden.ac.uk  

Your appeal will be considered by the Inclusion Services Manager or his/her nominee with respect to the details raised in your appeal. Arden University has absolute discretion on the outcome of your application form and if your appeal is unsuccessful then the decision is final.  



Acceptance of the Bursary constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. 

These terms and conditions apply for the Financial Support Fund awarded to students for the Academic year 2021/2022. Arden University reserves the right to update these terms and conditions as necessary. These terms are read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time, including but not limited to: 

  • Arden University’s Terms and Conditions (“Main Terms”); 
  • Arden University’s Privacy Policy 
  • Arden University’s Programme Fee Payment Policy; 
  • Arden University’s Refund Policy;  
  • Arden University’s Student Protection Plan; and 
  • Arden University’s Student Regulations.

Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website. Your personal data will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy which can be found online at Privacy Policy | Arden University

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Regional Offer that applies a discount to the Programme Fee for Eligible Programmes based on the nationality of the students wishing to study at Arden via the online distance learning study mode (“Regional Offer”).


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means any foundation + undergraduate course, any undergraduate course, any postgraduate course and any Top-Up course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Regional Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Regional Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Regional Offer Criteria”):

2.1.1. you are national of, or a residence of, a country listed at Schedule 2 at the date of your Application; and

2.1.2. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for one of the intakes set out at Schedule 1.

2.2. We reserve the right to request from you evidence of proof of nationality and proof of country of residence.

2.3. Unless we state otherwise, the Regional Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Regional Offer, subject to the Terms.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, the Regional Offer does not apply to UK students.

2.6. Even though you satisfy the Regional Offer Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Regional Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.6.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University);

2.6.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.6.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.6.4. we are not, in our sole and absolute discretion, satisfied with the evidence of proof provided under 2; or

2.6.5. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.6.6. any part of your Application, or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Regional Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.6.7. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the Regional Offer

3.1. The Regional Offer will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Regional Offer Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for the Programme Fee (with the Regional Offer applied) for all Eligible Programmes.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you will forfeit your Regional Offer. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Regional Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Regional Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes listed at Schedule 1 in order for the Regional Offer to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you wish to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme after your Programme Start Date, please see our Leave of Absence Policy on our website (arden.ac.uk).

5.4. During your leave of absence, the Regional Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The Regional Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The Regional Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Regional Offer at any time. 

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Regional Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


Schedule 1 – Eligible Programmes 

Eligible Programme Type

Programme Fee (with the Regional Offer applied)


Intakes                Study Mode

Foundation + Undergraduate



·        July 2022

·        October 2022

·        January 2023

·        April 2023

·        July 2023

·        October 2023

Online Distance Learning

Undergraduate only



Undergraduate Top-Up






MBA Top-Up



MSc / MA (excluding Psychology courses and MSc Finance and Accounting Top-Up)



MSc Psychology



MSc Finance and Accounting Top-Up



PG Certificate




Schedule 2 – Eligible Countries

South & North AmericaCIS Region

·      Argentina

·      Bolivia

·      Brazil

·      Chile

·      Colombia

·      Ecuador

·      Guyana

·      Paraguay

·      Peru

·      Suriname

·      Uruguay

·      Venezuela


·        USA

·        Canada


·      Armenia

·      Azerbaijan 

·      Belarus

·      Kazakhstan

·      Kyrgyzstan

·      Moldova

·      Russia

·      Tajikistan

·      Turkmenistan

·      Ukraine

·      Uzbekistan

Europe (Non-EU) (excluding UK)Australia and Oceania

·      Albania

·      Andorra

·      Armenia

·      Azerbaijan

·      Belarus

·      Bosnia and Herzegovina

·      Georgia

·      Iceland

·      Kosovo

·      Liechtenstein

·      Moldova

·      Monaco

·      Montenegro

·      North Macedonia 

·      Norway

·      Russia

·      San Marino

·      Serbia

·      Switzerland

·      Turkey

·      Ukraine

·      Vatican City

·      Australia

·      American Samoa (USA)

·      Cook Islands (New Zealand)

·      Fiji

·      French Polynesia (France)

·      Guam (USA)

·      Kiribati

·      Marshall Islands

·      Micronesia

·      Nauru

·      New Caledonia (France)

·      New Zealand

·      Niue (New Zealand)

·      Norfolk Island (Australia)

·      Northern Mariana Islands (USA)

·      Palau

·      Papua New Guinea

·      Pitcairn Islands (UK)

·      Samoa

·      Solomon Islands

·      Tokelau (New Zealand)

·      Tonga

·      Tuvalu

·      Vanuatu

·      Wake Island (USA)

·      Wallis Futuna (France)


Middle EastThe Caribbean

·        Bahrain

·        Israel

·        Jordan

·        Kuwait

·        Qatar

·        UAE

·        Anguilla

·        Antigua and Barbuda

·        Aruba

·        Bahamas

·        Barbados

·        Bermuda

·        Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

·        British Virgin Islands

·        Cayman Islands

·        Cuba

·        Curacao

·        Dominica

·        Dominican Republic

·        Grenada

·        Guadeloupe

·        Haiti

·        Jamaica

·        Martinique

·        Montserrat

·        Netherlands Antilles

·        Puerto Rico

·        Saint Kitts and Nevis

·        Saint Lucia

·        Saint Martin

·        Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

·        Saint-Barthelemy

·        Trinidad and Tobago

·        Turks and Caicos Islands

·        US Virgin Islands


·        Kenya

·        Madagascar

·        Mauritius

·        Tanzania

·        Egypt

·        Ghana

·        Nigeria


·        China

·        Indonesia

·        Malaysia

·        Singapore

·        Vietnam

·        India


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Berlin Merit Scholarship enabling students who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you” / “your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme (“Berlin Merit Scholarship”).


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means any undergraduate only course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Blended Learning at our Berlin study centre only for one of the Berlin intakes from (and including) September 2022. Any undergraduate course with a foundation level is excluded from the definition of Eligible Programme;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Berlin Merit Scholarship was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Berlin Merit Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. you submit a complete Application to us for your Eligible Programme;

2.1.2. you have achieved a mark of 50% or more in your A Level (or equivalent) results; Please note, in line with our admissions entry requirements, we use ECCTIS to make decisions on Applications we receive; ECCTIS may therefore be used alongside our qualification matrix, to assist us in determining your eligibility under this clause 1.2;

2.1.3. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for one of our Berlin study centre intakes from (and including) September 2022.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the Berlin Merit Scholarship does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Berlin Merit Scholarship, subject to these Terms.

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Berlin Merit Scholarship Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Berlin Merit Scholarship if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University);

2.4.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.4.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Berlin Merit Scholarship (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.6. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the Berlin Merit Scholarship

3.1. The Berlin Merit Scholarship will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Berlin Merit Scholarship Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for how the Berlin Merit Scholarship will be applied.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Berlin Merit Scholarship is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Berlin Merit Scholarship cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes referred to in the Eligible Programme definition, in order for the Berlin Merit Scholarship to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you wish to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme after your Programme Start Date, please see our Leave of Absence Policy on our website (arden.ac.uk).

5.4. During your leave of absence, the Berlin Merit Scholarship will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3 Error! Reference source not found., we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The Berlin Merit Scholarship is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The Berlin Merit Scholarship is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Berlin Merit Scholarship at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Berlin Merit Scholarship. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.



Schedule 1 – Berlin Merit Scholarship application

We will apply the ‘Reduction’ amount depending on the ‘A Level (or equivalent) results achieved’.

A Level (or equivalent) results achieved


for level 4 fees


for level 5 fees*


for level 6 fees*

Between 50% - 69%2,000 euros2,000 euros*2,000 euros*
Between 70% - 89%2,500 euros2,500 euros*2,500 euros*
90% or more3,000 euros3,000 euros*3,000 euros*


*The reduction in level 5 will only be applied if you successfully pass level 4. The reduction in level 6 will only be applied if you successfully pass level 5.

You will be deemed to have successfully passed level 4 if, within 2 attempts at each module, you have been awarded a pass mark of 40% or above and have obtained 120 credits for your level 4, no later than 14 months from the start of your first level 4 intake.

You will be deemed to have successfully passed level 5 if within 2 attempts at each module, you have been awarded a pass mark of 40% or above and have obtained 120 credits for your level 5, no later than 14 months from the start of your first level 5 intake.






Arden University Student Route Offer

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Student Route Offer enabling students who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you” / “your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme (“Student Route Offer”).


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means:

  1. for UK PG students: any postgraduate course offered by us that is available to be studied via the UK Full Time (student route) study mode for intakes from (and including) May 2023 to (and including) the February 2025 intake;
  2. for international UG & Top-Up students: any undergraduate or Top Up course offered by us that is available to be studied via the UK Full Time (student route) study mode for intakes from (and including) November 2022. Please note for International Top-Up students, the last intake that this offer will apply to will be the February 2025 intake; and for International UG students, the last intake that this offer will apply to will be the May 2025 intake;
  3. for international PG students: any postgraduate course offered by us that is available to be studied via the UK Full Time (student route) study mode for intakes from (and including) November 2022 to (and including) the May 2025 intake.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Student Route Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Student Route Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for one of the UK Full Time (student route) intakes from (and including) November 2022 to (and including May 2025 intake (please note the definition of Eligible Programme).

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the Student Route Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise stated, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Student Route Offer, subject to these Terms.

2.4.Even though you satisfy the Student Route Offer Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Student Route Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. you are requesting any additional credits from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University) to be used to gain exemptions from the full programme i.e. you must not have any credit bearing exemptions to study your Eligible Programme;

2.4.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.4.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Student Route Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.6. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the Student Route Offer

3.1. The Student Route Offer will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for how the Student Route Offer will be applied.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Student Route Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you are permitted to transfer from your Eligible Programme to a programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Student Route Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes referred to in the Eligible Programme definition, in order for the Student Route Offer to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence, during your leave of absence, the Student Route Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The Student Route Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The Student Route Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Student Route Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Application that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Student Route Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


Schedule 1 – Student Route Offer application


Eligible Programme Type

Programme Fee (with the Student Route Offer applied)


IntakesStudy Mode

Eligible Programmes (Postgraduate)


£6,500 per level

See intakes set out in the definition of Eligible Programme.


UK Full Time (student route)

 Eligible Programmes (Undergraduate including Top Up)


£6,250 per levelSee intakes set out in the definition of Eligible Programme.



These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden Equality Scholarship (“AES”) that applies a discount, up to 100%, to the Programme Fee for the Programme for 5 students.


About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the AES was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us;

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the AES, you must meet the following criteria (“the AES Criteria”):

2.1.1. you are Enrolled on a Programme;

2.1.2. you have submitted a video, written essay or provided a submission using another approved method (following a reasonable adjustment request), to us in accordance with clause 3; and

2.1.3. you have obtained at least 40 credits on your Programme.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the AES does not apply to you if you are currently an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who were introduced to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the AES, subject to the Terms.

2.4. Even though you satisfy the AES Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the AES if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the AES (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the AES

3.1. In order to apply for the AES you need to submit (using your Arden University student email address) a short video, approximately 3 minutes long or a 750 word essay telling us about how you have experienced or overcome marginalisation due to who you are or being different. It includes but is not limited to your sexual orientation, ethnic background, culture, age, neurodiversity, gender identity, disability, socio economic background, religion and hidden illnesses. Your submission should show us how you’ve made your diversity into a positive thing in your life, for example, through advocacy/activism, overcoming challenges, or helping others. We want to celebrate who you are and why you’re contributing to the fact that diversity is such a powerful force for good in the world. Please send all submissions to equalityscholarship@arden.ac.uk by no later than the deadline stated at clause 7. All submissions must state your name, Arden STU number and confirmation of whether you have obtained 40 credits from your Programme. Your submission must be sent using your Arden University student email address. We will not accept any submissions from any other email addresses.

3.2. We’ll make reasonable adjustments to this method if you are uncomfortable submitting a video application or an essay. Please email equalityscholarship@arden.ac.uk if you’d like to make an adjustment.

3.3. By submitting, a video, essay or a submission using another approved method, as detailed in Clause 3.1, you agree to undertake interviews with us which we may use in our: marketing materials (both online and off-line); campaigns via social media; articles, and award entries. If you do not wish to undertake such interviews, we reserve the right to take away your AES.

3.4. The AES is awarded by a panel that both represent diversity and are experts in equality, diversity and inclusion.

3.5. Clause 1 sets out the criteria that the panel will review the submissions against.

3.6. The panel will make its decision on who to award the AES to in quarter one of 2023. There are 5 AESs to be given in total. We will inform the winners of the AES no later than 31st March 2023.

3.7. All applications will be considered, month on month, until the AES closes on 23rd December 2022.

3.8. Students who are awarded an AES will be entitled to payment of their unpaid Programme Fees (at the date that they are notified, in accordance with clause 3.6) for the remainder of their Programme provided the student is up to date with their Programme Fee payments i.e. if a student has £2,000 unpaid Programme Fee for the remainder of their Programme, we will attribute £2,000 to the student’s account. The AES will not apply to Student Loans Company payments already paid. Refunds will not be made for Programme Fees already paid to us.

3.9. The payments detailed under clause 3.8 will be attributed to the student account within 30 days of the student being notified in accordance with clause 3.6.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1.If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Programme or are withdrawn by us, you will forfeit your AES. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The AES is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Programme to another Programme the AES will only be applicable for the amount required on your existing Programme (i.e. if you are entitled to the AES covering the payment for 100 credits on your current Programme this is all that could be carried over to the Programme you transfer to). Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, the AES will apply to your deferral, subject to these Terms.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you wish to take a leave of absence from your Programme, please see our Leave of Absence Policy on our website (arden.ac.uk).

5.4. During your leave of absence, the AES will still apply to your Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on a Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The AES is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The AES is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the AES at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. You assign to us absolutely with full title guarantee all its rights, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property of the submission you make in accordance with clause 3 and any interviews and associated use of those interviews undertaken in accordance with clause 3.3.

7.8. We accept no responsibility for any submissions provided under clause 3 that are lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.9. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the AES. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.10. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.11. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.12. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.13. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.14. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.15. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the quarterly Module Assessment and Feedback Survey prize draw occurring in March, June, September, and December, each respectively, the “March Prize Draw”, the “June Prize Draw”, the “September Prize Draw”, and the “December Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).

We are Arden University Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, whose registered office is Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during an Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into one of the Prize Draws (depending on when the Entry was submitted) to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Business Hours means the period from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (UK time) on any Business Day.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means a Module Assessment and Feedback Survey sent by us, in relation to a module on a Programme.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. currently be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University; or

2.1.2. have graduated from a Programme at Arden University in the last 3 months.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from your Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked, suspended or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. You can submit more than one Survey each quarter, but we will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 1 for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the relevant Prize Draw, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates below are included in the Entry Period):

4.1.1. 7th December 2022 to 28th February 2022, you will be entered into the March Prize Draw in 2023. For all future March Prize Draws, the Entry Period will be 1st December to 28th February (or 29th February on a leap year);

4.1.2. 1st March to 31st May, your Entry will be entered into the June Prize Draw;

4.1.3. 1st June to 31st August, your Entry will be entered into the September Prize Draw;

4.1.4. 1st September to 30th November, your Entry will be entered into the December Prize Draw;

(“Entry Period”);

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place during Business Hours on or before the first Business Day that occurs after the end of the relevant Entry Period (the “Draw Date”). For example, the Draw Date for a June Prize Draw will be the first Business Day after 31st

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

To encourage eligible individuals to complete the National Student Survey, Arden University (“we”, “us”) is offering the following prizes: 3 x Currys PC World vouchers – 1st prize of £1,500, 2nd prize of £1,000 and 3rd prize of £750 (“the Prizes”) to be awarded randomly to students who enter the National Student Survey Providers’ Prize Draw (“the NSS Prize Draw”) by 23:59 (UK time) on Sunday 30th April 2023. A cash alternative cannot be substituted for the prize. 

These supplemental terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which we administer the NSS Prize Draw in connection with Ipsos Mori. Please note, Ipsos Mori is communicating and facilitating the process while we administer the prize draw. These Terms should be read in conjunction with Ipsos Mori’s National Student Survey Provider’s Prize Draw Terms and Conditions (“Ipsos Mori Terms”) which can be found at www.arden.ac.uk/terms-and-conditions.

These Terms should also be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

We are Arden University Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, whose registered office is Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Entrant means any eligible individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry. 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the NSS Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be in their final year of their undergraduate programme at Arden University;

2.1.2. have received an invitation from Ipsos Mori to take part in the National Students Survey 2023 (“the Survey”); and

2.1.3. participates using the online

Please note, the Entrant is not required to complete the Survey in order to submit an Entry for the NSS Prize Draw. Please see the Ipsos Mori Terms for the Entry criteria.

2.2. The NSS Prize Draw is not open to:

2.2.1. an employee or worker (whether permanent or temporary) of Arden University Limited;

2.2.2. anyone related to an individual under clause 2.1; or

2.2.3. a Sanctioned Person.



3.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.



4.1. Ipsos Mori are responsible for selecting a winner and notifying us, in accordance with the Ipsos Mori Terms.

4.2. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), then we reserve the absolute right to request that a new winning Entry is selected by Ipsos Mori.

4.3. Ipsos Mori and our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of such decision.



5.1. The winners will be notified by us, no later than 6 weeks after the date of the draw. If a winner does not collect his/her prize within 6 weeks of being notified, we reserve the right to award another winner.

5.2. Subject to consent from the winners individually, we will announce the winner(s) on one or more of our social media platforms after the winners have been notified.



6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. The Entrant is fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) that the Entrant is required to pay in relation to their participation in the NSS Prize Draw.

6.4. The NSS Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Currys PC World or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Currys PC World.

6.5. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the NSS Prize Draw at any time.

6.6. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.7. These Terms are between us and the Entrant. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the Terms and no-one shall enforce any of the Terms on behalf of another.

6.8. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.9. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless as to whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.10. We are not liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the NSS Prize Draw and an Entrant’s Entry.

6.11. We are not responsible nor liable for an Entry that is lost or not successfully completed or corrupted during the promotion period regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind, and proof of posting or transmission shall not be proof of receipt of entry to the NSS Prize Draw. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.12. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the NSS Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through negligence.

6.13. If there is a delay in us carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.14. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.15. If there is a conflict between these Terms and Ipsos Mori Terms, then Ipsos Mori Terms shall prevail. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies or any other terms issued by us relevant to the NSS Prize Draw, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.16. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.17. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an optional gift and you do not have to claim the gift if you complete the National Student Survey. If you do want to claim the gift, please read the terms and conditions below.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University National Student Survey Participation Gift promotion (“the NSS Participation Gift Promotion”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Ipsos Mori’s National Student Survey Provider’s Prize Draw Terms and Conditions (“Ipsos Mori Terms”) and the Arden University supplemental terms and conditions covering the NSS Prize Draw (“Supplemental Terms”), both of which can be found at www.arden.ac.uk/terms-and-conditions.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

We are Arden University Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, whose registered office is Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Confirmation Email means an email from the National Student Survey (“NSS”), clearly showing your full name and confirming that you (the Entrant) have completed the National Student Survey’s 2023 student survey. We will not accept emails that simply show a ‘Thank you for completing the NSS’ message.

Entrant has the same meaning in the Supplemental Terms. 

Gift means an Amazon e-voucher worth £15 (fifteen pounds sterling).

Submission Period means 9:00 am (UK time) Monday 30th January 2023 to 23:59 pm (UK time) on Sunday 30th April 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible to claim the Gift the Entrant must forward to us their Confirmation Email (“the Submission”), subject to clause 3.

2.2. The NSS Participation Gift Promotion is not open to:

2.2.1. an employee or worker (whether permanent or temporary) of Arden University Limited;

2.2.2. anyone related to an individual under clause 2.1; or

2.2.3. a Sanctioned Person.



3.1. We will only accept one Submission per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Submission within the Submission Period only. We will not accept a Submission submitted outside the Submission Period.

3.3. You must submit your Submission via email only to nss@arden.ac.uk. We will not accept a Submission submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Submission, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. A Submission that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. Entrants who submit a Submission in accordance with these Terms will be awarded the Gift.

4.2. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of such decision.



5.1. If your Submission complies with these Terms, we will provide the Gift to you (the Entrant) via an email (from Amazon) within 14 working days from when we receive your Submission.

5.2. No cash alternative is available. The Gift is personal to the successful Entrant and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.



6.1. By submitting a Submission, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the NSS Participation Gift Promotion. We will, at all times, process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Gift to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Gift to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the NSS Participation Gift Promotion under these Terms, you are able to use the Gift; this includes being able to use the Gift in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. The Entrant is fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) that the Entrant is required to pay in relation to their participation in the NSS Participation Gift Promotion.

7.4. The NSS Participation Gift Promotion is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.5. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the NSS Participation Gift Promotion at any time.

7.6. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.7. These Terms are between us and the Entrant. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms and no-one shall enforce any of its terms on behalf of another.

7.8. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.9. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting a Submission regardless as to whether the Submission was successful or unsuccessful.

7.10. We are not liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the NSS Participation Gift Promotion and an Entrant’s Submission.

7.11. We are not responsible nor liable for a Submission that is lost or not successfully completed or corrupted during the promotion period regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind, and proof of posting or transmission shall not be proof of receipt of a Submission to the NSS Participation Gift Promotion. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Submission in accordance with these Terms.

7.12. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the NSS Participation Gift Promotion. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through negligence.

7.13. If there is a delay in us carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.14. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.15. If there is a conflict between these Terms, the Ipsos Mori Terms or the Supplemental Terms, then Ipsos Mori Terms takes first priority, followed by the Supplemental Terms, followed by these Terms. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.16. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.17. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

  1. Promoter: Free prize draws for the National Student Survey are being organised by the participating providers (universities or colleges). Please contact your provider for the specific prize draw’s Terms and Conditions that apply to them.  Ipsos is communicating and facilitating the process while the provider administers the prize draw.  
    Ipsos, a company registered in England and Wales, registered number 1640855, whose registered offices are at 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW.
  2. Eligibility: If your provider is organising a prize draw, this is open to any student who receives an invitation from Ipsos to take part in the survey and who participates using the online survey.
    The prize draw is not open to employees of Ipsos, its subsidiaries and affiliates and suppliers or their immediate family.
  3. Promotion period: Entries will be accepted during the research survey fieldwork period. The closing date for entries is 30 April 2023 unless specified otherwise in the email invitation you have received and within the online questionnaire.
  4. Entry: If your provider is offering a prize draw, entry is by ticking the box “Enter the prize draw” found on the first page of the online questionnaire.
    No purchase or payment is required.
  5. Limitation of entries: Only one entry per eligible student will be accepted.
    Automated entries, bulk entries or third-party entries will be disqualified.
  6. Prizes: Details of the prize are as outlined in the online survey script.
    Your provider is responsible for administering the prize. Please contact thestudentsurvey@ipsos.com if you have any queries. Ipsos will forward your email to the relevant contact at your provider.
    No transfer or assignment of prizes will be permitted except by Ipsos.
    The provider reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value.
  7. Draw: Winners will be determined by a computer-randomised draw from all eligible entries which will be witnessed by an observer independent of the research team conducting the draw.
    The draw will be conducted within five working days of the research survey closing unless otherwise specified by your provider. 
    Ipsos reserves the right to postpone the draw until a later date should the research survey period be extended.  All decisions are final and binding.
  8. Notification: Winners will be announced by your provider and notified within a maximum of six weeks of the date of the draw. Notification will be sent to the student’s email address, or by a telephone call, as appropriate. Prizes will be administered by your provider. If winners do not collect their prizes within 6 weeks of the notification date, the provider reserves the right to award another winner.
    Use of your personal information for this prize draw: Ipsos will pass on your student ID to your provider. Your provider will contact you using the contact details they hold to notify you should you win the prize draw.  Personal data used for the purpose of the prize draw will not be given to any third party.  The provider will announce prize draw winners a few days after the winners have been notified. If you have any queries, please contact thestudentsurvey@ipsos.com.
    Personal data used for the prize draw will be securely destroyed within six months of the prize draw closing.
  9. Liability: Ipsos is not responsible for late, lost, misdirected, mechanically reproduced, mis-delivered, incomplete, illegible, or unintelligible entries, messages or post; unavailable network connections; failed, incomplete, garbled, or delayed computer transmission; online failures; hardware/software or other technical malfunctions or disturbances; or any other communications failures or circumstances affecting, disrupting or corrupting the prize draw in any manner.
    Ipsos is not responsible for any inaccuracy in the contact details supplied by the participant that may result in the inability of Ipsos or the provider to contact that participant.  Ipsos is also not responsible for any damage to the entrant's computer occasioned by participation in the research survey, the prize draw or downloading of any information necessary to participate in the survey or prize draw.
  10. Jurisdiction: These rules will be governed by English law and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Satisfaction Survey promotions (“the Promotions”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details will (a) receive the Participation Prize and (b) will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Draw Prize, subject to these Terms. 


Participation Prize: 1 x £40 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the first 30 Entries.

Draw Prize: 1 x £20 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the 30 chosen winners of the random draw.  

Collectively, the “Prize”



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 6th February 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 6th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Satisfaction Survey 2023.



2.1. To be eligible for the Promotions, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 6th February, be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Promotions if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Promotions but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win one of the Draw Prize.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select 30 winners from the valid Entries received. The random draw will take place on or before Tuesday 7th March 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. In addition, the first thirty (30) Entrants who submit an Entry will also receive the Participation Prize.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Promotions. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Promotions under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Promotions.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Promotions and an Entrant’s participation in the Promotions including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Promotions are not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Promotions can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Promotions at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Promotions. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – DL October Intake 2022 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 6th February 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 6th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL October Intake 2022) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 6th February 2023 be Enrolled on an online distance learning Programme that started in the January 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 8th March 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under Prize Draw, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey - BL November Intake 2022 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 20th February 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 20th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Induction and Recruitment Survey – BL November Intake 2022 sent by us.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. have been Enrolled on an Arden University blended learning Programme on the February 2023 intake only.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 21st March 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

The Arden University School of Psychology is inviting participants to create and submit original art that captures the essence of brain science. If you are interested in entering this competition, please ensure that you read the terms and conditions and the design brief outlined below.


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Brain Awareness Week Art Competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.

Your Entry must be in line with the Design Brief found here.


The Prizes for this Competition will consist of the following:

For the winner of the ‘Most Creative Interpretation of the Theme’ category, x1 £150 e-voucher for either ASDA, Amazon or Tesco (to be decided by the winner);

For the winner of the ‘Best Scientific Representation of the Theme’ category, x1 £100 e-voucher for either ASDA, Amazon or Tesco (to be decided by the winner); and

For the winner of the ‘Most Aesthetic Appeal’ category, x1 £50 e-voucher for either ASDA, Amazon or Tesco (to be decided by the winner).

Prizes are subject to these terms. This Prizes are not payment for creating the art work but a prize for winning the Competition.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as defined above.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an original artwork, subject to the Design Brief, submitted under these Terms and your Artwork Explanation that you send via email from your Arden University email address to baw-art@arden.ac.uk. Your email must include the details set out at clause 3.3.

Entry Period means from 2:00pm (UK time) on 17th February 2023 until 23:59pm (UK time) on 5th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 2:00 pm (UK time) on 17th February 2023, be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if at the time of Notification to the winners you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. not used; or

2.2.5. are a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible to be considered for the Competition but can submit an Entry.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, members of staff of Arden University can submit an Entry but will not be considered for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry in digital format via email to baw-art@arden.ac.uk. If you have produced a painting or sculpture, you will need to take a picture or video (no longer than 30 seconds) of it and submit this as your Entry. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University student/staff email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. Your Entry must not be more than 20MB in size.

3.3. Your email must include:

3.3.1. your full name and Arden University student number, if you are a student;

3.3.2. your artwork in digital form (if you have produced a painting or sculpture, you will need to take a picture or video (no longer than 30 seconds) of it and submit this as your Entry);

3.3.3. your Artwork Explanation;

3.3.4. (if you wish to consent) a completed and signed consent form to participate in our marketing and promotional events. The consent form can be found here.

3.4. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your artwork does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.5. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.6. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.7. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.8. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. After the end of the Entry Period, the BAW Art Project Group will select the top 20 Entries and will recommend these Entries to two independent staff members from the Arden University Faculty of Social Science (“the Judges”).

4.2. The Judges will decide the winners for each of the three categories below on or before 17th March 2023:

4.2.1. Most Creative Interpretation of the Theme category;

4.2.2. Best Scientific Representation of the Theme category; and

4.2.3. Most Aesthetic Appeal category.

4.3. The Judges reserve the right to request from the winners amendments to the winning designs.

4.4. Only one winner will be chosen for each category.

4.5. We will notify the winners via email that they have been chosen as a winner (the “Notification”) no later than 10 Business Days from the day after the Judges make their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry. You will need to confirm your choice of e-voucher to us no later than 5 Business Days after the Notification (“Confirmation”); please be aware of clause 3 when making your decision. After Confirmation, we will provide you with the Prize via email within 10 Business Days.

4.6. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

7.2. You warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.



8.1. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.4. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

8.5. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by:

8.5.1. com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc;

8.5.2. ASDA or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as ASDA;

8.5.3. Tesco or any subsidiaries of or companies within the same group as Tesco.

8.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

8.8. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

8.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

8.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.14. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.15. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.16. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.17. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.18. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates CertHE “Intro to HE” Feedback Survey 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £30 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to each of the 5 chosen winners of the random draw. 



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9:00am (UK time) Monday 20th February 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 27th February 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Introduction to HE module February 2023 survey sent by us.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9:00am on Monday 20th February 2023, be a student who is Enrolled on the Business Management CertHE or the Health & Care Management CertHE course at Arden University, who takes part in the Introduction to HE module beginning on the week commencing 20th February 2023, at the Tower Hill study centre or Manchester study centre.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 28th February 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Five winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prizes to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email addresses provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective Date: 1st January 2023

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer enabling students who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you” / “your”) to receive a 50% reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Postgraduate Programme (“50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer”).

About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us

1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Undergraduate Programme means any undergraduate course (including foundation + undergraduate courses) offered by us (this includes online distance learning and blended learning undergraduate courses);

Eligible Postgraduate Programme means any postgraduate (including Top-Ups and PG Certificates) course offered by us that is available to be studied via online distance learning. Please note, your Eligible Postgraduate Programme must be studied via the online distance learning study mode only;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Undergraduate Programmes and Eligible Postgraduate Programmes;

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Undergraduate Programme or Eligible Postgraduate Programme (as applicable) as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. you have obtained at least a 2:2 and 300 credits by studying an Eligible Undergraduate Programme at Arden University; and

2.1.2. you graduated from your Eligible Undergraduate Programme at Arden University within the five years before the Programme Start Date for your Eligible Postgraduate Programme. 

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer, subject to these Terms.

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

3. How to apply for the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer

3.1. You must only apply for the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer once you have received your official results of your Eligible Undergraduate Programme.

3.2. To apply for the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer, you must inform your educational advisor that you would like to use the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer.

4. How we apply the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer

4.1. If you are granted the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer, it will be automatically applied to you.

5. Cancellation and Withdrawal

5.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Postgraduate Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

5.2. The 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.

6. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


6.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Postgraduate Programme to a programme that is not an Eligible Postgraduate Programme, the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


6.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Postgraduate Programme to another intake, the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer will apply to your deferral subject to these Terms still being in force.

Leave of Absence

6.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence, during your leave of absence the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer will still apply to your Eligible Postgraduate Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.

7. Cancellation by Arden University

7.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Postgraduate Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

7.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Postgraduate Programme; or

7.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Postgraduate Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

7.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Postgraduate Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

7.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Postgraduate Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Postgraduate Programme subject to there being a place available.

8. General

8.1. The 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

8.2. The 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

8.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer at any time.

8.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

8.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

8.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the 50% Postgraduate Alumni Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

8.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

8.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

8.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Module Evaluation Survey (March 2023 DL Study Block) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).


These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 6th March 2023 until 5pm (UK time) Friday 17th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden Module Evaluation Survey (March 2023 DL Study Block) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 6th March 2023, be Enrolled on a module, on the DL calendar, that started in February 2023.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize , subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 20th March 2023. (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed, or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University is inviting all students currently Enrolled at Arden University to create a video(s) to promote and inform businesses and Arden staff of the benefits of engaging in a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (“KTP”). If you are interested in entering this competition, please ensure that you read the design brief and terms and conditions outlined below.


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University KTP Video Animation competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms. 


The Prizes for this Competition will consist of the following:

  1. x1 £250 (two hundred and fifty pounds) for the winner of the ‘What is KTP’ category (“Category 1”);
  2. x1 £250 (two hundred and fifty pounds) for the winner of the ‘What makes a good KTP’ category (“Category 2”);
  3. x1 £250 (two hundred and fifty pounds) for the winner of the ‘Why should academics get involved in KTP’ category (“Category 3”); and
  4. x1 £250 (two hundred and fifty pounds) for the winner of the ‘What does a KTP offer a graduate’ category (“Category 4”); together “the Categories”.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief means the design briefs for each Category as listed below:

Design Brief for the ‘What is KTP’ category (“Category 1”) can be found here.

Design Brief for the ‘What makes a good KTP’ category (“Category 2”) can be found here.

Design Brief for the ‘Why should academics get involved in KTP’ category (“Category 3”) can be found here.

Design Brief for the ‘What does a KTP offer a graduate’ category (“Category 4”) can be found here.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an original video, subject to the Design Brief for the specific Category your Entry relates to, that you send via email from your Arden University email address to schoolofdesign@arden.ac.uk.  Your Entry must include the details set out at clause 3.3.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Wednesday 8th March 2023 until 9am (UK time) 26th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Wednesday 8th March 2023 be Enrolled on any Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry in digital format as an animation .mp4 or .mov file via email to schoolofdesign@arden.ac.uk. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. If you wish to Enter all Categories, you must submit a different Entry for each Category. You can submit a maximum of one Entry per Category.

3.3. Your email must include:

3.3.1. your full name and Arden University student number;

3.3.2. which Category your Entry relates to;

3.3.3. the final video as a .mp4 or .mov file;

3.3.4. (if you wish to include) a set of reflective statements on how the narrative fits the Design Brief;

3.3.5. (if you wish to consent) a completed and signed consent form which can be found here.

3.4. Your final video in your Entry must not exceed 20mb.

3.5. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.6. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.7. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.8. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. Subject to these Terms, by submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, and be considered for the Category your Entry relates to.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by one member of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Hub and one member from the School of Design and Creativity (the “Judges”) based on compliance with the Design Brief for the Category the Entry relates to.

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Category of this Competition, therefore there will be a maximum of 4 winners.

4.4. The Judges reserve the right to request from the winners amendments to their winning videos. Notwithstanding such right, if the Judges are unable to find a winning Entry that satisfies the Design Brief, in their opinion, Arden reserves the right to create its own videos for each Category.

4.5. The Judges will make their decision on or before 2nd April 2023.

4.6. We will notify the winners via email (the “Notification”) no later than 10 Business Days from the day after the Judges make their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry.

4.7. The winners will be awarded the Prizes as stated above. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.8. We will provide the Prize to each winner via bank transfer (to the bank account owned by the winner) within 20 Business Days of our receipt of the winner’s bank details. We may request copies of official documents to confirm the winner’s identity and bank details to facilitate transfer of the Prize.

4.9. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.10. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

7.2. You warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.

7.3. You are permitted to use the logos set out in the Design Brief above for the purpose of participating in this Competition. You are not permitted to use them for any other purpose. You must comply with the brand guidelines listed below:

7.3.1. Standard UKRI logo found here - https://ukri.frontify.com/d/zgfuBB2r7aAg/brand-basics#/brand-basics/our-logos

7.3.2. KTP Interim Guidelines for Capacity Building found here - ktp-uk.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/KTP-Interim-Guidelines-PROOF-5-03.02.23.pdf

7.3.3. UKRI Brand Guidelines found here - https://ukri.frontify.com/d/zgfuBB2r7aAg/brand-basics#/brand-guidelines/using-our-brand

7.3.4. UKRI Full Brand Guidelines found here - https://ukri.frontify.com/d/zgfuBB2r7aAg/brand-basics#/brand-guidelines/full-brand-guidelines

7.4. We grant you a non-exclusive and revokable licence to use the Arden University logo during the Entry Period for the purpose of participating in this Competition. You are not permitted to use the Arden University logo for any other purpose or after the Entry Period. You must comply with Arden University’s brand guidelines.

7.5. If you are selected as a winner of the Competition:

  1. you agree to waive all moral rights in your Entry;
  2. you will promptly assign to Arden University, with full title guarantee, all rights, title and interest in and to the copyright, design right and any other Intellectual Property rights in your Entry via a separate assignment agreement (the “Agreement”). Arden University is responsible for putting the Agreement in place;
  3. you will promptly do all such further acts including the execution of all such other documents, as we may from time to time require for the purpose of securing for Arden University all rights, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property rights assigned to Arden University in accordance with clause 7.4 (b); and
  4. you agree that Arden University may edit, alter, adapt, manipulate, modify or otherwise deal with your Entry (or any portion of it) in any manner it sees fit and you agree to provide Arden with the raw editable data of your Entry or in a format that allows Arden to do such actions. We will confirm which software is to be used for providing us with such data.



8.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.3. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.4. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

8.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.6. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

8.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

8.8. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms and the Competition at any time.

8.9. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.10. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.11. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.12. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.13. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.14. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.15. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.16. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.17. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student Calendar Survey March 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £500 Amazon e-voucher

1 x £250 Amazon e-voucher

1 x £150 Amazon e-voucher

(“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) 10th March 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 3rd April 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Student Calendar Survey March 2023 sent by us.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. As at 9 am 10th March 2023 have been Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 1st May 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Three winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw. The first winner selected will receive the Amazon e-voucher worth £500, the second winner selected will receive the Amazon e-voucher worth £250 and the third selected winner will receive the Amazon e-voucher worth £150.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

The Design Brief – Arden Berlin Buddy Bear Competition


For many years now, the Buddy Bear sculptures have been globally popular figures. On the one hand, they are recognised as an unofficial symbol of Berlin. On the other hand, through the many United Buddy Bears exhibitions, the bears stand for tolerance, international understanding and living together in peace. Along with these two core values, their popularity also originates in their friendly-looking bear shape and their diverse artistic designs.


You are required to create a digital design to cover the Berlin Buddy Bear to be used as the Arden Berlin Study Centre mascot.

Please note: if you are chosen as the winner you will be required to come to our Berlin Study Centre to paint your design on the physical bear that we provide, in accordance with clause 6 of the Terms and Conditions.

We plan to unveil the painted mascot at the Arden University’s student lounge opening party on 5th May 2023.

Your design should:

  1. Be an original and unique work of art;
  2. Convey a broad international body of students;
  3. Use typography and pictograms from many cultures;
  4. Embody the word ‘fun’;
  5. Not be overly simplistic. Designs showing the bear with shirt and trousers or overalls are prohibited;
  6. Not include any logos, website addresses or printed advertising; and
  7. Comply with the Buddy Bear Berlin guidelines (https://shop.buddy-baer.com/media/pdf/9d/99/62/BBB-Design-Guidelines.pdf).

Target audience

  1. Arden University students
  2. Arden University staff
  3. Visitors to the Berlin Study Centre

Design use

The design will be used for the following (this is not an exhaustive list):

  1. The design will be painted on the physical Bear mascot which will be used as the Arden Berlin Study Centre mascot.

Please see clause 3 of the Terms and Conditions on how to submit your Entry.

If you have any questions, you can contact the School of Design at schoolofdesign@arden.ac.uk.

Please read the full terms and conditions below for the Arden Berlin Buddy Bear Competition for entry details.


Arden Berlin Buddy Bear Competition- Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden Berlin Buddy Bear Competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms. 

Please note: if you are chosen as the winner, you will be required to come to our Berlin Study Centre to paint your design on the physical bear that we provide, in accordance with clause 6.

The winning design will be used by Arden University as described in the Design Brief.


If the winner resides in the United Kingdom, Arden will reimburse the winner for the following:

  1. x1 economy class return plane ticket including luggage and seat reservation from any airport in the United Kingdom to any airport in Berlin from and including 3rd May 2023 to 6th May 2023 only.
  2. Hotel accommodation in Germany (specific location to be decided by Arden) with breakfast from and including 3rd May 2023 to 6th May 2023 only.
  3. Evening meals for each night spent in Germany from and including 3rd May 2023 to 6th May 2023 only up to the value amount of € 50 per evening.
  4. x1 sightseeing activity in Germany (to be chosen by Arden) in Berlin on a day between and including 3rd May 2023 to 6th May 2023 only, up to the value of € 100.
  5. Travel within Germany will not be paid for by us; this will be the responsibility of the winner.

If the winner resides in Germany, they will be provided with x1 €200 Amazon e-voucher.

together “the Prize”.

This Prize is not payment for creating the Berlin Buddy Bear design or for painting the design unto the physical bear but it is a prize for winning the Competition.



1.1 The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Berlin Study Centre means the Arden Berlin study centre located at: University of Applied Sciences Europe, Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963 Berlin, Germany.

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as set out here.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an original Berlin Buddy Bear digital design for Arden University subject to the Design Brief that you send via email from your Arden University email address to schoolofdesign@arden.ac.uk. Your email must include the details set out at clause 3.2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) 10th March 2023 until 9am (UK time) 7th April 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on 10th March 2023 be on Enrolled on any course at Arden University; and

2.1.2. be residing in either the United Kingdom or Germany only.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry in digital format via email to schoolofdesign@arden.ac.uk. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. Your email must include:

3.2.1. your full name and Arden University student number;

3.2.2. the final design as a JPEG file;

3.2.3. (if you wish) a set of reflective statements on how the narrative fits the Design Brief;

3.2.4. (if you wish to consent) a completed and signed consent form which can be found here.

3.3. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your design does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.4. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.5. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.6. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.7. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by a panel of member of staff from the School of Design and Creativity, the Berlin Study Centre, Marketing team and the Arden University Student Association (the “Judges”) based on compliance with the Design Brief.

4.3. The Judges reserve the right to request from the winner amendments to the winning design.

4.4. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.5. The Judges will make their decision on or before 14th April 2023.

4.6. We will notify the winner via email (the “Notification”) no later than 10 Business Days from the day after the Judges make their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry.



5.1. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

5.2. If the winner resides in UK the winner must provide us with valid and official receipts / invoices of the cost they have incurred to buy the plane ticket, hotel accommodation, evening meals and sightseeing activity, no later than 30 days after the cost has been incurred. We will reimburse the winner for the costs incurred, up to the value set out in the Prize, via bank transfer within 20 Business Days from the day we confirm the winner’s valid bank account details. We will confirm bank account details with the winner and reserve the right to ask for and undertake investigations to confirm proof of identity and bank account details. We will be liable for any bank account fees incurred by the winner’s bank in connection with the bank transfer.

5.3. If the winner resides in Germany, we will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the Notification.

5.4. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

5.5. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



6.1. The winner will be required to travel to our Berlin Study Centre on 4th May 2023 and will be required to paint the winning design on a physical Bear. The winner must arrive at the Berlin Study Centre at 10 am. If the winner does not complete painting the physical Bear on the 4th May 2023, the winner will be required to travel to our Berlin Study Centre on 5th May 2023 to complete painting the winning design on the physical Bear. The winner must arrive at the Berlin Study Centre at 10 am.

6.2. Travel within Germany (including to the Berlin Study Centre) will not be paid for by us; this will be the responsibility of the winner.

6.3. We will provide the physical Bear and the paint and painting equipment to be used to paint the physical Bear.



7.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

7.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



8.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



9.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

9.2. You warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.

9.3. If you are selected as the winner of the Competition:

  1. you agree to waive all moral rights in your Entry;
  2. you will promptly assign to Arden University, with full title guarantee, all rights, title and interest in and to the copyright, design right and any other Intellectual Property rights in your Entry via a separate assignment agreement (the “Agreement”). Arden University is responsible for putting the Agreement in place;
  3. you will promptly do all such further acts including the execution of all such other documents, as we may from time to time require for the purpose of securing Arden University all rights, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property rights assigned to Arden University in accordance with clause 7.4 (b); and
  4. you agree that Arden University may edit, alter, adapt, manipulate, modify or otherwise deal with your Entry (or any portion of it) in any manner it sees fit.



10.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

10.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence and having all the necessary paperwork to use the Prize. It is your responsibility to ensure you have all the necessary personal identification and paperwork to travel to Berlin. Arden University will not sponsor the winner for a visa. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

10.3. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

10.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

10.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

10.6. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

10.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

10.8. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms and the Competition at any time.

10.9. We reserve the right to not use the winning design should it not comply with the requirements of the Buddy Bär Berlin GmbH.

10.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

10.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

10.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

10.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

10.14. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

10.15. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

10.16. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

10.17. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

10.18. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


The Arden Berlin Buddy Bear Competition– Marketing and Promotion Consent Form

For the avoidance of doubt, you do not have to provide your consent to any of the below and such consent is not a condition of your Entry to the Competition being accepted (so long as your Entry complies with the Terms).

Please confirm whether you consent to your participation in any of the following marketing/promotional activities in relation to the Competition:

☐  I consent to taking part in interviews (which may be photographed, filmed or recorded (audio and statements);

☐ I consent to a story board for the creation of your Entry (which may be photographed, filmed or recorded (audio).

☐ I DO NOT consent to any of the above marketing/promotional activities.

The marketing/promotional materials produced as a result of the events above shall be used by us and any third party we permit, in a number of media, including but not limited to print, digital and electronic use. These image(s) and/or recording(s) will be viewable and available to the general public world-wide via the internet.

I understand that:

  • editing may be required by us or by agents authorised by us for quality or technical purposes;
  • edited subsections may be used in other Arden University materials for purposes stated above;
  • the image(s) and/or recording(s) may be shared with third parties/affiliates for educational, marketing and promotional purposes;
  • the image(s) and/or recording(s) will be stored securely in appropriate file formats on servers belonging to us and/or our authorised agents/suppliers; and
  • publication on the internet will mean that the images and/or videos are available worldwide, including in countries where there is no data protection legislation.

By submitting this form, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition and the form. We are committed to processing information in accordance with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. The personal data collected on this form will be held securely, kept according to our record retention guidelines and will only be used in connection with the Competition. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information at https://arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy. For any data protection queries, please email dpo@arden.ac.uk.

If you have any queries about this form or wish to update your personal details, please contact the marketing team via email at marketing@arden.ac.uk.

This consent form, and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. You and us both irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with the consent form or its subject matter or formation.

The definitions in the Competition terms and conditions will apply in this Consent Form.


First Name: ____________________



Surname: ____________________




Student Number: ________________




Student Email: _________________



Signature: ____________________



Date: ____________________

Please send your complete and signed consent form to schoolofdesign@arden.ac.uk.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Module Evaluation Survey (March 2023 BNM Study Block) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 13th March 2023 until 5pm (UK time) Friday 24th March 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Module Evaluation Survey (March 2023 BNM Study Block) sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 13th March 2023, be Enrolled on a module on the BNM calendar which started in February 2023.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time during the Decision Period; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 27th March 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed, or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University Healthcare Management Book Cover Design Competition

Arden University is inviting all currently enrolled students to design a new healthcare management book cover for an exciting new book for Pearson developed and put together by our Healthcare Management team.

If you are interested in entering this competition, please ensure that you read the Design Brief and terms and conditions outlined below.


Design Brief

The Book

The book is an academic key skills book which covers subjects including settling into university, blended learning and preparing students for the journey ahead.

The chapters progress to discuss key skills in relation to topics such as academic skills, critical thinking, what to do in the final year of the course. The book further discusses research projects and how to put a project together.

The book title is ‘Key Skills’. The title reflects the myriad of skills that the book outlines in depth in order to prepare a student for the intersectionality between academia and employability which is at the core of the book.

The Design

The book cover will be available via our BibliU library and across various media and will represent a clear workflow of the skills and tools needed for good healthcare management. The cover will be seen by thousands of current students and future graduates and their families.

It is hoped that this cover will spark a social media campaign to raise awareness about the book and its practical application as a student resource, this needs to be considered whilst preparing the design for the book cover.

Design Elements

Your design of the book cover must include:

  1. a split page that defines the progression route from start to completion; and
  2. a 3-part progression image displaying the start, middle and end of the journey.

The book cover should be:

  1. clear;
  2. attractive; and
  3. a source of inspiration to students studying the subject of Healthcare Management.

Your entry must include:

  1. an Illustrator or Photoshop file; and
  2. a Jpeg of your design as a zip file.


Entry Process

Please read the full terms and conditions below for the Arden Healthcare Management Book Cover Design Competition for entry details.

If you have any questions, you can contact Rizwana Arshad- Senior Lecturer- School of Health and Care Management (rarshad@arden.ac.uk ).


Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden Healthcare Management Book Cover Design Competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms. 

The winning design will be used by Arden University as described in the Design Brief.


1x £50 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms. This Prize is not payment for designing the book cover but a prize for winning the Competition.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as defined above.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an original book cover design for Arden University subject to the Design Brief that you send via email from your Arden University email address to coshrimpton@arden.ac.uk. Your email must include the details set out at clause 3.2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) 20th March 2023 until 9am (UK time) 14th April 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on 20th March 2023 be on Enrolled on any course at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry in digital format via email to coshrimpton@arden.ac.uk, with the subject ‘Book Cover’. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. Your email must include:

3.2.1. your full name and Arden University student number;

3.2.2. the final design as an Illustrator or Photoshop file and a jpeg file of your design as a zip file;

3.2.3. a set of reflective statements on how the narrative fits the Design Brief;

3.2.4. (if you wish to consent) a completed and signed consent form (which can be found below).

3.3. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your design does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.4. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.5. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.6. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.7. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by a panel of academics and a Pearson representative (“the “Judges”) based on compliance with the Design Brief.

4.3. The Judges reserve the right to request from the winner amendments to the winning design.

4.4. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.5. The Judges will make their decision on or before 21st April 2023.

4.6. We will notify the winner via email (the “Notification”) no later than 10 Business Days from the day after the Judges make their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry.

4.7. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.8. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the Notification.

4.9. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.10. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

7.2. You warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.

7.3. You are permitted to use Arden University’s logo for the purpose of participating in this Competition. You are not permitted to use it for any other purpose.

7.4. If you are selected as the winner of the Competition:

  1. you agree to waive all moral rights in your Entry;
  2. you will promptly assign to Arden University, with full title guarantee, all rights, title and interest in and to the copyright, design right and any other Intellectual Property rights in your Entry via a separate assignment agreement (the “Agreement”). Arden University is responsible for putting the Agreement in place;
  3. you will promptly do all such further acts including the execution of all such other documents, as we may from time to time require for the purpose of securing Arden University all rights, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property rights assigned to Arden University in accordance with clause 7.4 (b); and
  4. you agree that Arden University may edit, alter, adapt, manipulate, modify or otherwise deal with your Entry (or any portion of it) in any manner it sees fit.



8.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.3. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

8.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

8.6. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

8.8. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms and the Competition at any time.

8.9. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.10. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.11. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.12. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.13. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.14. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.15. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.16. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.17. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


The Arden Healthcare Management Book Cover Design Competition – Marketing and Promotion Consent Form

For the avoidance of doubt, you do not have to provide your consent to any of the below and such consent is not a condition of your Entry to the Competition being accepted (so long as your Entry complies with the Terms).

Please confirm whether you consent to your participation in any of the following marketing/promotional events, should you be selected as the winning Entrant of the Arden Healthcare Management Book Cover Design Competition   (“the Competition”):

☐  a story board for the creation of your Entry (which may be photographed, filmed or recorded (audio));

☐  interviews (which may be photographed, filmed or recorded (audio and statements));

The marketing/promotional materials produced as a result of the events above shall be used by us and any third party we permit, in a number of media, including but not limited to print, digital and electronic use. These image(s) and/or recording(s) will be viewable and available to the general public world-wide via the internet.

I understand that:

editing may be required by us or by agents authorised by us for quality or technical purposes;

edited subsections may be used in other Arden University materials for purposes stated above;

the image(s) and/or recording(s) may be shared with third parties/affiliates for educational, marketing and promotional purposes; 

the image(s) and/or recording(s) will be stored securely in appropriate file formats on servers belonging to us and/or our authorised agents/suppliers; and

publication on the internet will mean that the images and/or videos are available worldwide, including in countries where there is no data protection legislation.

We are committed to processing information in accordance with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. The personal data collected on this form will be held securely, kept according to our record retention guidelines and will only be used in connection with the Competition. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information at https://arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy. For any data protection queries, please email dpo@arden.ac.uk.

If you have any queries about this form or wish to update your personal details, please contact the marketing team via email at marketing@arden.ac.uk.

This consent form, and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. You and us both irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with the consent form or its subject matter or formation.





First Name: ____________________



Surname: ____________________

Student Number: ____________________



Student Email: ____________________

Signature: ____________________




Date: ____________________

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University PTES Participation Gift offer and Prize Draw (together “the PTES Incentives”).


These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).


We are Arden University Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, whose registered office is Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.



If you want to claim the Participation Gift and be entered into the Prize Draw, you (Entrant) will need to send your Entry to competitions@arden.ac.uk within the Entry Period. Submitting an Entry is optional which means you can complete the PTES without submitting an Entry. If you do wish to submit an Entry, please follow these Terms.  


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.   

Entry means a clear image photographed from your screen, either by manual screenshot or sending a photograph of the survey page confirming that you have completed the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (“PTES”) 2023 student survey. “Entries” should be read accordingly.

Entry Period means from 12 noon (UK time) Monday 22nd May 2023 until 5pm (UK time) Friday 16th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Participation Gift means an Amazon e-voucher worth £15 (fifteen pounds sterling).

Prize means one Amazon e-voucher worth £500 (five hundred pounds sterling).

Programme means all postgraduate courses (in any study mode), provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the PTES Incentives, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme; and

2.1.2. have received an email invitation from us to take part in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the PTES Incentives if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from a course (including your Programme) at Arden University; or

2.2.2. are blocked or suspended as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. Unless we state otherwise, the Discretionary Fee Waiver does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.



3.1. You must submit your Entry via email only to competitions@arden.ac.uk. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you agree to:

3.4.1. receiving the Participation Gift;

3.4.2. be entered into the Prize Draw; and

3.4.3. be bound by these Terms.

3.5. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. If your Entry is valid and complies with these Terms, we will provide the Participation Gift to you via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 14 working days from when we receive your Entry. We will use your Arden University student email address.

4.2. No cash alternative is available. The Participation Gift is personal to you and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be automatically entered into the Prize Draw.

5.2. Your Entry will only count for one Entry into the Prize Draw. You cannot submit more than one Entry for the Prize Draw.

5.3. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner of the Prize Draw. The random draw will take place on or before Monday 12th June 2023 (“Draw Date”) and will be carried out live via a GoTo Webinar. (Invitations to attend the random draw will be sent out to all Entrants before the Draw Date).

5.4. Only one winner will be chosen from Entries entered into the random draw.

5.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

5.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 14 working days from the day after the Draw Date. We will use your Arden University student email address.

5.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

5.8. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.9. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Participation Gift and/or Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Participation Gift and/or Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Participation Gift and Prize; this includes being able to use the Participation Gift and Prize in your country of residence. No alternative reward will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the PTES Incentives.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We accept no responsibility for any Entry that is lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

6.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the PTES Incentives and an Entrant’s participation in the PTES Incentives including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.7. The PTES Incentives are not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.8. The PTES Incentives can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.9. The PTES Incentives, Participation Gift and Prize are awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final. 

6.10. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the PTES Incentives at any time. 

6.11. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

6.12. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.13. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.14. We will not be liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the PTES Incentives. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.15. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Participation Gift or Prize, or any interception of the Participation Gift or Prize once distributed.

6.16. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.17. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.18. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies or any other terms issued by us relevant to the PTES Incentives, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

6.19. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the PTES Incentives. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective from 1st May 2023

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the DL July 2023 Early Bird Offer (“EBD Offer”) enabling international students who are studying via online distance learning and who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you”/“your”) to receive a reduction in their Course Fee for their Eligible Course.

About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on our Website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on your Eligible Course as appropriate.

Contact us at: https://arden.ac.uk/contact-us

1. Definitions

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Course means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Courses;

Course Fee means the total published tuition fee to be paid to us for a Course from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Course Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment; 

EBD Offer means the reduction of the Course Fee for your Eligible Course by a total of £1,000.00 (one thousand pounds sterling), in accordance with and subject to these Terms;

Eligible Course means any foundation + undergraduate course, any undergraduate course and any postgraduate course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Course and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly.

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Eligible Course (as if the EBD Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your place has been confirmed by us;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority;

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person; and

Website means www.arden.ac.uk.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the EBD Offer you must meet the following criteria (the “Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. You are deemed by Arden University to be an international student i.e. you are not a UK student;

2.1.2. You have accepted an offer to study your chosen Eligible Course for the July 2023 intake only;

2.1.3. Your Eligible Course is for a total of: 120 credits or more, if you apply for a postgraduate Eligible Course; or 240 credits or more, if you apply for a foundation + undergraduate Eligible Course or an undergraduate only Eligible Course; and

2.1.4. You pay the holding fee or full fee for your chosen Eligible Programme by, the deadline stated in your offer letter or in any event, no later than 23:59 (in your local time zone) on Monday 12th June 2022.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to these Terms

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the EBD Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent;

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the EBD Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

2.5. If you deferred to the July 2023 intake, you may still be eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to satisfying the obligations under these Terms.

3. Application of the EBD Offer

3.1. Unless we confirm otherwise, if you are a student paying via a payment plan, the EBD Offer will be taken off your Course Fee in pro-rata sums from all your levels of study. For example, if you are studying an undergraduate Course that has 3 levels of study, one third of the EBD Offer will be applied against each level.

3.2. If you are a student paying in full, the EBD Offer will be reflected onto the full Course Fee you are required to pay.

4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Course or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy on our Website for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The EBD Offer is subject to cancellation by us in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.

5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Course to a Course which is not an Eligible Course, your EBD Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible for the EBD Offer. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability for the Eligible Course and your new Course.


5.2. The EBD Offer applies to students starting in the July 2023 intake only, therefore if you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Course to any other intake, the EBD Offer will no longer be applied to you, and you may be eligible for the Fee Liability (including deposits) of your Eligible Course.  

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you wish to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Course, please see our Leave of Absence Policy on our Website.

5.4. During your leave of absence, the EBD Offer will still apply to your Eligible Course. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.

6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse or to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Course for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Course; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Course exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if the running or continuation of your Eligible Course becomes, in our opinion, unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Course or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, including (without limitation) the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Course subject to there being a place available.

7. General

7.1. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The EBD Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision will be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the EBD Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the EBD Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.12. For the avoidance of doubt, if your EBD Offer is revoked, you may be liable for the Fee Liability for your Eligible Course.

7.13. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.14. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.15. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Module Evaluation Survey (May 2023 BNM Study Block) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).


These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 1st May 2023 until 5pm (UK time) Friday 12th May 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Module Evaluation Survey (May 2023 BNM Study Block) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 1st May 2023, be Enrolled on a module on the BNM calendar which started in February 2023.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.3. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time during the Decision Period; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 15th May 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed, or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – DL May Intake 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Friday 5thth January 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 5th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL May Intake 2023) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Friday 5th January 2023 be Enrolled on an online distance learning Programme that started in the May 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 6th June 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Spread Your Wings Graduation Day Competition for the Berlin May 2023 graduation (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk


Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”) will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x €100 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 1pm (CEST time) on Tuesday 16th May 2023 until 1pm (CEST time) on Tuesday 17th May 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. Be a graduate of Arden University who attends the Berlin May 2023 graduation ceremony (“Graduation Ceremony”) as a graduate/graduand.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff members can submit an Entry but their Entries will not be considered for the shortlist and winner positions. 


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. your photo should be taken at the Arden Wings stand at the Graduation Ceremony, clearly including the Arden Wings within the photo;

3.2.2. you must be following Arden University on the social media platform you submit your Entry on, either Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn;

3.2.3. submit a post (not a ‘story’) with your photo on one of the above social media platforms tagging Arden University and using the official graduation hashtag, ‘#ArdenGrad’.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. The owner of the social media account must be the Entrant.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. Staff from our social media team will select a shortlist of five Entries, upon which an overall winner will be chosen from. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.3. We will only enter valid Entries into the shortlist.

4.4. The selection of the shortlist and winner will take place on or before Tuesday 23rd May 2023 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Competition to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry:

5.2.1. you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, modify, and publish (whether online or offline) your Entry; and

5.2.2. you agree to us re-posting and sharing your Entry on our social media accounts. 


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc; Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Meta Platforms Inc; Twitter Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Twitter Inc, Snap Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Snap Inc; LinkedIn, Microsoft Corporation or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Microsoft Corporation.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University CertHE ‘Intro to HE’ Feedback Survey May 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £30 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Tuesday 9th May 2023 until 9am (UK time) Thursday 18th May 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means the Business Management CertHE course, the Health & Care Management CertHE course, or the Computing CertHE course provided and awarded by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the CertHE ‘Intro to HE’ Feedback Survey May 2023 sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 9th May 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme; and

2.1.2. take part in the Introduction to HE module beginning on Monday 8th May 2023 at one of our study centres.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 19th May 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, “we” and/or “us”) operates the Arden Faculty of Social Sciences (“FoSS”) Social Logo Design Competition (“the Competition”).

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).


To be considered for this Competition, you (the “Entrant”) must submit an Entry within the Entry Period. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.


1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as set out here.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry means an original logo design for the FoSS Social created by an Entrant in compliance with these Terms.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Wednesday 17th May 2023 to 5pm (UK time) Wednesday 31st May 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Prize is as defined above.

Programme means a Faculty of Social Sciences course (at any level) provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Wednesday 17th May 2023, be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University Student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person; or

2.2.6. any part of your Programme application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Competition (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent (including where your design is not original).

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside of the Entry Period.

3.3. To enter the Competition you must submit your Entry in digital format via the Microsoft Form found at the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/nSHXMz5JsD

3.4. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to Bethany Wainwright (bwainwright@arden.ac.uk). The consent form can be found here.

3.5. Your entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.6. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.7. By submitting you Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.

3.8. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.


4.1. On or before Friday 2nd June 2023 (but after the Entry Period), 3 individuals from the FoSS Social project group (“the Judges”) will select the top 3 Entries based on creativity and adherence to the Design Brief. The winner of the Competition will be decided from the top 3 Entries chosen via the Voting Process set out below.

4.2. By entering this Competition, you agree to your Entry being published on the Microsoft Form for the Voting Process, if you are chosen as one of the top 3 Entries.

4.3. The Judges reserve the right to request from, the top 3 Entries, amendments to the winning designs

4.4. Voting Process:

4.4.1. voting must be done via the Microsoft Form in the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/9eJVCTBWRD

4.4.2. voting will open from 9am (UK time) on Monday 5th June 2023 to 5pm (UK time) on Monday 12th June 2023;

4.4.3. to be eligible to vote, you must be a student Enrolled on a Programme;

4.4.4. there is only one vote per person eligible to vote;

4.4.5. You must not try to vote more than once; and

4.4.6. if you are one of the top 3 Entries selected for the Voting Process, you must not try to influence the Voting Process in any way and you are not allowed to vote for your own Entry.   

4.5. The winner of the Competition will be the Entry with the most votes following the Voting Process.

4.6. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.7. The decision of the Judges and the Voting Process will be No correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of the Judge’s decision or the Voting Process result.

4.8. We will notify the winner via email (the “Notification”) on or before Friday 16th June 2023 using the email address provided in the winning Entry.

4.9. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.10. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email within 1 month from the day after the winner is notified. We will use the email address provided in the winning Entry to contact the winner.

4.11. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By entering the Competition, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. All Entrants are granted permission, from the start of this Competition to the expiry of the Entry Period, to use our brand guidelines as provided in the Design Brief for the purpose of participating in this Competition only.

6.2. All Entries and any accompanying material and information submitted to us will become our property on receipt and will not be returned.

6.3. You warrant to Arden University that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

6.4. You warrant to Arden University that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your

6.5. If you are selected as the winner of the Competition:

6.5.1. You agree to waive all moral rights in your Entry

6.5.2. You will promptly assign to us, with full title guarantee, all rights, title and interest in and to the copyright, design right and any other Intellectual Property rights in your Entry via a separate assignment agreement (the “Agreement”);

6.5.3. You will promptly do all such further acts including the execution of all such other documents, as we may from time to time require for the purpose of securing for ourselves all rights, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property rights assigned to us in accordance with clause 5.2 and

6.5.4. You agree that we may edit, alter, adapt, manipulate, modify or otherwise deal with your Entry (or any portion of it) in any manner in which we see fit.


7.1. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any

7.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative Prize will be provided by us.

7.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

7.5. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

7.6. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.10. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.11. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.12. We will not be liable for any intellectual property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.15. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.16. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.17. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – BL May Intake 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Tuesday 16th May 2023 until 9am (UK time) Tuesday 6th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey – BL May Intake 2023 sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. have been Enrolled on a blended learning Programme, in the May 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3 you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Wednesday 7th June 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, “we”/”us”) operates the quarterly Library Portal Feedback prize draw occurring in July, October, January and April on a rolling basis (subject to these Terms), each the “July Prize Draw”, the “October Prize Draw”, the “January Prize Draw” and the “April Prize Draw”, and collectively the “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)

We are Arden University Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, whose registered office is Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who submit a completed feedback form (the “Entry”) during the Entry Period will be entered into one of the Prize Draws (depending on when the Entry was submitted) to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. All Entries must be submitted via the link to the feedback form here.


One Amazon e-voucher worth £50.00 (fifty pounds sterling) (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2;

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1;

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information;

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. currently be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from your Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or suspended as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, if you are or become a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), you can still complete the feedback form, but you will not be entered into the Prize Draw as stated at clause 2.4.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who are also undertaking paid roles with us (e.g. Student Ambassadors) can still complete the feedback form, but they will not be entered into the Prize Draw. Student Representatives are eligible to complete the feedback form and to be entered into the Prize Draw

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the feedback form.


3.1. All Entries must be submitted via the link to the feedback form here. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. You can submit more than one feedback form each quarter, but we will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 1 for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.3. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be automatically entered into the relevant Prize Draw. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates stated are included in the period):

4.1. 1st January to 31st March your Entry will be entered into the April Prize Draw;

4.2. 1st April to 30th June your Entry will be entered into the July Prize Draw;

4.3. 1st July to 30th September your Entry will be entered into the October Prize Draw;

4.4. 1st October to 31st December your Entry will be entered into the January Prize Draw;

(“Entry Period”).

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the first Wednesday that occurs after the end of the relevant Entry Period (the “Draw Date”). For example, the Draw Date for an October Prize Draw will be the first Wednesday after 30th If the first Wednesday is a bank holiday in the UK, the random draw will take place on the next Wednesday that occurs.

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from Entries correctly submitted.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 14 working days from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the winner’s primary email address that we have in our records.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under Prize Draw, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, May 2023 Start) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 12th June 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 26th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, September 22 Start) sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 12th June 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme; and currently studying a BL module on the SCC calendar study block (which began in May 2023).

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 27th June 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Alumni Careers Survey Prize Draw May 2023 - Berlin prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


One Amazon.com e-voucher worth £200.00 (two hundred pounds sterling) (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Tuesday 23rd May 2023 until 9am (UK time) Thursday 15th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Alumni Careers Survey Prize Draw May 2023 - Berlin sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 be an Arden University alumni who studied a blended learning Programme and graduated at the Arden University Berlin graduation in May 2023.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 16th June 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Mid Module Survey (DL Calendar, May 2023 Start) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 29th May 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 12th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Mid Module Survey (DL Calendar, May 2023 Start) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 29th May 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme; and currently studying a DL module on the DL Calendar study block (which began in May 2023).

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 13th June 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student Calendar Survey May 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £500 Amazon e-voucher

1 x £250 Amazon e-voucher

1 x £150 Amazon e-voucher

(“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 12 noon (UK time) Tuesday 30th May 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 3rd July 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Student Calendar Survey May 2023 sent by us.


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. As at 12 noon (UK time) on Tuesday 30th May 2023 have been Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 24th July 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Three winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw. The first winner selected will receive the Amazon e-voucher worth £500, the second winner selected will receive the Amazon e-voucher worth £250 and the third selected winner will receive the Amazon e-voucher worth £150.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Career Support Survey June 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Tuesday 6th June until 9am (UK time) Friday 7th July 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded by Arden University that is in the following schools:

  • School of Computing
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Health and Care Management

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Career Support Survey June 2023 sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 6th June 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme, at either level 5 or level 6;

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 14th July 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student Feedback Survey June 2023 for Multifactor Authentication (MFA) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £250 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 12th June 2023 until 9am (UK time) Friday 14th July 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Student Feedback Survey June 2023 for Multifactor Authentication (MFA) sent by us.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am 12th June 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 21st July 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. One winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the winner’s Entry to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student Success at Berlin Survey June 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 26th June until 9am (UK time) Wednesday 26th July 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Student Success at Berlin Survey June 2023 sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 26th June 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme as a blended learning student at our Berlin study centre;

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Wednesday 2nd August 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Spread Your Wings Graduation Day Competition for the London graduation ceremony in June 2023 (“the Competition”).


These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”) will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 27th June 2023 until 9am (UK time) on Wednesday 28th June 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. Be a graduate of Arden University who attends the London June 2023 graduation ceremony (“Graduation Ceremony”) as a graduate/graduand.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff members can submit an Entry but their Entries will not be considered for the shortlist and winner positions.



3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. your photo should be taken at the Arden Wings stand at the Graduation Ceremony, clearly including the Arden Wings within the photo;

3.2.2. you must be following Arden University on the social media platform you submit your Entry on, either Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn;

3.2.3. submit a post (not a ‘story’) with your photo on one of the above social media platforms tagging Arden University and using the official graduation hashtag, ‘#ArdenGrad’.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. The owner of the social media account must be the Entrant.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. Staff from our social media team will select a shortlist of five Entries, upon which an overall winner will be chosen from. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.3. We will only enter valid Entries into the shortlist.

4.4. The selection of the shortlist and winner will take place on or before Tuesday 4th July 2023 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Competition to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry:

5.2.1. you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, modify, and publish (whether online or offline) your Entry; and

5.2.2. you agree to us re-posting and sharing your Entry on our social media accounts.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc; Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Meta Platforms Inc; Twitter Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Twitter Inc, Snap Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Snap Inc; LinkedIn, Microsoft Corporation or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Microsoft Corporation.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University UK Alumni Careers Student Survey July 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Arden University Alumni means an individual who, within 5 years prior to Wednesday 5th July 2023, has obtained a qualification/award from completing a Programme.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Wednesday 5th July 2023 until 9am (UK time) Tuesday 8th August 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University UK Alumni Careers Student Survey July 2023 sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Wednesday 5th July 2023 be an Arden University Alumni.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. studied a Programme with Arden University via or in partnership with another institution; or =

2.2.2. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.3. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University Alumni via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 15th August 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student’s Association Creative Competition (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit an entry to the competition, providing their details and indicating in the entry that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


One Amazon e-voucher worth £100.00 (one hundred pounds sterling) (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 24th July 2023 until 9am (UK time) Thursday 10th August 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Competition means the Arden University Student’s Association Creative Competition.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 24th July 2023 be an Arden University student, Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the competition.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry to competitions@arden.ac.uk. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a competition for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A winner will be decided by a selection process from a panel of Arden University Student Association members, including but not limited to, the President, the Managing Director, the Distance Learning Vice-President and one Academic staff member. The selection process for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 24th August 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the entry to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

6.2. By submitting an entry, you consent to us publishing and sharing your full name as the winner of the Arden University Student’s Association Creative Competition on Unitu, the Arden University Student Association website and the Foss News Paper, in line with UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective from 7th August 2023

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the DL October 2023 Early Bird Offer (“EBD Offer”) enabling international students who are studying via online distance learning and who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you”/“your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme.

About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on our Website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on your Eligible Programme as appropriate.

Contact us at: https://arden.ac.uk/contact-us 

1. Definitions

1.1. In these Terms: 

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

EBD Offer means the reduction of the Programme Fee for your Eligible Programme by a total of £1,000.00 (one thousand pounds sterling), in accordance with and subject to these Terms;

Eligible Programme means any foundation + undergraduate course, any undergraduate course and any postgraduate course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only. For the avoidance of doubt, Top Ups are not Eligible Programmes.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly.

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Eligible Programme (as if the EBD Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes;

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority;

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person; and

Website means www.arden.ac.uk.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the EBD Offer you must meet the following criteria (the “Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. You are deemed by Arden University to be an international student i.e. you are not a UK student;

2.1.2. You have accepted an offer to study your chosen Eligible Programme for the October 2023 intake only;

2.1.3. Your Eligible Programme is for a total of: 120 credits or more, if you apply for a postgraduate Eligible Programme; or 240 credits or more, if you apply for a foundation + undergraduate Eligible Programme or an undergraduate only Eligible Programme; and

2.1.4. You pay the holding fee or full fee for your chosen Eligible Programme by, the deadline stated in your offer letter or in any event, no later than 23:59 (in your local time zone) on Monday 4th September 2023.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to these Terms

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the EBD Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent;

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the EBD Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, if your EBD Offer is revoked, you may be liable for the Fee Liability for your Eligible Programme.

2.6. If you deferred to the October 2023 intake, you may still be eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to satisfying the obligations under these Terms.

3. Application of the EBD Offer

3.1. Unless we confirm otherwise, if you are a student paying via a payment plan, the EBD Offer will be taken off your Programme Fee in pro-rata sums from all your levels of study. For example, if you are studying an undergraduate Programme that has 3 levels of study, one third of the EBD Offer will be applied against each level.

3.2. If you are a student paying in full, the EBD Offer will be reflected onto the full Programme Fee you are required to pay.

4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy on our Website for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The EBD Offer is subject to cancellation by us in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.

5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence 


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme which is not an Eligible Programme, your EBD Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible for the EBD Offer. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability for the Eligible Programme and your new Programme. 


5.2. The EBD Offer applies to students starting in the October 2023 intake only, therefore if you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme to any other intake, the EBD Offer will no longer be applied to you, and you may be eligible for the Fee Liability (including deposits) of your Eligible Programme.  

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you have been granted a leave of absence, during your leave of absence, the EBD Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.

6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse or to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes, in our opinion, unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, including (without limitation) the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available. 

7. General

7.1. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The EBD Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision will be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the EBD Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the EBD Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – DL July Intake 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 7th August 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 28th August 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL July Intake 2023) sent by us.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 7th August 2023 be Enrolled on an online distance learning Programme that started in the July 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 11th September 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Regional Offer offer that applies a discount to the Programme Fee for the Eligible Programmes based on the nationality of the students wishing to study at our Berlin study centre (“Regional Offer”).

About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us

1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means any MSc, MA and MBA course offered by us that is available to be studied via Blended Learning at our Berlin study centre only;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Regional Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Regional Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Regional Offer Criteria”):

2.1.1. you are national of a country listed at Schedule 2 at the date of your Application; and

2.1.2. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for one of the following Berlin intakes: November 2023, February 2024, May 2024, or September 2024.

2.2. We reserve the right to request from you evidence of proof of nationality.

2.3. Unless we state otherwise, the Regional Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Regional Offer, subject to the Terms. 2.5. Even though you satisfy the Regional Offer Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Regional Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.5.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at an institution (this includes Arden University);

2.5.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears;

or 2.5.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student;

or 2.5.4. we are not, in our sole and absolute discretion, satisfied with the evidence of proof provided under 2.2;

or 2.5.5. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent;

 or 2.5.6. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Regional Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent;

or 2.5.7. you are a Sanctioned Person.

3. How we apply the Regional Offer

3.1. The Regional Offer will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Regional Offer Criteria.
Please see Schedule 1 for the Programme Fee (with the Regional Offer applied) for all Eligible Programmes.

4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you will forfeit your Regional Offer. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Regional Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.

5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Regional Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes listed at Schedule 1 in order for the Regional Offer to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, the Regional Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.

6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 6.1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.

7. General

7.1. The Regional Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us, unless we agree otherwise. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The Regional Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Regional Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Regional Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time. 7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Schedule 1 – Eligible Programmes


Eligible Programme Type

Programme Fee (with the Regional Offer applied)


IntakesStudy Mode

MSc and MA courses


9,000 euros per levelNovember 2023, February 2024, May 2024, September 2024International Blended Learning (Berlin study centre only)

MBA (including MBA (Graduate)) courses


10,500 euros per level


Schedule 2 – Eligible Countries

South AmericaNorth AmericaCentral America
  •  Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Suriname
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Belize
  • Costa Rica
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
The CaribbeanMENA, Africa and CIS Region South Asia
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Algeria
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahrain
  • Belarus
  • Botswana
  • Cameroon
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Ghana
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Lebanon
  • Moldova
  • Morocco
  • Nigeria
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Senegal
  • Rwanda
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • UAE
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
  •  Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka

By accepting your graduation prize, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the prize. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

Where there is a law (including but not limited to sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the prize to you.

You are not eligible for a prize and we are under no obligation to award a prize, if there are any outstanding monies that you owe to Arden University and these have not been paid to Arden University 6 weeks prior to your graduation ceremony.

It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these terms, you are able to use the prize; this includes being able to use the prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the prize

We accept no liability for any costs incurred by a winner for accepting a prize.

We will not be liable for any intellectual property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the prize and a nominee’s participation in the prize.

The prize can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us. The prize is given at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the terms or the prize at any time.

You may not transfer any of your rights under these terms to any other individual or entity.

Nobody else has any rights under these terms. These terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these terms and the prize. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the prize, or any interception of the prize once distributed.

If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

If we delay in enforcing any of these terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

Each of the provisions in these terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

These terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the CertHE Intro to HE Feedback Survey Prize Draw September 2023 (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £30 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the five chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Friday 1st September until 9am (UK time) Monday 18th September 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course in the School of Computing, School of Psychology and School of Health and Care Management provided and awarded by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the CertHE Intro to HE Feedback Survey September 2023 sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Friday 1st September be Enrolled on a Programme; and

2.1.2. be studying at Arden’s Holborn London, Linley House Manchester or Barlow House Manchester study centre.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 2nd October 2023(“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only five winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – BL September Intake 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 4th September 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 2nd October 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all study centre calendar programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey (BL September Intake 2023) sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 4th September 2023 be Enrolled on a blended learning Programme that started in the September 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 9th October 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms. 


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, “we” and/or “us”) operates the Arden University Institute of Foundation Studies, Arden Achieve Poster Competition Terms and Conditions (“the Competition”).

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).



To be considered for this Competition, you (the “Entrant”) must submit an Entry within the Entry Period. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.



  1. For the winner of the ‘Best Poster Design’ category, x1 £50 Amazon e-voucher;
  2. For the winner of the ‘Best Academic Writing’ category, x1 £50 Amazon e-voucher;
  3. For the winner of the ‘Most Innovative Idea’ category, x1 £50 Amazon e-voucher;
  4. For the runner-up of the ‘Best Poster Design’ category, x1 £25 Amazon e-voucher;
  5. For the runner-up of the ‘‘Best Academic Writing’ category, x1 £25 Amazon e-voucher;
  6. For the runner-up of the ‘Most Innovative Idea’ category, x1 £25 Amazon e-voucher.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as set out here.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry means an original poster created by an Entrant in compliance with these Terms.

Entry Period means 9:00am (UK time) on the Friday of week 2 of the Arden Achieve Block 4 to 11:59pm (UK time) on the Friday of week 5 of the Arden Achieve Block 4.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Prize is as defined above.

Programme means an Institute of Foundation Studies course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.



2.1. To be eligible to enter this Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University at the time of submitting an Entry;

2.1.2. be in the Arden Achieve Block 4 of your foundation year of your Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University Student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person; or

2.2.6. any part of your Programme application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Competition (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent (including where your design is not original).

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside of the Entry Period.

3.3. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry in digital format via Turnitin.

3.4. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to Jodi Withers (jwithers@arden.ac.uk) and Stefan Overton (soverton@arden.ac.uk). The consent form can be found here.

3.5. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.6. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.7. By submitting you Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.

3.8. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.



4.1. This is a recurring Competition that occurs in each Arden Achieve Block 4, subject to clause 1. During week 6 of the Arden Achieve Block 4, four lecturers from the Institute of Foundation Studies school who have not taught any classes during the Arden Achieve Block 4 that the Competition relates to at the time (“the Judges”) will select the winners and runners-up as listed below based on creativity and adherence to the Design Brief:

4.1.1.   x1 winner of the ‘Best Poster Design’ category;

4.1.2.   x1 winner of the ‘Best Academic Writing’ category;

4.1.3.   x1 winner of the ‘Most Innovative Idea’ category;

4.1.4.   x1 runner-up of the ‘Best Poster Design’ category;

4.1.5.   x1 runner-up of the ‘‘Best Academic Writing’ category; and

4.1.6.   x1 runner-up of the ‘Most Innovative Idea’ category.

4.2. The decision of the Judges will be No correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of the Judge’s decision.

4.3. We will notify the winners and runners-up via email (the “Notification”) during week 7 of the Arden Achieve Block 4 to their Arden email address.

4.4. The winners and runners-up will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and runner-up and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners and runners-up via email within 1 month from the day after the winner is notified. We will use your Arden email address.

4.6. In the event that a winning Entry (or runner-up) is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winner / runner-up.



5.1. By entering the Competition, you consent to your contact details being used by us to administer your Entry in this Competition, and to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. You warrant to Arden University that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

6.2. You warrant to Arden University that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your

6.3. If you are selected as a winner or runner-up of the Competition you agree to grant us a licence to use your Entry.



7.1. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any

7.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative Prize will be provided by us.

7.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

7.5. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

7.6. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.10. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.11. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.12. We will not be liable for any intellectual property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.15. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.16. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.17. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, “we” and/or “us”) operates the Arden AI Art Competition “Envisioning Future Tech in Your Own Industry’’ (“the Competition”).

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).



To be considered for this Competition, you (the “Entrant”) must submit an Entry within the Entry Period. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.


  1. First place winner: the first place winner will receive a €75 Amazon e-voucher, Ferrero Rocher chocolates and a certificate from Arden for coming first place in the Competition;
  2. Second place winner: the second place winner will receive a €20 Amazon e-voucher, Ferrero Rocher chocolates and a certificate from Arden for coming second place in the Competition;
  3. Third place winner: the third place winner will receive Ferrero Rocher chocolates and a certificate from Arden for coming third place in the Competition.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Awards Ceremony means the Arden University Digital Experience Week closing ceremony held at 5:30pm (CEST) on Friday 13th October 2023 at Arden University’s Berlin study centre located at Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963 Berlin, Germany.

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as set out here.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry means an image that an Entrant has created using artificial intelligence (“AI”), in compliance with the Design Brief.

Entry Period means from 9am (CEST time) 14th September 2023 to 9am (CEST time) Thursday 5th October 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Prize is as defined above.

Programme means a blended learning course (at any level), at our Berlin study centre, provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (CEST time) on 14th September 2023, be Enrolled on a Programme at the Arden University Berlin study centre.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University Student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person; or

2.2.6. any part of your Programme application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Competition (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent (including where your design is not original).

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside of the Entry Period.

3.3. To enter the Competition you must submit your Entry in digital format via the Microsoft Form found

3.4. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to berlincareers@arden.ac.uk. The consent form can be found here.

3.5. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.6. Your Entry must not have been published It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.7. You must not put anything (including words and images) into the AI generator that belongs to or is owned by Arden University (including Arden University’s name and logo) or someone else.

3.8. By submitting you Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.

3.9. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.



4.1. After the end of the Entry Period, we will run a Voting Process whereby all Entries will be entered into the Voting Process and the winners will be chosen via the Voting Process.

4.2. By entering this Competition, you agree to your Entry being published on PollUnit for the Voting Process as set out below, and you agree that if you are chosen as one of the winners, your name and image can be published and announced at the Awards Ceremony.

4.3. Voting Process:

4.3.1. voting must be done via PollUnit;

4.3.2. voting will open from 7am (CEST time) on Monday 9th October 2023 to 3pm (CEST time) on Friday 13th October 2023;

4.3.3. to be eligible to vote, you must be a student Enrolled on a Programme, or a staff member at Arden;

4.3.4. there is only one vote per person eligible to vote;

4.3.5. you must not try to vote more than once; and

4.3.6. if you submit an Entry, you must not try to influence the Voting Process in any way and you are not allowed to vote for your own Entry.

4.4. The first place winner of the Competition will be the Entry with the most votes following the Voting Process; the second place winner of the Competition will be the Entry with the second most votes following the Voting Process; and the third place winner of the Competition will be the Entry with the third most votes following the Voting Process.

4.5. The decision of the Voting Process will be No correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of the Voting Process result.

4.6. We will notify the Winners at the Awards Ceremony (the “Notification”) on Friday 13th October 2023The Winners will also be notified by email within one week of the Notification.

4.7. The Winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each Winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.8. We will provide the Prize to the Winners within 1 month of the Notification. We will use your Arden University email address. The Amazon e-voucher for the Winners will be provided via email (which will come directly from Amazon). The chocolates and certificate will be provided to the Winners at the Awards Ceremony or if the Winners do not attend the Awards Ceremony, the Winners are responsible for liaising with the Berlin Careers team to arrange the collection of the chocolates and certificate from our Berlin study centre.

4.9. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By entering the Competition, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any

6.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative Prize will be provided by us.

6.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.5. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

6.6. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.9. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.10. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.11. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.12. We will not be liable for any intellectual property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.14. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.15. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.16. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.17. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Green Libraries Week 2023 Prize Draw (the “Prize Draw”). 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you”/”your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit one or more Entries will be entered into the Prize Draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


One Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 32GB WiFi Android Tablet (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means:

  1. you attend one of the workshops or writer’s retreats provided by Arden University during Libraries Week and complete the Green Libraries Week Feedback Form found here. You must register for the workshops and/or writer’s retreat using your Arden University email address and you must complete the feedback form using your Arden University email address; or
  2. during Libraries Week, you submit one book recommendation to the ‘Environment, Sustainability & Green Awareness’ eBook collection by completing the ‘Request an eBook’ form found here, using your Arden University email address. Your book recommendation should be in line with our Green Libraries Week sustainability theme; or
  3. you submit one sustainability tip with your full name via email to libraries@arden.ac.uk using your Arden University email address, which we may choose to publish in a blog post during Libraries Week. Please note, by submitting this Entry you give us consent to publish your tip and your name on our website and social media channels; or
  4. you submit at least one song recommendation by completing the form found here, using your Arden University email address, which will be added to the Arden University ‘Reduce, Regroove, Recycle’ Spotify playlist for Libraries Week. Your song(s) recommendation should be in line with our Green Libraries Week sustainability theme.

Each will be considered as an “Entry”. If you submit more than one Entry, your submissions will be collectively known as “Entries”.

Entry Period means 9am (UK time) Thursday 14th September 2023 to 9am (UK time) Friday 13th October 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Libraries Week means Monday 2nd October 2023 to Friday 6th October 2023.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on any Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.



3.1. To submit an Entry for this Prize Draw, you must follow the instructions on how to submit your Entry in the definition of ‘Entry’ as set out above.

3.2. You can submit more than one type of Entry and each Entry you submit will be counted separately in the Prize Draw; for example, if you attend a workshop and submit a song recommendation, this will count as 2 Entries in the Prize Draw. However, you cannot submit the same type of Entry more than once; for example, you cannot submit more than one Green Libraries Week Feedback Form and you cannot submit more than one sustainability tip.

3.3. Subject to the definition of ‘Entry’, you must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. We reserve the right to check our records to satisfy ourselves that your Entry is correct. We may request from you evidence to confirm your Entry is correct. Our decision following our checks and verifications are final.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be automatically entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Thursday 19th October 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above.

4.5. After the Draw Date, we will notify the winner via email, using their Arden University email address, that they have won the Prize (“the Notification”). Within 5 Business Days of the Notification, the winner must provide us with their residential address (we reserve the right to request proof of residential address) for the delivery of the Prize Draw. Within 1 month of us being satisfied of the winner’s residential address, we will order the Prize to be delivered to the winner’s confirmed residential address. Please note, delivery times are subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier used to deliver the Prize.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winner.



5.1. Entering the Prize Draw, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Prize Draw. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence.

6.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.7. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.9. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Samsung, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Samsung.

6.10. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.11. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.12. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.13. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.14. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.15. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.16. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.17. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.19. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.20. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.21. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.22. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the monthly Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event Competitions for its Berlin study centre students, occurring in September 2023, October 2023 and November 2023, each the ‘September Competition’, the ‘October Competition’ and the ‘November Competition’, and collectively the ‘Competition’. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you”/”your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms. 


Free Entry to the Betahaus Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event held on the following dates for the Competition as set out below:

For the winners of the September Competition: Thursday 28th September 2023 at 10am – 11am (German time).

For the winners of the October Competition: Thursday 26th October 2023 at 10am – 11am (German time).

For the winners of the November Competition: Thursday 30th November 2023 at 10am – 11am (German time).

(“the Prize”). The Betahaus Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event will be held in person at betahaus Kreuzberg, Rudi Dutschke Straße 23, Innospace.  



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means a paragraph (up to 100 words) explaining what the Entrant would hope to get out of attending a Betahaus Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event, if they were to be given the Prize.

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University that can be studied at Arden University’s Berlin study centre.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person..



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must, at the time of the submission of their Entry:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on any Programme at the Arden University Berlin study centre student; and

2.1.2. not have been chosen as a winner for the Competition more than four times between 14th September 2023 and 30th November 2023.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry via email to englishlanguagehub@arden.ac.uk, with the subject line as ‘Application for Betabreakfast’. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted in any other way.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be automatically entered into the relevant Competition. If you submit your Entry between:

4.1.1. 9am (German time) on 14th September 2023 to 9am (German time) on 19th September 2023, your Entry will be entered into the September Competition;

4.1.2. 9am (German time) on 20th September 2023 to 9am (German time) on 19th October 2023, your Entry will be entered into the October Competition;

4.1.3. 9am (German time) on 20th October 2023 to 9am (German time) on 19th November 2023, your Entry will be entered into the November Competition.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by a panel of two staff members from the English Language Hub (the “Judges”) based on how much motivation is shown in the Entry and the quality of the academic writing of the Entry.

4.3. The Judges will choose 5 winners for the September Competition, 5 winners for the October Competition and 5 winners for the November Competition based on the criteria set out in clause 2.

4.4. The Judges will make their decision within 3 Business Days from the end of each Entry Period for each Competition.

4.5. We will notify the winners via email no later than 2 Business Days from the day after the Judges make their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry (“the Notification”). The winner must confirm to us, within 24 hours of the Notification, whether they will be attending the Betahaus Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event or not. In the event that a winner confirms that they will not be attending the Betahaus Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event, we reserve the right to choose a new winner and give the new winner the Prize.

4.6. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs. It is each winner’s responsibility to organise and pay for their transport to and from the Betahaus Betabreakfast Start-Up Pitch Event to use their Prize.

4.7. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of the decision.

4.8. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.



6.1. Entering the Prize Draw, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Competition. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.7. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Betahaus, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Betahaus.

7.8. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.9. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.10. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

7.11. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.12. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.13. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.14. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.15. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.16. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.17. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.18. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.19. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.20. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Student Route Scholarship enabling students who are chosen (“you” / “your”) to receive a 100% reduction of the Programme Fees for their Eligible Programme (“Student Route Scholarship”).


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means our postgraduate MBA course offered by us that is available to be studied via the UK full time (student route) study mode;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Student Route Scholarship was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us; 

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. The number of Student Route Scholarships awarded by us shall be limited to 10 (ten), under these Terms.

2.2. To be considered eligible for the Student Route Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.2.1. you must have achieved a 2:2 (or equivalent) or above degree classification; Ordinary/Pass degrees are excluded. Please note, in line with our admissions entry requirements, we use ECCTIS to make decisions on Applications we receive; ECCTIS will therefore be used to assist us in determining your eligibility under this sub-paragraph 2.1.

2.3. If you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, we will consider you for the Student Route Scholarship. We will award the Student Route Scholarship to the best Applications that we receive. We will consider the following criteria (this is not an exhaustive list) when considering who to award the Student Route Scholarship to:

2.3.1. How well you perform in your interview with us;

2.3.2. Previous experience living and studying abroad

2.3.3. Level and understanding of the English language; and

2.3.4. Personal statement/motivation.

2.4. Unless we state otherwise, the Student Route Scholarship does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise stated, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Student Route Scholarship, subject to these Terms.

2.6. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Student Route Scholarship if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.6.1. you are requesting any additional credits from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University) to be used to gain exemptions from the full programme i.e. you must not have any credit bearing exemptions to study your Eligible Programme;

2.6.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.6.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.6.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.6.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Student Route Scholarship (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.6.6. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the Student Route Scholarship

3.1. If you are awarded the Student Route Scholarship, we will automatically apply the Student Route Scholarship to you.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Student Route Scholarship is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you are permitted to transfer from your Eligible Programme to a programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Student Route Scholarship cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme to any other intake, we will determine, at our sole discretion, whether the Student Route Scholarship will apply to your Eligible Programme for your deferred intake.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence, during your leave of absence, the Student Route Scholarship will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The Student Route Scholarship is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The Student Route Scholarship is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Student Route Scholarship at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Student Route Scholarship. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Diversity Fest Playlist Prize Draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.


Entrants (“you”/”your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit one or more Entries will be entered into the Prize Draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


A £10 Amazon e-voucher to be given to 10 chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means the details of a song, that:

a) means something to you; and

b) is available to be played on Spotify in the UK.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 18th September 2023 until 9am (UK time) Friday 29th September 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries. Each Entry will count as 1 entry into the Prize Draw.

3.2. You must submit your Entry via email, using your Arden University email address, to competitions@arden.ac.uk. Your email must state:

3.2.1. the name of the song you have chosen;

3.2.2. the artist of the song;

3.2.3. your full name;

3.2.4. your student number, if you are a student, or your job title, if you are a member of staff at Arden University.

3.3. Your Entry must not include offensive language or themes (including swearing), or anything distressing.

3.4. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.5. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to competitions@arden.ac.uk. The consent form can be found here.

3.6. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 


4.1. By submitting a valid Entry, you will be automatically entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. We will only enter valid Entries into the Prize Draw.

4.3. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 10th October 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.4. Only 10 (ten) winners will be chosen from the Prize Draw.

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the winner’s Arden University student email address.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. Entering the Prize Draw, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Prize Draw. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.7. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.9. This Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Spotify.

6.10. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.11. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.12. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.13. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.14. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.15. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.16. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.17. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.19. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.20. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.21. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.22. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Diversify Me Lego Prize Draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.


Entrants (“you”/”your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit one or more Entries will be entered into the Prize Draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


A £10 Amazon e-voucher to be given to 10 chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms. 


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms;

Entry means a photograph of a LEGO figure, built by you, that represents you;

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 18th September 2023 until 9am (UK time) Friday 29th September 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University; or

2.1.2. be a staff member at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries. Each Entry will count as 1 entry into the Prize Draw.

3.2. You must submit your Entry via email, using your Arden University email address, to competitions@arden.ac.uk. In your email, you must include your full name; and your Arden University student number if you are a student, or your job title if you are a staff member of Arden University.

3.3. Your Entry must not include offensive language or themes (including swearing), or anything distressing.

3.4. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.5. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to competitions@arden.ac.uk. The consent form can be found here.

3.6. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting a valid Entry, you will be automatically entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. We will only enter valid Entries into the Prize Draw.

4.3. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 10th October 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.4. Only 10 (ten) winners will be chosen from the Prize Draw.

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the winner’s Arden University email address.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. Entering the Prize Draw, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Prize Draw. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.7. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.9. This Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by LEGO.

6.10. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.11. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.12. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.13. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.14. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.15. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.16. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.17. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.19. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.20. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.21. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.22. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Diversity Fest What Makes You, You Prize Draw (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.


Entrants (“you”/”your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit one or more Entries will be entered into the Prize Draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


A £10 Amazon e-voucher to be given to 10 chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms. 


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means your design that you create on our ‘What Makes You, You’ branded page found here. Your design should reflect ‘what makes you, you’ and can include both words and images or only words and images; for example, it can be a poem or a drawing;

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 18th September 2023 until 9am (UK time) Friday 29th September 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.  


2.1 To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry. 


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries. Each Entry will count as 1 entry into the Prize Draw.

3.2. You must submit your Entry via email, using your Arden University email address, to competitions@arden.ac.uk. In your email, you must include your full name; and your Arden University student number if you are a student, or your job title if you are a staff member of Arden University.

3.3. Your Entry must not include offensive language or themes (including swearing), or anything distressing.

3.4. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.5. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to competitions@arden.ac.uk. The consent form can be found here.

3.6. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 


4.1. By submitting a valid Entry, you will be automatically entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. We will only enter valid Entries into the Prize Draw.

4.3. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 10th October 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.4. Only 10 (ten) winners will be chosen from the Prize Draw.

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the winner’s Arden University student email address.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 


5.1. Entering the Prize Draw, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Prize Draw. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time. 


6.1. Except for our Intellectual Property in the ‘What Makes You, You’ branded page, which belongs to us, you warrant to Arden University that:

6.1.1. your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images; and

6.1.2. you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your 


7.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

7.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.19. If there is a confa4lict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Diversity Fest Social Media Prize Draw (the “Prize Draw”). 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)

Arden University Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 02450180, and registered office at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, UK. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.


Entrants (“you”/”your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit one or more Entries will be entered into the Prize Draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


A £10 Amazon e-voucher to be given to 10 chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms; is eligible under clause 2; and is the owner of the social media account used to submit their Entry.  

Entry means a post of a photo of yourself engaging with the Arden University Diversity Fest content, in any way and in any context, in one of our study centres or online, posted on either Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and/or LinkedIn. You must tag Arden University’s official social media account on the social media channel your post is on, and you must include the official Diversity Fest hashtag on your post: #ArdenDiversityFest.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 18th September 2023 until 9am (UK time) Friday 29th September 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still submit an Entry.


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries. Each Entry will count as 1 entry into the Prize Draw.

3.2. Your Entry must not include offensive language or themes (including swearing), or anything distressing.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. If you wish to consent to participating in marketing and promotional activities, please send your completed and signed consent form to competitions@arden.ac.uk. The consent form can be found here.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting a valid Entry, you will be automatically entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. We will only enter valid Entries into the Prize Draw.

4.3. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 10th October 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.4. Only 10 (ten) winners will be chosen from the Prize Draw.

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. Within 7 Business Days of the Draw Date, we will confirm to the winners that they have won the Prize. We will contact the winners using the social media account used to submit their Entry (“the Notification”). Within 5 Business Days of the Notification, each winner must provide us with their valid email address for us to send the Prize to. Within 1 month of us being satisfied of the email address provided, we will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon).

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. Entering the Prize Draw, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Prize Draw. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.7. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc, X Corp, LinkedIn, Microsoft Corporation, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as such companies listed.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University Global Tiers Offer 2024 - 2025 – Online Distance Learning

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Global Tiers Offer that applies a discount to the Programme Fee for Eligible Programmes based on the nationality and place of residence of the students wishing to study at Arden via the online distance learning study mode (“Global Tiers Offer”).

About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us

1.Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means the programmes listed at Schedule 1 offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Global Tiers Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Global Tiers Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Global Tiers Offer Criteria”):

2.1.1. you are national of, or a residence of, a country listed at Schedule 3 at the date of your Application; and

2.1.2. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for one of the intakes set out at Schedule 2.

2.2. We reserve the right to request from you evidence of proof of nationality and proof of country of residence.

2.3. Unless we state otherwise, the Global Tiers Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Global Tiers Offer, subject to the Terms.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, the Global Tiers Offer does not apply to applicants/students who we deem as ‘UK students’.

2.6. Even though you satisfy the Global Tiers Offer Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Global Tiers Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.6.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at an institution (this includes Arden University);

2.6.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.6.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.6.4. we are not, in our sole and absolute discretion, satisfied with the evidence of proof provided under 2; or

2.6.5. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.6.6. any part of your Application, or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Global Tiers Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.6.7. you are a Sanctioned Person.

3. How we apply the Global Tiers Offer

3.1. The Global Tiers Offer will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Global Tiers Offer Criteria. The reduction of your tuition fee will depend on which Tier you fall under; please see Schedule 2 for the Programme Fee (with the Global Tiers Offer applied) for all Eligible Programmes.

4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you will forfeit your Global Tiers Offer. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Global Tiers Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.

5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Global Tiers Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes listed at Schedule 2 in order for the Global Tiers Offer to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, the Global Tiers Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.

6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.

7. General

7.1. The Global Tiers Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us, unless we agree otherwise. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. If you are eligible for the Global Tiers Offer under both Tier 1 and Tier 2 countries, we will give you the greatest discount that can be applied to you.

7.3. The Global Tiers Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.4. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Global Tiers Offer at any time. 

7.5. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.6. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.7. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.8. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.9. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Global Tiers Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.10. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.11. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.12. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.13. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.14. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at https://arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.15. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Schedule 1 – Eligible Programmes


Undergraduate (including themed routes/pathways, Top-Ups, and Foundation Year)

Postgraduate (including themed routes/pathways and Top-Ups)


1. BA (Hons) Business Management

2. BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance

3. BSc (Hons) Computing

4. BSc (Hons) Psychology

5. BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling

6. LLB (Hons) Law

1. MBA

2. MBA (Executive)

3. MSc Accounting and Finance

4. MSc Business Psychology

5. MSc Data Analytics (excluding HRM, Project Management, and Enterprise Architecture)

6. MSc Engineering Management

7. MSc Project Management

8. MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS)

9. MSc Strategic Digital Marketing

10. MSc Strategic Human Resource Management

11. MSc Supply Chain Management and Logistics

12. MSc Data Science



Schedule 2 – Global Tiers Offer applied


Eligible Programme Type

Programme Fee (with the Global Tiers Offer (Tier 1) applied)


Programme Fee (with the Global Tiers Offer (Tier 2) applied)


IntakesStudy Mode
Undergraduate only£12,375.00£7,425.00
  • January 2024
  • July 2024
  • April 2024
  • October 2024
  • January 2025
  • April 2025


Online Distance Learning
Undergraduate (Foundation)£15,375.00£9,225.00
Undergraduate (Top-Up)£4,125.00£2,475.00
MBA (Top-Up)£2,052.60£1,539.45
MSc / MA (excluding Psychology courses and MSc Finance and Accounting Top-Up)£6,330.00£4,747.50
MSc Psychology£5,100.00£3,825.00
MSc Finance and Accounting (Top-Up)£2,310.00£1,732.50


 Schedule 3 – Eligible Countries (Tier 1 and Tier 2 Countries)


Tier 1 Countries
Australia & OceaniaCIS

1. Australia

2. New Zealand

3. Papua New Guinea

1. Armenia

2. Azerbaijan

3. Belarus

4. Kazakhstan

5. Kyrgyzstan

6. Russia

7. Ukraine

8. Uzbekistan


Middle EastEurope (Non-EU)

1. Bahrain

2. Israel

3. Jordan

4. Kuwait

5. Oman

6. Qatar

7. Saudi Arabia

8. UAE

1. Georgia

2. Iceland

3. Kosovo

4. Liechtenstein

5. Monaco

6. Montenegro

7. North Macedonia

8. Norway

9. San Marino

10. Serbia

11. Switzerland

12. Turkey



Tier 2 Countries

1. Algeria

2. Botswana

3. Egypt

4. Ghana

5. Kenya

6. Malawi

7. Mali

8. Mauritius

9. Morocco

10. Namibia

11. Nigeria

12. Rwanda

13. Senegal

14. Seychelles

15. South Africa

16. Tanzania

17. Tunisia

18. Uganda

19. Zambia

20. Zimbabwe


1. Cambodia

2. China

3. Hong Kong

4. India

5. Indonesia

6. Laos

7. Malaysia

8. Myanmar

9. Nepal

10. Philippines

11. Singapore

12. South Korea

13. Sri Lanka

14. Thailand

15. Vietnam



1. Argentina

2. Belize

3. Bolivia

4. Brazil

5. Canada

6. Chile

7. Colombia

8. Costa Rica

9. Ecuador

10. El Salvador

11. Guatemala

12. Guyana

13. Honduras

14. Mexico

15. Nicaragua

16. Panama

17. Paraguay

18. Peru

19. Spain

20. Suriname

21. Uruguay

22. USA


1. Anguilla

2. Antigua and Barbuda

3. Aruba

4. Bahamas

5. Barbados

6. Bermuda

7. British Virgin Islands

8. Cayman Islands

9. Dominica

10. Dominican Republic

11. Grenada

12. Jamaica

13. Saint Kitts and Nevis

14. Saint Lucia

15. St Vincent and the Grenadines

16. Trinidad and Tobago

17. Tucks and Caicos Island

18. US Virgin Islands



These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, September 2023 Start) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 9th October 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 23rd October 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all ‘study centre calendar’ programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, September 2023 Start) sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on 9th October 2023 be Enrolled on a blended learning Programme that started in the September 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2 are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 14th November 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Graduation Support Fund (the “Fund”) which provides up to £156.10 to a graduate for their gowning costs, basic photography costs and travel costs incurred in attending their graduation ceremony, subject to these Terms.

About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also registered on the FCA’s Financial Services Register and a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme.

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us

1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly;

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information;

Programme means any course (at undergraduate level only) offered by us;

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Fund, you must meet the following criteria (“the Fund Criteria”): You are recorded on our systems as having undertaken your Programme either as a distance learner or blended learner and be based in the UK only; You must be eligible to attend the graduation ceremony, have received an invitation to register to attend our graduation ceremony and have registered to attend our graduation ceremony You must have attended the graduation ceremony that you registered to attend. We will confirm your attendance by using our registration records that we take at each graduation ceremony; and

2.1.2. You spend money on gowning, basic photography and/ or to travel to and/or from the graduation ceremony that you have registered your attendance for; and

2.1.3. You have a household income of less than £25,000, as evidenced through the Students Loan Company for blended learning students and through P60 and proof of unemployment for distance learning students; and

2.1.4. Reside in a postcode area defined on the Index of Multiple Deprivation as Q1 or Q2.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the Fund does not apply to you if you are currently an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who were introduced to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Fund, subject to the Terms.

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Fund Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Fund if any of the below apply:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Fund (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

3. Information about the Fund and how it will be applied

3.1 If you satisfy the eligibility criteria and submit a completed claim form in accordance with clauses 2 and 4, we will provide you with up to £156.10 less any bank charges incurred by us in processing the bank transfer under clause 3.2 and 3.3:

3.1.1. if you incur costs for basic photography and gowning, we will provide you with £56.10. Arden’s Inclusion team will manage this through Blackbullion;

3.1.2. if you incur costs for travel, we will provide you with up to £100 less any bank charges. If you incur costs for travel we will only provide you with the amount you incur, limited to £100. Arden’s Inclusion team will manage this through Blackbullion

3.2. The payment made by us to you under clause 3, will be made in pounds sterling regardless of the currency you use to pay for your travel, gowning and photography costs.

3.3. We will make the payment to you via bank transfer to the bank account you provide in your claim form, usually within 4-6 weeks of you attending your graduation ceremony. The bank account must belong to you and must be a UK bank account. We reserve the right to carry out due diligence, as we deem appropriate, before we make any payment to you under these Terms, in respect of the bank account information you provide, including but not limited to requesting relevant documentary evidence.

3.4. The Fund is provided on a first come first serve basis as there is limited budget for the Fund and therefore provision of the Fund is subject to availability of money within the budget.

4. How to apply for the Fund

4.1. In order to apply for the Fund you need to complete and submit the Fund claim form which can be accessed here. You should only submit a claim if you will incur travel costs, for yourself (this includes any type of travel e.g. car, train, plane, bus), for travelling to and from your chosen graduation ceremony, gowning costs and basic photography costs.

4.2. Your claim form must be submitted no later than 4 weeks from the date of the graduation ceremony you attended. We will not accept claim forms submitted after this date.

5. General

5.1. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to receipt of money from the Fund.

5.2. The Fund can be combined with any other offer run by us.

5.3. The Fund is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

5.4. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Fund at any time.

5.5. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

5.6. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

5.7. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

5.8. We accept no responsibility for any claim forms provided under clause 4 that are lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

5.9. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Fund. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

5.10. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

5.11. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

5.12. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

5.13. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

5.14. By submitting a claim form, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Fund. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at www.arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.15. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Black History Month Poetry competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms. 


The Prizes for this Competition will consist of the following:

For the winning student: x1 £50 Amazon e-voucher;

For the winning Arden staff member: x1 £50 e-voucher credited to your 'Arden Discounts on the SPARK’ account; or x1 £50 Amazon e-voucher, subject to clause 9.

Together “the Prize”.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an original poem written to the theme of ‘Black History Month’ that you send via email from your Arden University email address to REN@arden.ac.uk.  Your Entry must include the details set out at clause 3.3.

Entry Period means from 1pm (UK time) Friday 20th October 2023 until 9am (UK time) Friday 17th November 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 1pm (UK time) on Friday 20th October 2023 be Enrolled on any Programme at Arden University; or

2.1.2. as at 1pm (UK time) on Friday 20th October 2023 be an Arden member of staff.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry as a Microsoft Word file or PDF file and must submit it via email to REN@arden.ac.uk. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. Your email must include:

3.2.1. your full name and Arden University student number, if you are a student;

3.2.2. your full name, if you are an Arden member of staff; and

3.2.3. (if you wish to consent) a completed and signed consent form which can be found here.

3.3. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.4. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. Subject to these Terms, by submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by Andreena Leeanne (the “Judge”) based on what, in the Judge’s sole opinion, best captures the essence of Black History Month and artistic creativity of the poem.

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen from all valid Entries from Arden University students, and only one winner will be chosen from all valid Entries from Arden University staff members. Therefore, there will be a maximum of 2 winners.

4.4. The Judge reserves the right to request from the winners amendments to their winning poems.

4.5. The Judge will make their decision on or before Thursday 30th November 2023.

4.6. We will notify the winners via email (the “Notification”) no later than 10 Business Days from the day after the Judge makes their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry.

4.7. The winners will be awarded the Prizes as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.8. We will provide the Prize to the student winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Notification.

4.9. If the Arden staff member winner has a 'Arden Discounts on the SPARK’ account, we will credit x1 £50 e-voucher to their Flex Benefits System account within 1 month from the day after the Notification. If the Arden staff member winner does not have an 'Arden Discounts on the SPARK’ account, we will provide the x1 £50 Amazon e-voucher via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Notification.

4.10. The decision of the Judge is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.11. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

7.2. You warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.



8.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

8.6. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc, or Reward Benefit Gateway, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Reward Benefit Gateway.

8.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

8.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

8.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

8.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

8.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – DL October Intake 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 23rd October 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 13th November 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL October Intake 2023) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 23rd October 2023 be Enrolled on an online distance learning Programme that started in the October 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 4th December 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Halloween Social Media Prize Draw 2023 (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



To be considered for this Prize Draw, you (“the Entrant”) must submit an Entry within the Entry Period. Your eligibility for this Prize Draw are subject to these Terms.


1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the five chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2;and is the owner of the social media account used to submit their Entry.  

Entry means the comment that you post under one or both of our Spooky Halloween Social Media Posts that correctly identifies the number of Arden logos in the Spooky Halloween Social Media Post. For your Entry to be valid and entered into the Prize Draw, your comment must identify the correct number of Arden logos in the Spooky Halloween Social Media Post.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 31st October 2023 until 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 7th November 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Spooky Halloween Social Media Post means our social media post that we post on, Tuesday 31st October 2023, on our official Instagram and Facebook social media channels, that asks how many Arden logos can be found on the post.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. As at 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 31st October 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw.



3.1. You must submit/post your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.2. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant. This means, where you post multiple comments on either one or both of the Spooky Halloween Social Media Posts, we will only enter one Entry into the Prize Draw. For the avoidance of doubt, we will only accept an Entry that is correct i.e. that identifies the correct number of Arden logos in the Spooky Halloween Social Media Post.

4.2. We will put all correct and valid Entries into a random draw which will be performed by a computer process. Five winners will be selected out of the random draw. The random draw will take place on or before Friday 10th November 2023 (“Selection Date”).

4.3. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.4. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Prize Draw to contact the winner.

4.5. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.6. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as such companies listed.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective from 13th November 2023

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the DL January 2024 Early Bird Offer (“EBD Offer”) enabling international students who are studying via online distance learning and who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you”/“your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme.


About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on our Website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on your Eligible Programme as appropriate.

Contact us at: https://arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definitions

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

EBD Offer means the reduction of the Programme Fee for your Eligible Programme by a total of £1,000.00 (one thousand pounds sterling), in accordance with and subject to these Terms;

Eligible Programme means any foundation + undergraduate course, any undergraduate course and any postgraduate course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only. For the avoidance of doubt, Top Ups are not Eligible Programmes.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly.

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Eligible Programme (as if the EBD Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes;

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority;

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person; and

Website means www.arden.ac.uk.


2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the EBD Offer you must meet the following criteria (the “Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. You are deemed by Arden University to be an ‘international student’;

2.1.2. You have accepted an offer to study your chosen Eligible Programme for the January 2024 intake only;

2.1.3. Your Eligible Programme is for a total of: 120 credits or more, if you apply for a postgraduate Eligible Programme; or 240 credits or more, if you apply for a foundation + undergraduate Eligible Programme or an undergraduate only Eligible Programme; and

2.1.4. You pay the holding fee or full fee for your chosen Eligible Programme by, the deadline stated in your offer letter or in any event, no later than 23:59 (in your local time zone) on Monday 11th December 2023.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to these Terms

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the EBD Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent;

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the EBD Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, if your EBD Offer is revoked, you may be liable for the Fee Liability for your Eligible Programme.

2.6. If you deferred to the January 2024 intake, you may still be eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to satisfying the obligations under these Terms.


3. Application of the EBD Offer

3.1. Unless we confirm otherwise, if you are a student paying via a payment plan, the EBD Offer will be taken off your Programme Fee in pro-rata sums from all your levels of study. For example, if you are studying an undergraduate Programme that has 3 levels of study, one third of the EBD Offer will be applied against each level.

3.2. If you are a student paying in full, the EBD Offer will be reflected onto the full Programme Fee you are required to pay.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy on our Website for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The EBD Offer is subject to cancellation by us in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme which is not an Eligible Programme, your EBD Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible for the EBD Offer. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability for the Eligible Programme and your new Programme.


5.2. The EBD Offer applies to students starting in the January 2024 intake only, therefore if you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme to any other intake, the EBD Offer will no longer be applied to you, and you may be eligible for the Fee Liability (including deposits) of your Eligible Programme.  

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you have been granted a leave of absence, during your leave of absence, the EBD Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1.  We reserve the right to refuse or to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes, in our opinion, unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, including (without limitation) the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The EBD Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision will be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the EBD Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the EBD Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Induction and Recruitment Survey – BL November Intake 2023 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 20th November 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 11th December 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all blended learning (BL) study centre calendar programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Induction and Recruitment Survey (BL November Intake 2023) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 20th November 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme that started in the November 2023 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 18th December 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.17. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.18. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Module Evaluation Survey (DL Calendar - November 2023) prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 27th November 2023 until 9am (UK time) Monday 11th December 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all Distance Learning (DL) programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Module Evaluation Survey (DL Calendar - November 2023 sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 27th November 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winner. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Tuesday 9th January 2023 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.15. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.16. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the CertHE Intro to HE Feedback Survey Prize Draw November 2023 (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, via SurveyMonkey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £30 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the 5 chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 20th November until 9am (UK time) Monday 6th December 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means those enrolled on any course in the following schools Computing, Psychology and Health and Care Management provided and awarded by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the CertHE Intro to HE Feedback Survey November 2023 sent by us and submitted by the Entrant via SurveyMonkey.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 20th November be Enrolled on a Business Management, Computing or Health and Care Management CertHE Programme; and

2.1.2 be studying at Arden Tower Hill, Birmingham, Leeds, Holborn or Manchester Study Centre

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey. 


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via SurveyMonkey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 18th December (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. 5 winners will be chosen from all valid Entries for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Spread Your Wings Graduation Day Competition for the London graduation ceremony in November 2023 (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”) will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2;and is the owner of the social media account used to submit their Entry.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 28th November 2023 until 9am (UK time) on Wednesday 29th November 2023.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1 be a graduate of Arden University who attends the Arden University London November 2023 graduation ceremony (“Graduation Ceremony”) as a graduate/graduand.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff members can submit an Entry but their Entries will not be considered for the shortlist and winner positions.


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. your photo should be taken at the Arden Wings stand at the Graduation Ceremony, clearly including the Arden Wings within the photo;

3.2.2. you must be following Arden University on the social media platform you submit your Entry on, either Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) or LinkedIn;

3.2.3. submit a post (not a ‘story’) with your photo on one of the above social media platforms tagging Arden University’s official social media account (on the same platform) and using the official graduation hashtag, ‘#ArdenGrad’.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. Staff from our social media team will select a shortlist of five Entries, upon which an overall winner will be chosen from. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.3. We will only enter valid Entries into the shortlist.

4.4. The selection of the shortlist and winner will take place on or before Tuesday 5th December 2023 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Competition to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry:

5.2.1. you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, modify, and publish (whether online or offline) your Entry; and

5.2.2. you agree to us re-posting and sharing your Entry on our social media accounts.


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc, X Corp, LinkedIn, Microsoft Corporation, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as such companies listed.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Digital Experience Insights Survey (JISC) 2023/24 prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk).


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


  1. 1 x £250 Amazon e-voucher for the 1st place winner;
  2. 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher for the 2nd place winner; and
  3. 1 x £50 Amazon e-voucher for the 3rd place winner.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 12 noon (UK time) Thursday 7th December 2023 until 9am (UK time) Thursday 18th January 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the JISC Digital Experience Insights Survey 2023/24 sent by JISC to you. 


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am on Thursday 7th December 2023 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1 withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey. 


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Wednesday 31st January 2024 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Three winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place winners).

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the winner’s Entry to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Prize Draw under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective from 1st January 2024


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Refer a Friend Scheme (“the Scheme”). Successfully referring a friend to our Programmes could mean a £500 / €500 Amazon e-voucher or Programme Fee credit for you and your friend, subject to these Terms.


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s Main Terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time, including but not limited to: 

  • Arden University’s Terms and Conditions (“Main Terms”); 
  • Arden University’s Privacy Policy 
  • Arden University’s Course Fee Payment Policy; 
  • Arden University’s Refund Policy;  
  • Arden University’s Student Protection Plan;  
  • Arden University’s Student Regulations;
  • Arden University’s Admissions Criteria; and
  • Arden University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Copies of all Arden Policies are available at www.arden.ac.uk

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme (as defined below). 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a course at Arden University;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Programme means any course offered by Arden University that is worth a total of 120 credits or more.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Referral means the referral to us of a Referred Student by a Referrer;

Referral Form means the form available at www.arden.ac.uk/refer on which the Referred Student’s details and the Referrer’s unique referral code are provided to us, or such other form as may be approved by us from time to time;

Referral Reward means:

  1. if you are a self-funding UK or online distance learning student, or you are a self-funding student and your Programme Fee is paid in pounds sterling or any other currency except euros, a credit of £500 towards your Programme Fee will be applied to your student account;
  2. if you are a self-funding Berlin study centre student, or you are a self-funding student and your Programme Fee is paid in euros, a credit of €500 towards your Programme Fee will be applied to your student account;
  3. if you are a student paying via the Student Loans Company or an equivalent company, an Amazon e-voucher worth £500 (if your Programme Fee is paid in pounds sterling or any other currency except euros) or €500 (if your Programme Fee is paid in euros);
  4. if you are a student being sponsored by a company or other official sponsor (e.g. apprenticeships), an Amazon e-voucher worth £500 (if your Programme Fee is paid in pounds sterling or any other currency except euros) or €500 (if your Programme Fee is paid in euros);
  5. if you are an alumni, an Amazon e-voucher worth £500 (if you paid your Programme Fee in pounds sterling or any other currency except euros) or €500 (if you paid your Programme Fee in euros);
  6. if you are not a student and you are not an alumni, an Amazon e-voucher worth £500.

To determine which category you fall under, we will look at your position on the date we determine that clause 4.1 has been satisfied;

Referred Student means an individual who is introduced to us by a Referrer and:

  1. whose details are not already in our CRM;
  2. who has not previously made an Application to us (whether directly or indirectly);
  3. who has not previously studied with us;
  4. who completes the Referral Form; and
  5. who subsequently Enrols on a Programme;

Referrer means Referrer A and Referrer B;

Referrer A means an individual who has previously submitted an Application. For the avoidance of doubt, it is irrelevant whether the Application was subsequently accepted or rejected by us;

Referrer B means an individual whose details are in our CRM and who has not previously submitted an Application;

Scheme means this Refer a Friend Scheme as set out in these Terms;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. Referrer A may make up to ten (10) Referrals per intake under the Scheme.

2.2. Referrer B may make up to five (5) Referrals per intake under the Scheme.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, Referrer A and Referrer B may make more than the Referral limit stated in clause 1 and 2.2, however, this Scheme will not apply to any Referrals made in excess of the Referral limit i.e. we will not provide the Referrer or the Referred Student with the Referral Award for any Referrals made in excess of the Referral limit.

2.4. Unless we state otherwise, the Scheme does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.5. You will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Scheme if:

2.5.1. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.5.2. we become aware of any issues or inconsistency with the details provided on your Referral Form; or

2.5.3. your student account is in arears; or

2.5.4. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.5.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Scheme (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.5.6. the number of Referrals previously made by you exceeds the limits at clause 1 and 2.2; or

2.5.7. you are a Sanctioned Person.

2.6. If you are a student being sponsored by a company or other official sponsor (e.g. apprenticeships) you are not permitted to refer an individual who is sponsored by the same company or other official sponsor as you.

2.7. For the avoidance of doubt, if you are a Referrer who was originally introduced to us by or via an Arden University approved recruitment agent, you are permitted to make Referrals under the Scheme, subject to the Terms.


3. Participation

3.1. To apply for the Scheme, the Referred Student must complete the Referral Form. We will notify the Referred Student of the Referral upon receipt of a valid Referral Form. Referrals made in any other way will not be considered or accepted. Incomplete Referral Forms will not be accepted.

3.2. By completing the Referral Form, the Referred Student consents to being contacted by us in connection with the Scheme using their contact details provided.

3.3. The Referrer and the Referred Student must not be the same person. Where we identify they are the same person, for example by email address, phone number, or name, the Referral will be void and no reward will be given.

3.4. We accept no responsibility for Referrals that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Referrer and Referred Student to submit their Referral in accordance with these Terms.


4. Referral Reward

4.1. Subject to satisfactory verification by us, the Referral Reward for the Referrer and the Referred Student shall be awarded if, within 24 months of submitting a valid Referral Form, the Referred Student:

4.1.1. has passed the first and second module of the first level of their Programme within their first 3 attempts; and

4.1.2. has paid for the first and second module of the first level of their Programme.

4.2. The Referral Reward for the Referred Student and Referrer shall be awarded within 60 days following the date we determine that the criteria set out in clause 1 has been met.

4.3. The Referral Reward is personal to the Referrer and the Referred Student each individually and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs. No cash alternative is available.

4.4. If your Referral Reward is an Amazon e-voucher, we will send this to you via your student email address or residential address that we have on our system. If you are not a student or are no longer a student, we will confirm with you the residential or email address to send the Referral Reward to.


5. General

5.1. If, as a result of being given the Referral Reward, your student account is in credit following your withdrawal (initiated by you or us) or graduation, and you remain eligible for the Scheme under these Terms, we will give you an Amazon e-voucher worth the same amount of credit on your account that was derived from the Referral Reward, subject to these Terms at all times.

5.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Referral Reward to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Referral Reward to you.

5.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under the Scheme, you are able to use the Referral Reward in your country of residence. No alternative reward will be provided by us.

5.4. You may choose to refuse to receive the Referral Reward, however, we will not provide you with an alternative reward.

5.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Scheme.

5.6. The Scheme is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

5.7. The Scheme can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

5.8. The Scheme and the Referral Reward is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final. 

5.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Scheme at any time. 

5.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

5.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

5.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

5.13. We will not be liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Scheme. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

5.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Referral Reward, or any interception of the Referral Reward once distributed.

5.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

5.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

5.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies or any other terms issued by us relevant to the Scheme, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

5.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

5.19. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.20. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship 2024

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship enabling students who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you” / “your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme (“UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship”).


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website ( www.arden.ac.uk ).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s student terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application  means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means any MSc, MA and MBA course offered by us that is available to be studied via online distance learning for UK students only. PG Top-Ups and PG Certificate courses are excluded from this definition of Eligible Programme;

Enrolled  means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability  means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme  means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee  means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date  means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions  means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person  means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. The number of UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarships awarded by Arden University under these Terms shall be limited to no more than:

2.1.1. 243, for MSc, MA or MBA Eligible Programmes (excluding MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) and MA Visual Communication Design (Management)); and

2.1.2. 121, for MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) or MA Visual Communication Design (Management).

2.2. To be considered eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.2.1. you are deemed by us to be a UK student;

2.2.2. you submit a complete Application to us for your Eligible Programme;

2.2.3. you have achieved a 2:1 (or equivalent) or above degree classification; Ordinary/Pass degrees are excluded. Please note, in line with our admissions entry requirements, we use ECCTIS to make decisions on Applications we receive; ECCTIS will therefore be used to assist us in determining your eligibility under this sub-paragraph 2.3 ;

2.2.4. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for any online distance learning intakes from and including January 2024 to October 2024.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners as amended from time to time.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who apply to study with us under a progression or articulation agreement between Arden University and a third party, are not eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship, subject to these Terms.

2.6. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.6.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University);

2.6.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.6.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.6.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.6.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.6.6. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship

3.1. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for how the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship will be applied.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes referred to under sub-paragraph 2.4, in order for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship cannot be combined with any other offer. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


Schedule 1 – UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship application

We will apply the ‘Reduction’ amount depending on the ‘Degree Classification (or equivalent) achieved’. If you are a self-funded student or an SLC funded student, the ‘Reduction’ will be applied in equal amounts (where possible) across your payment plan(s). If you are a student paying in full, the ‘Reduction’ will apply in equal amounts (where possible) to your entire payment(s).


Degree Classification (or equivalent) achievedReduction for level 7 fees
For MSc, MA and MBA Eligible Programmes excluding MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) and MA Visual Design Communication
For MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) and MA Visual Communication Design (Management)


Blended and Online Distance Learning Courses | Arden University Arden University offers a wide range of online Distance Learning courses and Blended Learning qualifications including Degrees, Masters and even Top-up degrees. We offer online courses for students...

Arden University Student Satisfaction Survey 2024 Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Satisfaction Survey prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“Entry”) will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win a Draw Prize, and may receive the Participation Prize, subject to these Terms.



Participation Prize: 1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the first valid 30 Entries.

Draw Prizes:

1 x £500 Amazon e-voucher for the 1st place winner;

1 x £250 Amazon e-voucher for the 2nd place winner; and

1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher for the 3rd place winner.


Collectively, the “Prize”.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 22nd January 2024 until 9am (UK time) Friday 23rd February 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Student Satisfaction Survey 2024 sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 22nd January 2024 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win one of the Draw Prizes, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the three winners (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place winners). The random draw will take place on or before Friday 5th April 2024 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. In addition, the first thirty (30) Entrants who submit a valid Entry will automatically receive the Participation Prize.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.15. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.16. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL, 2024) Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL, 2024) prize draw occurring in March 2024, June 2024, September 2024 and December 2024 (subject to these Terms), each the “March Prize Draw”, the “June Prize Draw”, the “September Prize Draw”, and the “December Prize Draw” and collectively “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all distance learning (DL) programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Induction and Recruitment Survey (DL, 2024) sent by us. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1. for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the relevant Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates states are included in the period):

4.1.1. 9am (UK time) Friday 26th January 2024 to 9am Monday 19th February 2024 your Entry will be entered into the March Prize Draw;

4.1.2. 9am (UK time) Friday 19th April 2024 to 9am Monday 13th May 2024 your Entry will be entered into the June Prize Draw;

4.1.3. 9am (UK time) Friday 2nd August 2024 to 9am Monday 26th August 2024 your entry will be entered into the September Prize Draw; and

4.1.4. 9am (UK time) Friday 25th October 2024 to 9am Monday 18th November 2024 your Entry will be entered into the December Prize Draw.

(collectively the “Entry Period”).

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the following Draw Dates:

4.2.1. Friday 1st March 2024 for the March Prize Draw;

4.2.2. Monday 3rd June 2024 for the June Prize Draw;

4.2.3. Monday 2nd September 2024 for the September Prize Draw; and

4.2.4. Monday 2nd December 2024 for the December Prize Draw.

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from valid Entries.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the relevant Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University Student Perspective Poster Competition– Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student Perspective Poster Competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their Entry to the Competition will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £50 Amazon e-voucher for the 1st place winner; and

1 x £25 Amazon e-voucher for the 2nd place winner.

Collectively, (“the Prize”).



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.   

Entry means an original piece of writing submitted via Turnitin on the Institute of Foundation Studies Distance Learning School Page which complies with the conditions as set out in clause 3.2.

Entry Period means from 6pm (UK time) on Monday 29th January 2024 until 2pm (UK time) on Friday 9th February 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means an Institute of Foundation Studies programme (distance learning only) provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. As at 6pm on Monday 29th January 2024 be an Arden University student Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. you must submit your entry via Turnitin, using your Arden University student email address, on the Institute of Foundation Studies Distance Learning School Page (https://moodle.bl.rdi.co.uk/course/view.php?id=4108);

3.2.2. write an original piece of advice that you would give to other distance learning students, your Entry must:

  1. Be no more than 500 words;
  2. Be submitted on one PowerPoint slide, set to size A3;
  3. Be focused on one piece of advice;
  4. Explain why your advice is important and demonstrate how it can help other distance learners;
  5. Include citations and a reference list where you have used research; and
  6. aim to be engaging; you can use the first person (I, me).

3.3. Your entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.4. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. The valid Entries will be judged by a panel of two staff members from the Institute of Foundation Studies (the “Judges”) based on the creativity of the poster design and the advice provided within the Entry.

4.3. The Judges will choose the winners based on the criteria set out in clause 4.2.

4.4. Selection, by the Judges. of the first and second place winner will take place on or before Friday 16th February 2024 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use your Arden University student email address to provide the prize to you, if you are a winner.

4.7. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



By entering the Competition, you consent to your contact details being used by us to administer your Entry in this Competition, and to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. You warrant to Arden University that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

6.2. You warrant to Arden University that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.

6.3. If you are selected as a winner or runner-up of the Competition, you agree to grant us a licence to use your Entry in our IFS Quarterly Newsletter.



7.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

7.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

7.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Amazon.com Inc.

7.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

7.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, 2024) Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, 2024) prize draw occurring in May 2024, August 2024 and November 2024 (subject to these Terms), each the “May Prize Draw”, the “August Prize Draw” and the “November Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all blended learning ‘study centre calendar’ programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Mid Module Survey (SCC Calendar, 2024) sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1. for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the relevant Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates states are included in the period):

4.1.1. 9am (UK time) Monday 25th March 2024 to 9am Monday 8th April 2024 your Entry will be entered into the May Prize Draw;

4.1.2. 9am (UK time) Monday 10th June 2024 to 9am Monday 24th June 2024 your Entry will be entered into the August Prize Draw; and

4.1.3. 9am (UK time) Monday 7th October 2024 to 9am Monday 21st October 2024 your entry will be entered into the November Prize Draw.

(collectively the “Entry Period”).

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the following Draw Dates:

4.2.1. Wednesday 1st May 2024 for the May Prize Draw;

4.2.2. Tuesday 1st August 2024 for the August Prize Draw; and

4.2.3. Friday 1st November 2024 for the November Prize Draw.

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from valid Entries.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the relevant Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Arden University National Student Survey Participation Prize 2024 - Terms and Conditions

PLEASE NOTE: This is an optional prize and you do not have to claim the prize if you complete the National Student Survey. If you do want to claim the prize, please read the terms and conditions below.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University National Student Survey Participation Prize promotion (“the NSS Participation Prize Promotion”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Ipsos Mori’s National Student Survey Provider’s Prize Draw Terms and Conditions (“Ipsos Mori Terms”) and the Arden University supplemental terms and conditions covering the NSS Prize Draw (“Supplemental Terms”), both of which can be found at www.arden.ac.uk/terms-and-conditions.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Confirmation Email means an email from the National Student Survey (“NSS”), clearly showing your full name and confirming that you (the Entrant) have completed the National Student Survey’s 2024 student survey. We will not accept emails that simply show a ‘Thank you for completing the NSS’ message.

Entrant has the same meaning in the Supplemental Terms. 

Prize means an Amazon e-voucher worth £10 (ten pounds sterling).

Submission Period means 9am (UK time) Thursday 1st February 2024 to 23:59 (UK time) on Thursday 29th February 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible to claim the Prize the Entrant must forward to us their Confirmation Email (“the Submission”), subject to clause 3.

2.2. The NSS Participation Prize Promotion is not open to:

2.2.1. an employee or worker (whether permanent or temporary) of Arden University Limited;

2.2.2. anyone related to an individual under clause 2.1; or

2.2.3. a Sanctioned Person. 


3.1. We will only accept one Submission per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Submission within the Submission Period only. We will not accept a Submission submitted outside the Submission Period.

3.3. You must submit your Submission via email only to nss@arden.ac.uk. We will not accept a Submission submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Submission, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. A Submission that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 


4.1. Entrants who submit a Submission in accordance with these Terms will be awarded the Prize.

4.2. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of such decision.


5.1. If your Submission complies with these Terms, we will provide the Prize to you (the Entrant) via an email (from Amazon) within 14 working days from when we receive your Submission.

5.2. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the successful Entrant and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.


6.1. By submitting a Submission, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the NSS Participation Prize Promotion. We will, at all times, process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the NSS Participation Prize Promotion under these Terms, you are able to receive and use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. The Entrant is fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) that the Entrant is required to pay in relation to their participation in the NSS Participation Prize Promotion.

7.4. The NSS Participation Prize Promotion is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.5. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the NSS Participation Prize Promotion at any time.

7.6. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.7. These Terms are between us and the Entrant. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms and no-one shall enforce any of its terms on behalf of another.

7.8. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.9. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting a Submission regardless as to whether the Submission was successful or unsuccessful.

7.10. We are not liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the NSS Participation Prize Promotion and an Entrant’s Submission.

7.11. We are not responsible nor liable for a Submission that is lost or not successfully completed or corrupted during the Submission Period regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind, and proof of posting or transmission shall not be proof of receipt of a Submission to the NSS Participation Prize Promotion. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Submission in accordance with these Terms.

7.12. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the NSS Participation Prize Promotion. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through negligence.

7.14. If there is a delay in us carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.15. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.16. If there is a conflict between these Terms, the Ipsos Mori Terms or the Supplemental Terms, then Ipsos Mori Terms takes first priority, followed by the Supplemental Terms, followed by these Terms. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.17. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.18. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

National Student Survey Providers’ Prize Draw 2024 – Arden University Supplemental Terms and Conditions

To encourage eligible individuals to complete the National Student Survey, Arden University (“we”, “us”) is offering the following prizes: 3 x Amazon e-vouchers – 1st prize of £500, 2nd prize of £250 and 3rd prize of £100 (“the Prizes”) to be awarded randomly to students who enter the National Student Survey Providers’ Prize Draw 2024 (“the NSS Prize Draw”) by 23.59 pm on Tuesday 30th April 2024. A cash alternative cannot be substituted for the Prizes. 

These supplemental terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which we administer the NSS Prize Draw in connection with Ipsos Mori. Please note, Ipsos Mori is communicating and facilitating the process while we administer the Prize Draw. These Terms should be read in conjunction with Ipsos Mori’s National Student Survey Provider’s Prize Draw Terms and Conditions (“Ipsos Mori Terms”) which can be found at www.arden.ac.uk/terms-and-conditions.

These Terms should also be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Entrant means any eligible individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible for the NSS Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be in their final year of their undergraduate programme at Arden University;

2.1.2. have received an invitation from Ipsos Mori to take part in the National Students Survey (“the Survey”);

2.1.3. participate using the online Survey; and

2.1.4. not have a blocked or suspended Arden University student account.

Please note, the Entrant is not required to complete the Survey in order to submit an Entry for the NSS Prize Draw. Please see the Ipsos Mori Terms for the Entry criteria.

2.2. The NSS Prize Draw is not open to:

2.2.1. an employee or worker (whether permanent or temporary) of Arden University Limited;

2.2.2. anyone related to an individual under clause 2.1; or

2.2.3. a Sanctioned Person.


By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the NSS Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy)  or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


4.1. Ipsos Mori are responsible for selecting a winner and notifying us, in accordance with the Ipsos Mori Terms.

4.2. Ipsos Mori and our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of such decision.

4.3. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), then we reserve the absolute right to request that a new winning Entry is selected by Ipsos Mori.


5.1. The winners will be notified by us, no later than 6 weeks after the date of the draw. If a winner does not collect his/her prize within 6 weeks of being notified, we reserve the right to award another winner.

5.2. Subject to consent from the winners individually, we will announce the winner(s) on one or more of our social media platforms after the winners have been notified.


6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the NSS Participation Prize Promotion under these Terms, you are able to receive and use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. The Entrant is fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) that the Entrant is required to pay in relation to their participation in the NSS Participation Prize Promotion.

6.4. The NSS Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.5. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the NSS Prize Draw at any time.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless as to whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We are not liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the NSS Prize Draw and an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. We are not responsible nor liable for an Entry that is lost or not successfully completed or corrupted during the promotion period regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind, and proof of posting or transmission shall not be proof of receipt of entry to the NSS Prize Draw. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.9. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.11. These Terms are between us and the Entrant. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the Terms and no-one shall enforce any of the Terms on behalf of another.

6.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the NSS Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through negligence.

6.14. If there is a delay in us carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.15. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.16. If there is a conflict between these Terms and Ipsos Mori Terms, then Ipsos Mori Terms shall prevail. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies or any other terms issued by us relevant to the NSS Prize Draw, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.17. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.18. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Ipsos Mori National Student Survey

Prize Draws Terms & Conditions

1. Promoter: Free prize draws for the National Student Survey are being organised by the participating providers (universities or colleges). Please contact your provider for the specific prize draw’s Terms and Conditions that apply to them. Ipsos is communicating and facilitating the process while the provider administers the prize draw.

Ipsos, a company registered in England and Wales, registered number 1640855, whose registered offices are at 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW.

2. Eligibility: If your provider is organising a prize draw, this is open to any student who receives an invitation from Ipsos to take part in the survey and who participates using the online survey.

The prize draw is not open to employees of Ipsos, its subsidiaries and affiliates and suppliers or their immediate family.

3. Promotion period: Entries will be accepted during the research survey fieldwork The closing date for entries is 30 April 2024 unless specified otherwise in the email invitation you have received and within the online questionnaire.

4. Entry: If your provider is offering a prize draw, entry is by ticking the box “Enter the prize draw” found on the first page of the online questionnaire.

No purchase or payment is required.

5. Limitation of entries: Only one entry per eligible student will be Automated entries, bulk entries or third-party entries will be disqualified.

6. Prizes: Details of the prize are as outlined in the online survey

Your provider is responsible for administering the prize. Please contact thestudentsurvey@ipsos.com if you have any queries. Ipsos will forward your email to the relevant contact at your provider.

No transfer or assignment of prizes will be permitted except by Ipsos.

The provider reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value.

7. Draw: Winners will be determined by a computer-randomised draw from all eligible entries which will be witnessed by an observer independent of the research team conducting the draw.

The draw will be conducted within five working days of the research survey closing unless otherwise specified by your provider.

Ipsos reserves the right to postpone the draw until a later date should the research survey period be extended. All decisions are final and binding.

8. Notification: Winners will be announced by your provider and notified within a maximum of six weeks of the date of the draw. Notification will be sent to the student’s email address, or by a telephone call, as appropriate. Prizes will be administered by your provider. If winners do not collect their prizes within six weeks of the notification date, the provider reserves the right to award another winner.

9. Use of your personal information for this prize draw: Ipsos will pass on your student ID to your provider. Your provider will contact you using the contact details they hold to notify you should you win the prize Personal data used for the purpose of the prize draw will not be given to any third party. The provider will announce prize draw winners few days after the winners have been notified. If you have any queries, please contact thestudentsurvey@ipsos.com.

Personal data used for the prize draw will be securely destroyed within six months of the prize draw closing.

10. Liability: Ipsos is not responsible for late, lost, misdirected, mechanically reproduced, mis-delivered, incomplete, illegible, or unintelligible entries, messages or post; unavailable network connections; failed, incomplete, garbled, or delayed computer transmission; online failures; hardware/software or other technical malfunctions or disturbances; or any other communications failures or circumstances affecting, disrupting or corrupting the prize draw in any manner.

Ipsos is not responsible for any inaccuracy in the contact details supplied by the participant that may result in the inability of Ipsos or the provider to contact that participant. Ipsos is also not responsible for any damage to the entrant's computer occasioned by participation in the research survey, the prize draw or downloading of any information necessary to participate in the survey or prize draw.

11. Jurisdiction: These rules will be governed by English law and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English

Brain Awareness Week Art Competition 2024 - Terms and Conditions

The Arden University School of Psychology is inviting participants to create and submit original art that captures the essence of brain science. If you are interested in entering this competition, please ensure that you read the terms and conditions and the design brief outlined below.


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Brain Awareness Week Art Competition 2024 (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit an Entry will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.

Your Entry must be in line with the Design Brief found here.


The Prizes for this Competition will consist of the following:

  1. For the winner of the ‘Most Creative Interpretation of the Theme’ category, x1 £150 e-voucher for either ASDA, Amazon or Tesco (to be decided by the winner);
  2. For the winner of the ‘Best Scientific Representation of the Theme’ category, x1 £100 e-voucher for either ASDA, Amazon or Tesco (to be decided by the winner); and
  3. For the winner of the ‘Most Aesthetically Appealing’ category, x1 £50 e-voucher for either ASDA, Amazon or Tesco (to be decided by the winner).

Prizes are subject to these terms. This Prizes are not payment for creating the art work but a prize for winning the Competition.



1.1 The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as defined above.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an original artwork, subject to the Design Brief, submitted under these Terms and your Artwork Explanation that you send via email from your Arden University email address to baw-art@arden.ac.uk. Your email must include the details set out at clause 3.3.

Entry Period means from 2:00pm (UK time) on 13h February 2024 until 23:59pm (UK time) on 5th March 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 2:00 pm (UK time) on 13th February 2024, be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if at the time of Notification to the winners you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. not used; or

2.2.5. are a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible to be considered for the Competition but can submit an Entry.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, members of staff of Arden University can submit an Entry but will not be considered for the Competition.



3.1. To enter the Competition, you must submit your Entry in digital format via email to baw-art@arden.ac.uk. If you have produced a painting or sculpture, you will need to take a picture or video (no longer than 30 seconds) of it and submit this as your Entry. Your Entry must be sent using your Arden University student/staff email address. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.2. Your Entry must not be more than 20MB in size.

3.3. Your email must include:

3.3.1. your full name and Arden University student number, if you are a student;

3.3.2. your artwork in digital form (if you have produced a painting or sculpture, you will need to take a picture or video (no longer than 30 seconds) of it and submit this as your Entry);

3.3.3. your Artwork Explanation;

3.3.4. (if you wish to consent) a completed and signed consent form to participate in our marketing and promotional events. The consent form can be found here.

3.4. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published elsewhere. It is your responsibility to ensure that your artwork does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.5. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.6. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.7. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.8. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. After the end of the Entry Period, the BAW Art Project Group will select the top 20 Entries and will recommend these Entries to three independent staff members from Arden University (“the Judges”).

4.2. The Judges will make a decision on the winners for each of the three categories below between 6th March 2024 to 17th March 2024:

4.2.1. Most Creative Interpretation of the Theme category;

4.2.2. Best Scientific Representation of the Theme category; and

4.2.3. Most Aesthetically Appealing category.

4.3. The Judges reserve the right to request from the winners amendments to the winning designs.

4.4. Only one winner will be chosen for each category.

4.5. We will notify the winners via email that they have been chosen as a winner (the “Notification”) no later than 10 Business Days from the day after the Judges make their decision, using the email address provided in the winning Entry. You will need to confirm your choice of e-voucher to us no later than 5 Business Days after the Notification (“Confirmation”); please be aware of clause 2 and clause 7.3 when making your decision. After Confirmation, we will provide you with the Prize via email within 10 Business Days.

4.6. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.

4.8. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

6.2. You warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.



7.1. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

7.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.4. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

7.5. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.6. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by:

7.6.1. com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc;

7.6.2. ASDA or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as ASDA;

7.6.3. Tesco or any subsidiaries of or companies within the same group as Tesco.

7.7. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.8. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.10. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

7.11. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.12. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.13. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.14. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University SCC Induction and Recruitment Survey (BL, 2024) prize draw occurring in April 2024, June 2024, October 2024 and January 2025 (subject to these Terms), each the “ April Prize Draw”, the “June Prize Draw”, “October Prize Draw” and the “January Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all blended learning (BL) study centre calendar programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University SCC Induction and Recruitment Survey (BL, 2024) sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1. for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the relevant Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates states are included in the period):

4.1.1. 9am (UK time) Friday 16th February 2024 to 9am Monday 11th March 2024 your Entry will be entered into the April Prize Draw;

4.1.2. 9am (UK time) Friday 3rd May 2024 to 9am Monday 27th May 2024 your Entry will be entered into the June Prize Draw;

4.1.3. 9am (UK time) Friday 30th August 2024 to 9am Monday 23rd September 2024 your entry will be entered into the October Prize Draw; and

4.1.4. 9am (UK time) Friday 11th October 2024 to 9am Monday 9th December 2024 your Entry will be entered into the January Prize Draw.

(collectively the “Entry Period”).

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the following Draw Dates:

4.2.1. Tuesday 2nd April 2024 for the April Prize Draw;

4.2.2. Monday 3rd June 2024 for the June Prize Draw;

4.2.3. Tuesday 1st October 2024 for the October Prize Draw; and

4.2.4. Monday 6th January 2025 for the January Prize Draw.  

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from valid Entries.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the relevant Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Lion’s Den Business Competition that will run (subject to these Terms) for 4 intake blocks of 2024: February 2024 intake block, May 2024 intake block, September 2024 intake block, and November 2024 intake block, each the “February 2024 Intake Competition”, the “May 2024 Intake Competition”, the “September 2024 Intake Competition” and the “November 2024 Intake Competition”, and collectively  “the Competition”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who submit an Application and are chosen to be Participants (“you” / “your”) will be required to submit an Entry for the Competition, in compliance with these Terms.


a) First place group winners:

i. £750 of funding for their business idea will be given to the group to share between themselves;

ii. 3-months’ free mentorship support via the AEI platform will be given to each person in the winning group; and

iii. 1 year paid membership with the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs will be given to each person in the winning group.

b) Second place group winners:

i. £250 of funding for their business idea will be given to the group to share between themselves;

ii. 3-months’ free mentorship support via the AEI platform will be given to each person in the winning group; and

iii. 1 year paid membership with the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs will be given to each person in the winning group.

c) Each Participant will receive a certificate of recognition from Arden for participating in the Competition.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Application means the application form (which can be accessed by logging in here) that Entrants submits during the Application period for the relevant Competition set out in clause 3.2, to show interest in entering the Competition and that contains:

a) Confirmation that the Entrant will attend all ten (10) Master Class sessions if they are chosen to participate in the Competition; and

b) Confirmation that the Entrant has an intention to start a business or that they have already started a business, and a description of what the proposed business idea is or what the current business is (the description should be no more than 300 words).

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means the business pitch that a Participant gives at the relevant Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony. Your Entry must be in accordance with clause 3. 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony means the day that Participants deliver their business pitches in front of the Judges, and it will also be the closing ceremony of the Competition. The Lion’s Den pitch Day Awards Ceremony will be held online. We will hold the Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony on the following dates:

a) For the February 2024 Intake Competition: Friday 19th April 2024.

b) For the May 2024 Intake Competition: Friday 5th July 2024.

c) For the September 2024 Intake Competition: Friday 1st November 2024.

d) For the November 2024 Intake Competition: Friday 31st January 2025.

Master Class means an online, intensive and interactive workshop that will be conducted around relevant business themes on the following dates:

a) For the February 2024 Intake Competition:

i. 15th March 2024;

ii. 18th March 2024;

iii. 22nd March 2024;

iv. 25th March 2024;

v. 28th March 2024;

vi. 2nd April 2024;

vii. 5th April 2024;

viii. 8th April 2024;

ix. 12th April 2024;

x. 15th April 2024.

b) For the May 2024 Intake Competition:

i. 31st May 2024;

ii. 3rd June 2024;

iii. 7th June 2024;

iv. 10th June 2024;

v. 14th June 2024;

vi. 17th June 2024;

vii. 21st June 2024;

viii. 24th June 2024;

ix. 28th June 2024;

x. 1st July 2024.

c) For the September 2024 Intake Competition:

i. 27th September 2024;

ii. 30th September 2024;

iii. 4th October 2024;

iv. 7th October 2024;

v. 1th October 2024;

vi. 14th October 2024;

vii. 18th October 2024;

viii. 21st October 2024;

ix. 25th October 2024;

x. 28th October 2024.

d) For the November 2024 Intake Competition:

i. 13th December 2024;

ii. 16th December 2024;

iii. 20th December 2024;

iv. 6th January 2025;

v. 10th January 2025;

vi. 13th January 2025;

vii. 17th January 2025;

viii. 20th January 2025;

ix. 24th January 2025;

x. 27th January 2025..

The Master Class business themes are as follows:

a) The concept of entrepreneurship;

b) Know thyself;

c) Idea generation;

d) Team formation;

e) The business registration process;

f) Financial management;

g) Market entry strategies;

h) Perfecting your pitch;

i) How it all started: challenges, wins etc (telling the story/ the secrets); and

j) Bootcamp summary and final pitch practice.

Mentoring Session means the online 1 hour per week meetings for 4 weeks that you arrange with your mentors which will provide you with guidance on your skills required for this Competition.

Opening Ceremony means the online open ceremony meeting hosted by us which will allow you to meet other Participants and other Arden University staff in relation to the Competition. We will also provide you with information about the Competition. We will hold the Opening Ceremony on the following dates:

a) For the February 2024 Intake Competition: Monday 11th March 2024.

b) For the May 2024 Intake Competition: Monday 27th May 2024.

c) For the September 2024 Intake Competition: Monday 23rd September 2024.

d) For the November 2024 Intake Competition: Monday 9th December 2025.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

Team Meetings means the meetings you arrange with your team members to develop your team’s Entry.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University; and

2.1.2. be a member of the Arden Enterprise Incubator community.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.


3.1. Eligible Entrants are required to submit an Application, if they wish to submit their interest in participating in the Competition.

3.2. Applications must be submitted:

3.2.1. For the February 2024 Intake Competition: between 12 noon (UK time) on Monday 26th February 2024 to 5pm (UK time) on Friday 1st March 2024.

3.2.2. For the May 2024 Intake Competition: between 9am (UK time) on Monday 13th May 2024 to 5pm (UK time) on Friday 17th May 2024.

3.2.3. For the September 2024 Intake Competition: between 9am (UK time) on Monday 19th September 2024 to 5pm (UK time) on Friday 13th September 2024.

3.2.4. For the November 2024 Intake Competition: between 9am (UK time) on Monday 25th November 2024 to 5pm (UK time) on Friday 29th November 2024.

3.3. We will select up to 25 Entrants, from the Applications we receive, who will be invited to participate in the Competition. We will send out such invites via email. Each selected Entrant who accepts the invite to participate in the Competition will be a “Participant”. We will select the Applications with the best business idea.

Please note, we will put chosen Participants in groups of 5. By submitting an Application, you agree to be put into a group of 5 chosen by us.

3.4. Our selection process will take place on:

3.4.1. For the February 2024 Intake Competition: between Monday 4th March 2024 to Friday 8th March 2024.

3.4.2. For the May 2024 Intake Competition: between Monday 20th May 2024 to Friday 24th May 2024.

3.4.3. For the September 2024 Intake Competition: between Monday 16th September 2024 to Friday 20th September 2024.

3.4.4. For the November 2024 Intake Competition: between Monday 6th December 2024 to Friday 6th December 2024.

3.5. If you are a Participant, you must then submit your Entry in your group of 5 in accordance with clause 4.

3.6. If you are not chosen as a Participant, you can re-apply again for one of the other Competitions.

3.7. If you are chosen as a Participant, you cannot apply again for one of the other Competitions.


4.1. As a Participant, you must submit your Entry, with your group, to enter the Competition you have been chosen to participate in. Only one Entry is required per group of 5.

4.2. Submission of your Entry means you giving your business pitch in front of the Judges at the Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony for the relevant Competition.

4.3. You must also submit your Entry in digital format at least 1 Business Day before the relevant Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony via email to aei@arden.ac.uk, with ‘The Lion’s Den Business Competition’ as the subject line. Only one Participant needs to send the Entry for the team of 5. Your email must include:

4.3.1. the full name and Arden University student number of all 5 Participants in the group; and

4.3.2. your final Entry / pitch materials in PowerPoint format;

4.4. In addition to submitting your Entry, you must attend 10 Master Class sessions. We will monitor your attendance at the Master Class sessions. It is your responsibility to ensure you are available to attend the 10 Master Class sessions. If, for a reasonable reason, you cannot attend a Master Class session please email aei@arden.ac.uk as soon as possible and before the Master Class session.

4.5. The following meetings and sessions are optional but we recommend that you attend such meetings and sessions to help you with your Entry:

4.5.1 the Opening Ceremony;

4.5.2. the Team Meetings; and

4.5.3. the Mentoring Sessions (Mentoring Sessions must be completed by at least 1 week from the relevant Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony).

4.6. We will only accept one Entry per team of 5 Participants for each Competition.

4.7. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


5.1. The Entries at each Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony will be judged, by a panel consisting of industry experts, Arden University staff and Arden Enterprise Incubator champions (“the “Judges”) based on the judging criteria found here. The Judges will use the scorecard found here to assess each Entry and select the winners.

5.2. The Judges will select first place group winners and second place group winners for each Competition.

5.3. The Judges will make their decision on the relevant Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony.

5.4. We will announce and notify the winners during the Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony.

5.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

5.6. We will provide the Prize to the winners within 1 month from the Lion’s Den Pitch Day Awards Ceremony.

5.7. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by a Participant or any other party on the Participant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

5.8. In the event that any winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.

5.9. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with your Application and the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party. Your Entry must not have been published elsewhere.

7.2. You are permitted to use Arden University’s logo, subject to our branding guidelines and instructions, for the purpose of participating in this Competition. You are not permitted to use it for any other purpose.


8.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s or Participant’s participation in the Competition including a Participant’s Entry.

8.6. We accept no responsibility for an Application or an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Application and a Participant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

8.7. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

8.8. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition or any one of the Competition at any time.

8.9. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.10. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.11. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.12. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.13. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

8.14. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.15. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.16. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.17. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.18. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Module Evaluation Survey (DL Calendar, 2024) prize draw occurring in April 2024, July 2024, October 2024 and January 2025 (subject to these Terms), each the “ April Prize Draw”, the “July Prize Draw”, “October Prize Draw” and the “January Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all distance learning (DL) programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Module Evaluation Survey (DL Calendar, 2024) sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1. for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the relevant Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates states are included in the period):

4.1.1. 9am (UK time) Monday 4th March 2024 to 9am Monday 18th March 2024 your Entry will be entered into the April Prize Draw;

4.1.2. 9am (UK time) Monday 27th May 2024 to 9am Monday 10th June 2024 your Entry will be entered into the July Prize Draw;

4.1.3. 9am (UK time) Monday 9th September 2024 to 9am Monday 23rd September 2024 your entry will be entered into the October Prize Draw; and

4.1.4. 9am (UK time) Monday 2nd December 2024 to 9am 16th December 2024 your Entry will be entered into the January Prize Draw.

(collectively the “Entry Period”).

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the following Draw Dates:

4.2.1. Tuesday 2nd April 2024 for the April Prize Draw;

4.2.2. Monday 1st July 2024 for the July Prize Draw;

4.2.3. Tuesday 1st October 2024 for the October Prize Draw; and

4.2.4. Monday 6th January 2025 for the January Prize Draw.  

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from valid Entries.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the relevant Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Copywriting Competition "Uni Moments" (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit (a) a Registration Form, and (b) their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”), will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x €75 Amazon e-voucher for the 1st place winner;

1 x €50 Amazon e-voucher for the 2nd place winner; and

1 x €25 Amazon e-voucher for the 3rd place winner.

collectively, (“the Prize”)



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Award Ceremony means the ceremony that will take place on Thursday 28th March 2024 at the Arden Berlin study centre to announce and celebrate the winners of the Competition.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2, and is the owner of the social media account used to submit their Entry.  

Entry means the LinkedIn post (not a ‘story’) that you submit from your personal LinkedIn profile, during the Entry Period, that reflects a positive Arden experience in your opinion and must:

  1. include an original photograph that (a) has been taken by you, (b) has been taken within the Arden Berlin study centre, and (c) reflects your positive experience of Arden;
  2. include a creative caption to go with your photograph;
  3. include the following hash tag: #Ardenvibes
  4. tag Arden University’s official LinkedIn account.

Entry Period means from 9am (Berlin time) on Monday 18th March 2024 until 5pm (Berlin time) on Tuesday 26th March 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University that can be studied at the Arden University Berlin study centre.

Registration Form means the form found here.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. As at 9am (Berlin time) on Monday 18th March 2024 be an Arden University student Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.


3.1. Each Entrant is only permitted to submit one Entry.

3.2. You must be ‘following’ Arden University’s official LinkedIn account with your LinkedIn account. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. To enter the Competition, eligible Entrants must first complete the Registration Form within the Entry Period. Once you have completed the Registration Form, we will send you an acknowledgement and inform you of the Competition and the Terms. Once you receive this acknowledgement, you can then submit your Entry. Please note, your Registration Form and Entry must be submitted within the Entry Period; it is your responsibility to complete the Registration Form with enough time to then be able to submit your Entry.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by a panel of three staff members from the Arden Berlin study centre (the “Judges”) based on:

4.2.1. the originality of the photograph in the Entry;

4.2.2. the creativity of the Entry; and

4.2.3. the number of ‘reactions’ to the Entry e.g. ‘likes’, ‘applause’, ‘love’.

4.3. The Judges will choose the winners based on the criteria set out in clause 4.2.

4.4. Selection of the first, second and third place winner will take place on or before Thursday 28th March 2024 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony. By submitting an Entry, you agree, that if you are one of the winners, we can announce your name at the Award Ceremony.

4.6. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.7. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle and/or the email address provided in the Competition to contact the winners.

4.8. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.9. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.

4.10. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.


5.1. By entering the Competition, you consent to your contact details being used by us to administer your Entry in this Competition, and to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.7. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by LinkedIn, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as LinkedIn.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Postgraduate Teaching Evaluation Survey (“PTES”) Participation Prize and Prize Draw 2024 (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, submit a valid Entry will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win a Draw Prize, and may receive the Participation Prize, subject to these Terms. Submitting an Entry is optional which means you can complete the Survey without submitting an Entry.


Participation Prize: 1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the valid Entries.

Draw Prizes:

1 x £500 Amazon e-voucher for the 1st place winner;

1 x £250 Amazon e-voucher for the 2nd place winner; and

1 x £125 Amazon e-voucher for the 3rd place winner.

Collectively, the “Prize”.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry means a clear image photographed from your device, either by manual screenshot, or by sending a photograph, of the PTES survey page confirming that you have completed the Survey and that is sent by email to competitions@arden.ac.uk.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 18th March 2024 until 5pm (UK time) Friday 14th June 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all postgraduate programmes, in any study mode, provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the PTES 2024 sent to you via Jisc.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 18th March 2024 be Enrolled on a Programme; and

2.1.2. have received an email invitation to take part in the Survey.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. You must submit your Entry via email only to competitions@arden.ac.uk, using your Arden University student email.

3.2. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win one of the Draw Prizes, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the three winners (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place winners). The random draw will take place on or before Monday 1st July 2024 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. In addition, Entrants who submit a valid Entry will automatically receive the Participation Prize.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.15. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.16. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University SparkUp Berlin Business Competition that will run (subject to these Terms) in April 2024 (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who submit an Application and are chosen to be Participants (“you” / “your”) will be required to submit an Entry for the Competition, in compliance with these Terms.


  1. Best Pitch Award (Recognising the Participant with the most compelling and effective pitch): €150 Amazon e-voucher.
  2. Sustainability Champion Award (Celebrating the idea that demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental impact): €50 Amazon e-voucher.
  3. Adaptive Entrepreneur Award (Awarded to the Participant who demonstrates adaptability and resilience in their pitch): €50 Amazon e-voucher.
  4. Entrepreneurial Spirit Award (Celebrating the Participant who embodies the entrepreneurial spirit): €50 Amazon e-voucher.
  5. Each Participant will receive a certificate of recognition from Arden for participating in the Competition.


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Application means the application form (which can be accessed by logging in here) that Entrants submits during the Application period for the Competition set out in clause 3.2, to show interest in entering the Competition and that contains:

a. A description of what a viable business idea that the Entrant would like to start (the description should be no more than 300 words).

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means the business pitch that a Participant gives at the SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony. Your Entry must be in accordance with clause 3.  Your Entry must use the presentation pitch deck template that will be provided to you; this can be adapted by you for the purpose of your pitch.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony means the day that Participants deliver their business pitches in front of the Judges, and it will also be the closing ceremony of the Competition. The SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony will be held in person on Wednesday 24th April 2024 at the Arden Berlin study centre located at University of Applied Sciences Europe, Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963 Berlin, Germany, between 1:30pm (Berlin time) to 3pm (Berlin time).


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at the Arden University’s Berlin study centre located at University of Applied Sciences Europe, Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963 Berlin Germany, only; and

2.1.2. . be a member of the Arden Enterprise Incubator community.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.


3.1. Eligible Entrants are required to submit an Application, if they wish to submit their interest in participating in the Competition.

3.2. Applications must be submitted between 12 noon (Berlin time) on Monday 8th April 2024 to 11:59pm (Berlin time) on Thursday 11th April 2024.

3.3. We will select up to 10 Entrants, from the Applications we receive, who will be invited to participate in the Competition. The criteria for selecting the 10 Entrants will be: the business ideas that are the most viable business ideas. We will send out such invites via email. Each selected Entrant who accepts the invite to participate in the Competition will be a “Participant”. We will select the Applications with the best business idea.

3.4. If you are a Participant, you must then submit your Entry in accordance with clause 4.

3.5. Participants will be invited to a practice pitch session which will provide guidance and help on how to conduct a pitch and provide help; this will also be an opportunity to ask any questions. The practice pitch session is optional session and will be held at the Arden University’s Berlin study centre located at University of Applied Sciences Europe, Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963 Berlin, Germany, between 9am (Berlin time) to 5pm (Berlin time).


4.1. As a Participant, you must submit your Entry, to enter the Competition you have been chosen to participate in. Only one Entry per Entrant is permitted.

4.2. Submission of your Entry means you giving your business pitch in front of the Judges at the SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony.

4.3. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

4.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


5.1. The Entries at each SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony will be judged, by a panel consisting of one or more industry expert, Arden University staff and one or more Arden Enterprise Incubator champion (“the “Judges”) based on the judging criteria found here. The Judges will use the scorecard found here to assess each Entry and select the winners based on the following scores:

5.1.1. Best Pitch Award category: the winner will be the Participant with the highest score overall on the Judge’s scorecard;

5.1.2. Sustainability Champion Award category: the winner will be the Participant with the highest score under the ‘Sustainability’ section of the Judge’s scorecard;

5.1.3. Adaptive Entrepreneur Award category: the winner will be the Participant with the highest score under the ‘Delivery and Confidence’ section of the Judge’s scorecard;

5.1.4. Entrepreneurial Spirit Award category: the winner will be the Participant with the highest score under the ‘Value Proposition’ section of the Judge’s scorecard.

Where more than one Participant has the same score in a category, the chief Judge will make the final decision.   

5.2. The Judges will select 4 winners (1 winner for each award category listed in the ‘Prize’ section above) for this Competition.

5.3. The Judges will make their decision on the SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony.

5.4. We will announce and notify the winners during the SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony.

5.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

5.6. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which may come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the SparkUp Pitch Day Awards Ceremony. We will use the email address provided in the winner’s Entry to contact each winner.

5.7. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by a Participant or any other party on the Participant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

5.8. In the event that any winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.

5.9. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.


6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with your Application and the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene, or otherwise offensive words or images. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party. Your Entry must not have been published elsewhere.

7.2. You are permitted to use Arden University’s logo, subject to our branding guidelines and instructions, for the purpose of participating in this Competition only. You are not permitted to use it for any other purpose.

7.3. You are permitted to use and modify the presentation pitch deck template that we provide to you, subject to our instructions and for the purpose of participating in this Competition only. You are not permitted to use it for any other purpose.


8.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail, and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.4. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

8.5. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant or Participant for submitting an Application or Entry regardless of whether the Application or Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.6. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s or Participant’s participation in the Competition including a Participant’s Entry.

8.7. We accept no responsibility for an Application or an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Application and a Participant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

8.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

8.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition or any one of the Competition at any time.

8.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

8.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Less Stress Challenge Competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their Entry to the Competition will be considered for this Competition. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.


1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the chosen ten winners

(“the Prize”)



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means an email sent from your Arden student email to competitions@arden.ac.uk with the subject ‘Stress Less Competition’. The email will contain:

  1. Your full name;
  2. Your Arden student number; and
  3. One written stress relief tip (no more than a short paragraph and limited to one tip only) or one photograph of a place or area where you go to destress and an accompanying short caption that explains why the place or area helps you to destress.

Entry Period means from 9am Monday 22nd April 2024 until 9am Monday 13th May 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. As at 9am on Monday 22nd April be an Arden University student Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry successfully, you must send it to competitions@arden.ac.uk (we will not accept an Entry submitted in any other way).

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. The Competition Entries will be judged by a panel of staff and students involved in a student experience committee (the “Judges”) based on:

4.2.1. the effectiveness of the tip provided in the Entry, where the Entry is a tip; and

4.2.2. how well the photograph encapsulates a sense of calmness, where the Entry is a photograph.

4.3. The Judges will choose the winners based on the criteria set out in clause 4.2.

4.4. Selection of the ten winning Entries will take place on or before Monday 20th May 2024 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date.

4.7. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc

6.2. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.3. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.4. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.5. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.6. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.7. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.8. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Easter Hybrid Teaching Survey prize draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen five winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 22nd April 2024 to 9am Monday 6th May 2024

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all blended learning ‘study centre calendar’ programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Easter Hybrid Teaching Survey sent by us.  


2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme between Monday 25th March 2024 and Friday 12th April 2024 (inclusive).

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.


3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Wednesday 5th June 2024(“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only five (5) winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that a winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.8. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Spread Your Wings Graduation Day Competition for the Berlin April 2024 graduation (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”) will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x €100 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 1pm (Berlin time) on Tuesday 30th April 2024 until 1pm (Berlin time) on Wednesday 1st May 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. Be a graduate of Arden University who attends the Berlin April 2024 graduation ceremony (“Graduation Ceremony”) as a graduate/graduand.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff members can submit an Entry but their Entries will not be considered for the shortlist and winner positions. 


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. your photo should be taken at the Arden Wings stand at the Graduation Ceremony, clearly including the Arden Wings within the photo;

3.2.2. you must be following Arden University on the social media platform you submit your Entry on, either Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) or LinkedIn;

3.2.3. submit a post (not a ‘story’) with your photo on one of the above social media platforms tagging Arden University and using the official graduation hashtag, ‘#ArdenGrad’.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. The owner of the social media account must be the Entrant.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. Staff from our social media team will select a shortlist of five Entries, upon which an overall winner will be chosen from. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.3. We will only enter valid Entries into the shortlist.

4.4. The selection of the shortlist and winner will take place on or before Tuesday 7th May 2024 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Competition to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry:

5.2.1. you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, modify, and publish (whether online or offline) your Entry; and

5.2.2. you agree to us re-posting and sharing your Entry on our social media accounts.


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc; Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Meta Platforms Inc; X Corp or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as X Corp; LinkedIn Corporation and Microsoft Corporation or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as LinkedIn Corporatio and Microsoft Corporation.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Spread Your Wings Graduation Day Competition for the London graduation ceremony in June 2024 (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”) will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms.  


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 25th June 2024 until 9am (UK time) on Wednesday 26th June 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be a graduate of Arden University who attends the Arden University London June 2024 graduation ceremony (“Graduation Ceremony”) as a graduate/graduand.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff members can submit an Entry but their Entries will not be considered for the shortlist and winner positions.


3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. your photo should be taken at the Arden Wings stand at the Graduation Ceremony, clearly including the Arden Wings within the photo;

3.2.2. you must be following Arden University on the social media platform you submit your Entry on, either Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) or LinkedIn;

3.2.3. submit a post (not a ‘story’) with your photo on one of the above social media platforms tagging Arden University’s official social media account (on the same platform) and using the official graduation hashtag, ‘#ArdenGrad’.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. The owner of the social media account must be the Entrant.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.


4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. Staff from our social media team will select a shortlist of five Entries, upon which an overall winner will be chosen from. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.3. We will only enter valid Entries into the shortlist.

4.4. The selection of the shortlist and winner will take place on or before Tuesday 2nd July 2024 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Competition to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry:

5.2.1. you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, modify, and publish (whether online or offline) your Entry; and

5.2.2. you agree to us re-posting and sharing your Entry on our social media accounts.


6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc, X Corp, LinkedIn, Microsoft Corporation, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as such companies listed.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective Tuesday 30th July 2024.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Regional Offer offer that applies a discount to the Programme Fee for the Eligible Programmes based on the nationality of the students wishing to study at our Berlin study centre (“Regional Offer”).

About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme.

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us

1. Definition and interpretation

  • In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means any MSc, MA and MBA course, including the Executive MBA course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Blended Learning at our Berlin study centre only;

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the Regional Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Regional Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Regional Offer Criteria”):

2.1.1. you are national of a country listed at Schedule 2 at the date of your Application; and

2.1.2. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for one of the following Berlin intakes: November 2024, February 2025, or May 2025.

2.2. We reserve the right to request from you evidence of proof of nationality.

2.3. Unless we state otherwise, the Regional Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the Regional Offer, subject to the Terms.

2.5. Even though you satisfy the Regional Offer Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Regional Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.5.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at an institution (this includes Arden University);

2.5.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.5.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.5.4. we are not, in our sole and absolute discretion, satisfied with the evidence of proof provided under 2; or

2.5.6. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Regional Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.5.7. you are a Sanctioned Person.

3. How we apply the Regional Offer

3.1. The Regional Offer will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Regional Offer Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for the Programme Fee (with the Regional Offer applied) for all Eligible Programmes.

4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you will forfeit your Regional Offer. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The Regional Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.

5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the Regional Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes listed at Schedule 1 in order for the Regional Offer to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, the Regional Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply. 

6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.

7. General

7.1. Unless otherwise agreed by us, the Regional Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us, unless we agree If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The Regional Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Regional Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity,

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Regional The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


Schedule 1 – Eligible Programmes


Eligible Programme TypeProgramme Fee (with the Regional Offer applied)IntakesStudy Mode
MSc and MA courses9,000 euros per level

·        November 2024;

·        February 2025;

·        May 2025;

International Blended Learning (Berlin study centre only)
MBA (including the Executive MBA) courses10,500 euros per level



Schedule 2 – Eligible Countries


South AmericaNorth America CIS RegionCentral America


1.        Argentina

2.        Bolivia

3.        Brazil

4.        Chile

5.        Colombia

6.        Ecuador

7.        Paraguay

8.        Peru

9.        Uruguay

10.    Venezuela


1.        USA

2.        Canada


1.      El Salvador

2.      Guatemala

3.      Honduras

4.      Mexico

5.      Panama

MENA, Africa & CIS RegionSouth Asia


1.        Algeria

2.        Armenia

3.        Azerbaijan

4.        Bahrain

5.        Belarus

6.        Botswana

7.        Cameroon

8.        Cote d’Ivoire

9.        Egypt

10.    Eritrea

11.    Ethiopia

12.    Gambia

13.    Georgia

14.    Ghana

15.    Iran

16.    Iraq

17.    Jordan

18.    Kazakhstan

19.    Kenya

20.    Kuwait

21.    Kyrgyzstan

22.    Lebanon

23.    Moldova

24.    Morocco

25.    Nigeria


26.    Oman

27.    Qatar

28.    Senegal Rwanda

29.    Russia

30.    Saudi Arabia

31.    Tajikistan

32.   Tanzania

33.   Tunisia

34.   Turkey

35.   Turkmenistan

36.   UAE

37.   Uganda

38.   Ukraine

39.   Uzbekistan

40.   Yemen

41.   Zambia

42.   Zimbabwe


1.        Afghanistan

2.        Bangladesh

3.        Bhutan

4.        India

5.        Nepal

6.        Pakistan

7.        Sri Lanka



Effective from 11th July 2024

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which the Arden University Limited (“Arden University” and/or “we”/“us”) operates the Sherryl Kintu Scholarship (“Scholarship”) which provides full tuition fee funding for one chosen student each year to study an Eligible Programme with Arden University.

About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

  1. Definitions and interpretation

Applicant means an individual who has applied to study for an Eligible Programme;

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means:

  • All online distance learning undergraduate (including foundation + undergraduate) Programmes delivered by Arden University that are available to UK students only (as determined by Arden University);
  • All blended learning undergraduate Programmes delivered by Arden University that are available to UK students only (as determined by Arden University);

For the avoidance of doubt, Cert HE Programmes are included in this definition of Eligible Programme.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if this Scholarship was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Scholarship Application means the application form used to apply to this Scholarship, which can be found here, as amended from time to time;

Sherryl Kintu Fund Board means members of Sherryl Kintu’s family.

  1. Eligibility
  • This Scholarship will be awarded to only one UK student each calendar year, subject to these Terms.
  • To be considered eligible for this Scholarship you must meet the following criteria (the “Eligibility Criteria”):
    • you are a new student to Arden University i.e. you have not previously been Enrolled;
    • you have received an offer letter from us to start your Eligible Programme either in the October intake (Blended Learning) or the November intake (Online Distance Learning) in the same year that you apply for this Scholarship;
    • you submit your Scholarship Application by 23:59 (UK time) on 31st July of the same year that your intake for your Eligible Programme will begin (as set out in your offer letter); and
    • you meet at least one of the widening participation criteria set out in paragraph 3. We reserve the right to request from you evidence of proof of meeting this requirement.
  • Widening Participation Criteria
    • you have any experience in local authority care;
    • you are estranged from your family;
    • you have refugee status in the United Kingdom;
    • you are the sole carer of a parent(s) or, if living away from home, the sole carer of a sibling;
    • you have a registered or self-reported disability;
    • you are on a low household income demonstrated by:
      • being in receipt of income support, job seeker's allowance, or employment and support allowance;
      • being in receipt of universal credit;
      • being in receipt of, or living with a parent/guardian in receipt of asylum support;
      • living with a parent/Guardian in receipt of child tax credit where you are named on the award and the household income used to calculate the tax credits is less than £25,000;
      • living with a parent/guardian in receipt of income support, income-based jobseeker's allowance or income-based employment and support allowance;
      • living with a parent/guardian in receipt of universal credit, if the annual household take-home pay as stated on the award is less than £25,000;
    • you are a first generation attending higher education; or
    • your highest qualification on entry to Arden University is level 2 or lower (GSCEs or lower).
  • Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for this Scholarship if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability
    • your Arden University student account is in arrears; or
    • you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student;
    • you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or
    • any part of your Application and/or Scholarship Application, or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with this Scholarship (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, this Scholarship does not apply to you if you are applying to study an Eligible Programme via the apprenticeship study mode or the student route/full time study mode.
  1. How we apply this Scholarship
  • Out of the valid Scholarship Applications received by the deadline set out in paragraph 2.3, the Arden University Academic Board will choose 3 Scholarship Applications to send to the Sherryl Kintu Fund Board.
  • The Arden University Academic Board will consider, amongst other things, the following, in choosing the top 3 Scholarship Applications:
    • whether the applicant has met the Eligibility Criteria.
    • the overall quality of the applicant’s Application and Scholarship Application, looking particularly for clear evidence of the applicant’s ‘passion’, ‘drive’, ‘creativity’ and ‘ambition’ in their chosen field;
    • the applicant’s apparent need for funding through the monies provided under this Scholarship;
    • the goals and progression the applicant will achieve from receiving this Scholarship.
  • The Sherrly Kintu Fund Board will choose, out of the 3 Scholarship Applications, who to award this Scholarship to. There will only be one person chosen.
  • The decisions of the Arden University Academic Board and the Sherryl Kintu Fund Board are final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an applicant or any other party on the applicant’s behalf regarding the process or details of such decisions.
  • If you are awarded the Sherryl Kintu Scholarship, you will be notified, by us, in mid-September of the same year that you submitted your Scholarship Application. This Scholarship will then be allocated and applied automatically to your student account after you are Enrolled on to your Eligible Programme.
  • This Scholarship will apply to the entire Programme Fee for your Eligible Programme including any deposit payable. For the avoidance of doubt, this Scholarship will not apply to any other costs associated with your participation in the Eligible Programme.
  1. Cancellation and Withdrawal
  • If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you will forfeit this Scholarship offer. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).
  • This Scholarship is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.
  1. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


  • If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, this Scholarship cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible.  Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


  • If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, this Scholarship will continue to apply to you in your new intake.

Leave of Absence

  • If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, this Scholarship will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.
  1. Cancellation by Arden University
    • We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:
      • insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or
      • if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or
      • if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.
    • If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in paragraph 6, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available
  2. Data Protection
  • By submitting a Scholarship Application, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with this Scholarship. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.
  • By submitting a Scholarship Application:
    • You grant us permission to forward your Scholarship Application to the Sherryl Kintu Fund Board if you are one of the 3 Scholarship Applications chosen by the Arden University Academic Board in accordance with paragraph 1. You, therefore, should only include information you are content with sharing with the Sherryl Kintu Fund Board.
    • You consent to us contacting you for the purpose of taking part in
  1. General
  • This Scholarship is not to be combined with any other offer run by us, unless we agree otherwise. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.
  • This Scholarship is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision will be final.
  • We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and this Scholarship at any time.
  • We accept no responsibility for any Application and/or Scholarship Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.
  • You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.
  • Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.
  • We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.
  • We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and this Scholarship. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.
  • If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.
  • If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.
  • If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies or any other terms issued by us relevant to this Scholarship, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, if we revoke your Scholarship, you will be liable for the Fee Liability for your Eligible Programme, unless we inform you otherwise.
  • Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
  • We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, “we” and/or “us”) operates the Arden University 10th Anniversary Logo Design Competition (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).


To be considered for this Competition, you (the “Entrant”) must submit an Entry within the Entry Period. Your eligibility for this Competition and Entry are subject to these Terms.


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Winner’s Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms; and

1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher (“the Runner Up Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen second place winner (“Runner-Up”) of the Competition.

(together “the Prizes”)

Arden University may also invite the winner of the Competition to work with Arden University’s in-house graphic design team to produce the winning logo for the Arden University 10th Anniversary. 


1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Design Brief is as set out here.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry means an original logo design for the Arden University 10th Anniversary created by an Entrant in compliance with these Terms.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Thursday 1st August 2024 to 5pm (UK time) Friday 27th September 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means a BA Graphic Design course, or MA Visual Communication Design (Management) course or a MA Design Management course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any Person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated Persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or (b) any Person controlled by any such Person.


2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on 1st August 2024, be Enrolled, at any level, on a distance learning Programme at Arden University.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University Student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person; or

2.2.6. any part of your Programme application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Competition (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent (including where your design is not original).

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.


3.1. We will only accept up to three Entries per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside of the Entry Period.

3.3. To enter the Competition you must submit your Entry to competitions@arden.ac.uk. To submit multiple Entries, each Entry must be submitted in a separate email to competitions@arden.ac.uk.

3.4. Your Entry must reflect, respect and comply with the Design Brief.

3.5. Your Entry must be your own work and must not have been published It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party.

3.6. By submitting you Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.

3.7. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.


4.1. On or before Friday 18th October 2024, a panel of 3 Arden University staff members (“the Judges”) will select the winning and Runner-Up Entry based on creativity, and adherence to the Design Brief.

4.2. The Judges reserve the right to request from, the winning Entrant, amendments to the winning Entry.

4.3. Only one winner and one Runner-Up will be chosen for this Competition. Only the winning Entry will be used as the Arden University 10th Anniversary logo.

4.4. The decision of the Judges will be No correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of the Judge’s decision.

4.5. We will notify the winner and the Runner-Up via email (the “Notification”) on or before Friday 1st November 2024 using the email address used to submit the Entries.

4.6. The winner will be awarded the Winner’s Prize as stated above. The Runner-Up will be awarded the Runner Up Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Winner’s Prize and Runner Up Prize are personal to the winner and Runner-Up and are non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.7. We will provide the Winner’s Prize to the winner and Runner Up Prize to the Runner-Up via email within 1 month from the day after the Notification, using the email address used to submit the Entries.

4.8. In the event that either the winning or Runner-Up’s Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning or Runner-Up Entry.


5.1. By entering the Competition, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.


6.1. All Entrants are granted permission, from the start of this Competition to the expiry of the Entry Period, to use our brand guidelines as provided in the Design Brief for the purpose of participating in this Competition only.

6.2. All Entries and any accompanying material and information submitted to us will become our property on receipt and will not be returned.

6.3. You warrant to Arden University that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

6.4. You warrant to Arden University that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your

6.5. If you are selected as the winner of the Competition:

6.5.1. You agree to waive all moral rights in your Entry;

6.5.2. You agree to assign to us, with full title guarantee, all rights, title and interest in and to the copyright, design right and any other Intellectual Property rights in your Entry;

6.5.3. You will promptly do all such further acts including the execution of all such other documents, as we may from time to time require for the purpose of securing for ourselves all rights, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property rights assigned to us in accordance with clause 5.2 and

6.5.4. You agree that we may edit, alter, adapt, manipulate, modify or otherwise deal with your Entry (or any portion of it) in any manner in which we see fit.


7.1. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any

7.2. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prizes to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prizes to you.

7.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prizes; this includes being able to use the Prizes in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.4. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

7.5. You shall indemnify us against any claim, liability, costs, loss or damage we incur resulting from your Entry or participation in the Competition including but not limited to your Entry containing malicious software or any other harmful content.

7.6. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prizes are awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prizes, or any interception of the Prizes once distributed.

7.10. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.11. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.12. We will not be liable for any intellectual property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.15. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.16. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.17. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.18. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Cost of Living

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“Entry”) will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win a Draw Prize, and may receive the Participation Prize, subject to these Terms.


Participation Prize: 1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the first valid 30 Entries.

Draw Prizes:

1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to the chosen three winners of the Prize Draw.

Collectively, the “Prize”.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 12th August 2024 until 9am (UK time) Friday 18th October 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Cost of Living Survey 2024 sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Friday 18th October 2024 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win one of the Draw Prizes, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the three winners. The random draw will take place on or before Friday 1st November 2024 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. In addition, the first thirty (30) Entrants who submit a valid Entry will automatically receive the Participation Prize.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.15. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.16. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University SCC Induction and Recruitment Survey (BL, 2024 to 2025) prize draw occurring in October 2024 and January 2025 (subject to these Terms), each the  “October Prize Draw” and the “January Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”. 

Effective from 23rd August 2024

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the DL October 2024 Early Bird Offer (“EBD Offer”) enabling international students who are studying via online distance learning and who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you”/“your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme.


About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on our Website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on your Eligible Programme as appropriate.

Contact us at: https://arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definitions 

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

EBD Offer means the reduction of the Programme Fee for your Eligible Programme by a total of £1,000.00 (one thousand pounds sterling), in accordance with and subject to these Terms;

Eligible Programme means any foundation + undergraduate course, any undergraduate course and any postgraduate course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only. For the avoidance of doubt, Top Ups are not Eligible Programmes.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly.

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Eligible Programme (as if the EBD Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes;

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority;

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person; and

Website means www.arden.ac.uk.


2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the EBD Offer you must meet the following criteria (the “Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. You are deemed by Arden University to be an ‘international student’;

2.1.2. You have accepted an offer to study your chosen Eligible Programme for the October 2024 intake only;

2.1.3. Your Eligible Programme is for a total of: 120 credits or more, if you apply for a postgraduate Eligible Programme; or 240 credits or more, if you apply for a foundation + undergraduate Eligible Programme or an undergraduate only Eligible Programme; and

2.1.4. You pay the holding fee or full fee for your chosen Eligible Programme by, the deadline stated in your offer letter or in any event, no later than 23:59 (in your local time zone) on Monday 9th September 2024.

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to these Terms

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the EBD Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent;

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the EBD Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person.

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, if your EBD Offer is revoked, you may be liable for the Fee Liability for your Eligible Programme.

2.6. If you deferred to the October 2024 intake, you may still be eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to satisfying the obligations under these Terms.


3. Application of the EBD Offer

3.1. Unless we confirm otherwise, if you are a student paying via a payment plan, the EBD Offer will be taken off your Programme Fee in pro-rata sums from all your levels of study. For example, if you are studying an undergraduate Programme that has 3 levels of study, one third of the EBD Offer will be applied against each level.

3.2. If you are a student paying in full, the EBD Offer will be reflected onto the full Programme Fee you are required to pay.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy on our Website for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The EBD Offer is subject to cancellation by us in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme which is not an Eligible Programme, your EBD Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible for the EBD Offer. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability for the Eligible Programme and your new Programme.


5.2. The EBD Offer applies to students starting in the October 2024 intake only, therefore if you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme to any other intake, the EBD Offer will no longer be applied to you, and you may be eligible for the Fee Liability (including deposits) of your Eligible Programme.  

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you have been granted a leave of absence, during your leave of absence, the EBD Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse or to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes, in our opinion, unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, including (without limitation) the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The EBD Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision will be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the EBD Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the EBD Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Commuter Travel Bursary Support Fund (the “Fund”) which provides up to 50% of weekly travel costs to students who incur commuting costs to travel between their home address and their Campus to attend timetabled lectures, subject to these Terms.  


About Arden and How to Contact Us  

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk). 

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme.  

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us  


1. Definition and interpretation 

1.1. In these Terms: 

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;  

Campus means one of the following campuses where you are Enrolled to complete your Programme: Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Tower Hill, Ealing and Holborn. 

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly; 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information; 

Programme means any full-time blended learning course (at undergraduate level only) offered by us at a Campus.  

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment; 

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and  

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

2. Eligibility 

2.1. To be considered eligible for the Fund, you must meet the criteria set out at clause 2.2 or clause 2.3 (“the Fund Criteria”). 

2.2. To be considered eligible for the Fund you must meet the following criteria: 

2.2.1. You are enrolled on a Programme;  

2.2.2. You live outside of a 10-mile radius from your Campus; 

2.2.3. You incur costs as a result of commuting to Campus to attend timetabled lectures (this includes any form of transport, for example, car, train, tram, bicycle and bus); 

2.2.4. You have a household income of less than £25,000, as evidenced through the Students Loan Company; and  

2.2.5. You are in receipt of a full maintenance loan, as evidenced through the Students Loan Company. 

2.2.6. For the avoidance of doubt, you must provide the Student Loan Company with your consent to share the information in clauses 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 with us. Failure to provide your consent will mean you are not Eligible for the Bursary.  

2.3. If you do not meet the criteria set out above in clause 2.2, you may be considered eligible for the Fund if you are in any one of the following apply to you: 

2.3.1. You live in an area with low participation of young people in higher education, as determined by the Office for Students; or 

2.3.2. You have a disability or mental health condition that affects your ability to attend your Campus and attend lectures; or 

2.3.3. You are a care leaver or in receipt of carers allowance. 

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, if clause 2.3.2 or clause 2.3.3 apply to you and has not previously declared it to Arden, you will be required to provide us with evidence to show that clause 2.3.2 or clause 2.3.3 applies to you.  

2.5. Unless we state otherwise, the Fund does not apply to you if you are currently an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time. 

2.6. Even though you satisfy the Fund Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the Fund if any of the below apply: 

2.6.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or 

2.6.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or 

2.6.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or 

2.6.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the Fund (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or 

2.6.5. you are a Sanctioned Person. 


3. Information about the Fund and how it will be applied 

3.1. If you satisfy the eligibility criteria and submit a completed application form in accordance with clauses 2 and 4, we will provide you with up to 50% of your travel costs incurred as a result of traveling between your registered home address to your Campus to attend scheduled lectures (including the purchase of a bicycle and/ or bicycle safety equipment, subject to clause 4.1.3), for the relevant semester, less any bank charges incurred by us in providing the payment to you under clause 3.6. 

3.2. Arden’s staff will manage the application of the Fund through Blackbullion.  

3.2.1. As part of the application form, you must provide us with: 

3.2.2. Your personal details, including your full name, student number, student email, home address and postcode. This will be verified by us against the information we hold about you on your student record; 

  1. Receipts showing the expenses you have incurred to travel to your lectures. 
  2. Each application form submitted must cover all travel expenses you incur over a consecutive 2-week period, subject to clause 4.1.3. 
  3. You will not receive monies for expenses claimed where you fail to provide a receipt. 
  4. We will verify your lecture attendance. You cannot claim for travel expenses incurred but not related to attending your scheduled lectures. 
  5. You cannot claim for expenses incurred for travel that is not between your home address and your Campus.  

3.3. You will be unable to apply in advance of incurring any travel costs. 

3.4. You will be required to apply in each semester you want to make a claim. 

3.5. The payment made by us to you under clause 3.1, will be made in pounds sterling regardless of the currency you use to pay for your travel costs.  

3.6. We will make the payment to you: 

3.6.1. Where possible, in the form of travel vouchers (e.g. vouchers for travel by train etc), usually within 4-6 weeks of you submitting an application form. We will provide the travel voucher(s) to you via our third party platform, Sodexho. You must create an account on Sodexho in order to receive the travel vouchers. We will not be liable to make payment to you under clause 3.6.2 if travel vouchers are available and you fail to create an account with Sodexho. For the avoidance of doubt, it is your responsibility to read, agree to and comply with the Sodexho terms of use; and 

3.6.2. Where we are unable to make payment to you in the form of travel vouchers (for reasons excluding your failure to create an account with Sodexho), via bank transfer to the bank account you provide in your application form, usually within 4-6 weeks of you applying. The bank account must belong to you and must be a UK bank account. We reserve the right to carry out due diligence, as we deem appropriate, before we make any payment to you under these Terms, in respect of the bank account information you provide, including but not limited to requesting relevant documentary evidence.  

3.7. The Fund is provided on a first come first serve basis as there is limited budget for the Fund and therefore provision of the Fund is subject to availability of money within the budget. 


4. How to apply for the Fund 

4.1. In order to apply for the Fund you need to complete and submit an application each semester after you have incurred two weeks of travel expenses each semester. The application form can be accessed on www.blackbullion.com.  

4.1.1. As part of your application you must provide a statement about how receipt of the Fund will benefit you. 

4.1.2. If you travel by car and you are claiming for petrol costs, you must in your application demonstrate why travel by car is necessary, rather than travelling using public transport.  

4.1.3. If you travel by bicycle, you can apply to the Fund for costs incurred as a result of purchasing a bicycle and/ or safety equipment. For the avoidance of doubt, students applying to the Fund for costs incurred as a result of purchasing a bicycle and/ or safety equipment (a) must have purchased such bicycle and/ or safety equipment for the sole purpose of travel to and from their Campus; (b) must have purchased such bicycle and/ or equipment within one month prior to applying to the Fund, as evidenced by proof of purchase receipts; and (c) payment provided by us to you will be a one off.   

4.2. You should only submit an application form if you will incur travel costs, for yourself (this includes any type of travel e.g. car, train, bus, bicycle), for travelling between your home address and your Campus to attend scheduled lectures. 

4.3. Your application form must be submitted no later than 4 weeks from the date which you have incurred two weeks of travel expenses, as evidenced by receipts. We will not accept claim forms submitted after this date.  


5. General 

5.1. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to receipt of money from the Fund. 

5.2. The Fund can be combined with any other offer run by us. 

5.3. The Fund is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final. 

5.4. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms or the Fund at any time.  

5.5. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.  

5.6. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

5.7. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it. 

5.8. We accept no responsibility for any claim forms provided under clause 4 that are lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.  

5.9. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Fund. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

5.10. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay. 

5.11. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date. 

5.12. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies then the Arden Policies shall prevail.   

5.13. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.  

5.14. By submitting a claim form, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Fund. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at www.arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.   

5.15. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them. 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University StartSmart Survey (BL, 2024 to 2025) prize draw occurring in October 2024 and January 2025 (subject to these Terms), each the “October Prize Draw” and the “January Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk 



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.   


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms. 



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms: 

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly. 

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.    

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1. 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information. 

Programme means all blended learning (BL) study centre calendar programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University, including CertHE programmes. 

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority. 

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

Survey means (a) the Arden University StartSmart Survey sent by us; or (b) the Arden University Induction Survey (Blended Learning) sent by us, as applicable to you.   



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must: 

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme. 

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 2.1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you: 

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or 

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or 

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or  

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person. 

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.  



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1. for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.  

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period. 

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way. 

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the relevant Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates states are included in the period): 

4.1.1. 9am (UK time) Friday 30th August 2024 to 9am Monday 23rd September 2024 your entry will be entered into the October Prize Draw; and 

4.1.2. 9am (UK time) Friday 15th November 2024 to 9am Monday 9th December 2024 your Entry will be entered into the January Prize Draw. 

(collectively the “Entry Period”). 

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the following Draw Dates: 

4.2.1. Tuesday 1st October 2024 for the October Prize Draw; and  

4.2.2. Monday 6th January 2025 for the January Prize Draw.     

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from valid Entries.  

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.  

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the relevant Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.  

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision. 

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.  

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms. 



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time. 



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.  

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.  

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw. 

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.  

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry. 

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc. 

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us. 

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.  

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.  

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.  

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it. 

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.  

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay. 

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date. 

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.   

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.  

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them. 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship enabling students who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you” / “your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme (“UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship”). >


About Arden and How to Contact Us

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website ( www.arden.ac.uk ).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s student terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application  means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University; 

Eligible Programme means any MSc, MA, MBA and LLM course offered by us that is available to be studied via online distance learning for UK students only. PG Top-Ups and PG Certificate courses are excluded from this definition of Eligible Programme;

Enrolled  means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability  means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme  means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes. 

Programme Fee  means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date  means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions  means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and 

Sanctioned Person  means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.  

2. Eligibility

2.1. The number of UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarships awarded by Arden University under these Terms shall be limited to no more than:

2.1.1. 250, for MSc, MA or MBA Eligible Programmes (excluding MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) and MA Design Management); and

2.1.2. 130, for MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) or MA Design Management.

2.2. To be considered eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.2.1. you are deemed by us to be a UK student;

2.2.2. you submit a complete Application to us for your Eligible Programme;

2.2.3. you have achieved a 2:1 (or equivalent) or above degree classification; Ordinary/Pass degrees are excluded. Please note, in line with our admissions entry requirements, we use ECCTIS to make decisions on Applications we receive; ECCTIS will therefore be used to assist us in determining your eligibility under this sub-paragraph 2.2.3 ;

2.2.4. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme for any online distance learning intakes from and including January 2025 to April 2025.   

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners , as amended from time to time.  

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who apply to study with us under a progression or articulation agreement between Arden University and a third party, are not eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship.   

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship, subject to these Terms.  

2.6. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:  

2.6.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University);  

2.6.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or  

2.6.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or  

2.6.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or  

2.6.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or  

2.6.6. you are a Sanctioned Person.  


3. How we apply the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship  

3.1. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship will be automatically applied to you if you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for how the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship will be applied.  


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal  

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).  

4.2. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.  


5.Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence  


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.  


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes referred to under sub-paragraph 2.2.4 , in order for the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship to apply.   

Leave of Absence  

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply. 


6. Cancellation by Arden University  

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:  

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or  

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or  

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.  

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 6.1.1 to 6.1.3 , we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship cannot be combined with any other offer. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you.  For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.   

7.2. The UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.  

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship at any time.   

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.   

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.  

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.  

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.   

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.  

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.  

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.  

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.    

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.   

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at www.arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.    

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.  


Schedule 1 – UK Postgraduate Merit Scholarship application  

We will apply the ‘Reduction’ amount depending on the ‘Degree Classification (or equivalent) achieved’. If you are a self-funded student or an SLC funded student, the ‘Reduction’ will be applied in equal amounts (where possible) across your payment plan(s). If you are a student paying in full, the ‘Reduction’ will apply in equal amounts (where possible) to your entire payment(s).   

Degree Classification (or equivalent) achieved  Reduction for level 7 fees  
For MSc, MA and MBA Eligible Programmes excluding MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) and MA Design Management  
2:1  £2,000  
1:1  £2,000  
For MSc Psychology Conversion Degree (BPS) and MA Design Management  
2:1  £1,000  
1:1  £1,000  


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the MSc Project Management (UK Distance Learning) offer enabling students who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you” / “your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme (“MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer”).


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University website (www.arden.ac.uk).

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University’s student terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on a Programme. 

Contact us at: www.arden.ac.uk/contact-us


1. Definition and interpretation

1.1. In these Terms:

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University;

Eligible Programme means the MSc Project Management course offered by us (the Eligible Programme must be studied via the online distance learning study mode only);

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly;

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Programme (as if the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your Programme place has been confirmed by us;

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes.

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee for all levels to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment;

Programme Start Date means the start of your Eligible Programme as defined in Arden University’s academic calendar (excluding induction modules);

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.


2. Eligibility

2.1. To be considered eligible for the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer, you must meet the following criteria (“the Eligibility Criteria”):

2.1.1. you are deemed by us to be a UK student;

2.1.2. we make you an offer to study your Eligible Programme via the online distance learning study mode for one of the following intakes: October 2024; or January 2025; or April 2025.

2.2. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who apply to study with us under a progression or articulation agreement between Arden University and a third party, are not eligible for the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer, subject to these Terms.

2.5. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability:

2.5.1. you are carrying 40 credits or more from previous learning at another institution (this includes Arden University);

2.5.2. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or

2.5.3. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or

2.5.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.5.5. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or

2.5.6. you are a Sanctioned Person.


3. How we apply the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer

3.1. The MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer will be automatically applied to you (in equal amounts where possible) if you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria. Please see Schedule 1 for how the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer will be applied.


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy for your refund eligibility (if applicable).

4.2. The MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer is subject to cancellation in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms.


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme that is not an Eligible Programme, the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability.


5.2. If you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme, your deferral must be to one of the intakes referred to under sub-paragraph 2.1.2, in order for the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer to apply.

Leave of Absence

5.3. If you are permitted to take a leave of absence from your Eligible Programme, during your leave of absence, the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.


6. Cancellation by Arden University

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse, to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances:

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or

6.1.3. if, in our opinion, the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes unviable or practically impossible for us.

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, or the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 6.1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available.


7. General

7.1. The MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.

7.2. The MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision shall be final.

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer at any time.

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer, you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt.

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at www.arden.ac.uk or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


Schedule 1 – MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer application

 Programme Fee (without the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer appliedProgramme Fee (with the MSc Project Management (UK DL) Offer appliedIntakesStudy Mode
Eligible Programme£9,500 per level£6,500 per level
  • October 2024;
  • January 2025;
  • April 2025.
Online distance learning


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, “we”/”us”) operates the quarterly Learning Success Hub Feedback prize draw occurring in July, October, January and April on a rolling basis (subject to these Terms), each the “July Prize Draw”, the “October Prize Draw”, the “January Prize Draw” and the “April Prize Draw”, and collectively the “the Prize Draw”. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)   


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who submit a completed feedback form (the “Entry”) during the Entry Period will be entered into one of the Prize Draws (depending on when the Entry was submitted) to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. All Entries must be submitted via the link to the feedback form found or provided (a) in the email sent by us to you relating to the Learning Success Hub feedback; or (b) in sessions with the Learning Success Hub team; or (c) in the relevant section on the Learning Success Hub website. 


1 x £50.00 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.  



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms: 

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly. 

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2; 

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1; 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information; 

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University; 

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; and 

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must: 

2.1.1. currently be Enrolled on a Programme at Arden University. 

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 2.1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you: 

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from your Programme; or 

2.2.2. are blocked or suspended as an Arden University student; or 

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or 

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or 

2.2.5. you are a Sanctioned Person. 

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, if you are or become a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), you can still complete the feedback form, but you will not be entered into the Prize Draw as stated at clause 2.2.4. 

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, students who are also undertaking paid roles with us (e.g. Student Ambassadors) can still complete the feedback form, but they will not be entered into the Prize Draw. Student Representatives are eligible to complete the feedback form and to be entered into the Prize Draw. 

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the feedback form. 



3.1. All Entries must be submitted via the feedback form found or provided (a) in the email sent by us to you relating to the Learning Success Hub feedback; or (b) in sessions with the Learning Success Hub team; or (c) in the relevant section on the Learning Success Hub website . We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way. 

3.2. You can submit more than one feedback form each quarter, but we will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1 for which Prize Draw you will be entered into. 

3.3. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be automatically entered into the relevant Prize Draw. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates stated are included in the period): 

4.1.1. 1st January to 31st March your Entry will be entered into the April Prize Draw; 

4.1.2. 1st April to 30th June your Entry will be entered into the July Prize Draw; 

4.1.3. 1st July to 30th September your Entry will be entered into the October Prize Draw; 

4.1.4. 1st October to 31st December your Entry will be entered into the January Prize Draw; 

(“Entry Period”). 

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the first Wednesday that occurs after the end of the relevant Entry Period (the “Draw Date”). For example, the Draw Date for an October Prize Draw will be the first Wednesday after 30th September. If the first Wednesday is a bank holiday in the UK, the random draw will take place on the next Wednesday that occurs.  

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from Entries correctly submitted.  

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.  

4.5. We will provide the Prize to winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 14 working days from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the winner’s primary email address that we have in our records. 

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision. 

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.  

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.  



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time. 



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.  

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under Prize Draw, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.  

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw. 

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.  

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry. 

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc. 

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us. 

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.  

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.  

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.  

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it. 

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.  

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay. 

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date. 

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.   

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.  

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them. 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Learning Success Hub Q&A Participation Prize (the “Participation Prize”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit an Entry will receive the Prize, subject to these Terms.


1 x £50 Amazon e-voucher will be awarded to each of the valid Entries (the “Prize”).



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry means participating in a project ran by the Learning Success Hub by providing responses to a set of questions in relation to engaging with the Learning Success Hub, to promote the Learning Success Hub, by either:

  1. Participating in a question and answer style in-person interview in our Birmingham Cross ways Campus on Wednesday 16th October 2024 (“In-Person Entry”); or
  2. Participating in a question and answer style interview online (“Online Entry”) ; or
  3. Providing a written response to question and answer questions(“Written Entry”)

Entry Period means 9am (UK time) on Monday 14th October 2024 until 5pm (UK time) on Thursday 31st October 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. During the relevant Entry Period be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. Subject to these Terms, by submitting a valid Entry, you will be eligible to receive the Prize.

3.2. To submit an Entry, you must:

3.2.1. Register your interest through either (a) the online expression of interest form: Learner Journey Interview - Expression of Interest (office.com); or (b) emailing a staff member of the Learning Success Hub, using your student email;

3.2.2. If you have registered your interest to submit an In-Person Entry, we will agree a mutually suitable time on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at our Birmingham Crossways Campus to complete your Entry;

3.2.3. If you have registered your interest to submit a Video Entry, we will agree a mutually suitable time during the Entry Period to complete your Entry. You must provide responses to the questions asked during the agreed time; and

3.2.4. If you have registered your interest to submit a Written Entry, we will provide you with the relevant questions via e-mail and you must provide your written response to us during the Entry Period via email, using your student email.

3.3. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.4. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only, subject to In-Person Entries only being submitted on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at our Birmingham Crossways Campus. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.

3.6. By submitting an Entry, your Entry may be used by Arden University to promote the Learning Success Hub.



4.1. Entrants who submit a valid Entry will be awarded the Prize as stated as stated above (the “Winners”). No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the Winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.2. We will provide the Prize to the Winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the end of the Entry Period. We will use the Arden University student email address to contact each Winner.

4.3. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.4. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.



6.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images.

6.2. Where applicable, you warrant to us that you are the sole creator and owner of the copyright for your Entry.

6.3. By submitting an Entry, you hereby agree to grant us a non-exclusive, fully-paid-up, royalty free licence to use, publish and modify your Entry.

6.4. You agree that we may edit, alter, adapt, manipulate, modify or otherwise deal with your Entry (or any portion of it) in any manner we see fit and you agree to provide Arden with the raw editable data of your Entry or in a format that allows Arden to do such actions. We will confirm which software is to be used for providing us with such data.

6.5. You agree that we may publish your Entry (in original form or as edited by us or our subcontractors) on our website, marketing materials (digital or physical copies), social media channels, internal staff and student intranet for marketing purposes and promoting the Learning Success Hub.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Participation Prize.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Participation Prize and an Entrant’s participation in the Participation Prize including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Participation Prize is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Participation Prize can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Participation Prize. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

7.16. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

7.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Halloween Social Media Prize Draw 2024 (“the Prize Draw”). 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk 


To be considered for this Prize Draw, you (“the Entrant”) must submit an Entry within the Entry Period. Your eligibility for this Prize Draw is subject to these Terms.  


1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to each of the five chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms. 



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms: 

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly. 

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2;and is the owner of the social media account used to submit their Entry.    

Entry means the comment that you post under one or both of our Spooky Halloween Social Media Posts that correctly identifies the number of Arden logos in the Spooky Halloween Social Media Post. For your Entry to be valid and entered into the Prize Draw, your comment must identify the correct number of Arden logos in the Spooky Halloween Social Media Post. 

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) on Thursday 31st October 2024 until 9am (UK time) on Thursday 7th November 2024.  

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information. 

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.  

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority. 

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

Spooky Halloween Social Media Post means the social media post that we post on our official Instagram and Facebook social media channels, on Thursday 31st October 2024, that asks how many Arden logos can be found on the post.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must: 

2.1.1. As at 9am (UK time) on Thursday 31st October 2024 be Enrolled on a Programme. 

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 2.1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you: 

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or 

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or 

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or 

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or  

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person. 

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw. 



3.1. You must submit/post your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period. 

3.2. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 



4.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant. This means, where you post multiple comments on either one or both of the Spooky Halloween Social Media Posts, we will only enter one Entry into the Prize Draw. For the avoidance of doubt, we will only accept an Entry that is correct i.e. that identifies the correct number of Arden logos in the Spooky Halloween Social Media Post. 

4.2. We will put all correct and valid Entries into a random draw which will be performed by a computer process. Five winners will be selected out of the random draw. The random draw will take place on or before Friday 8th November 2024 (“Selection Date”).  

4.3. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.  

4.4. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Prize Draw to contact the winner.  

4.5. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision. 

4.6. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time. 

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and country of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.  



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.  

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms. 

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.  

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.  

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw. 

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.  

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry. 

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as such companies listed. 

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us. 

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.  

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.  

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.  

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it. 

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.  

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay. 

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date. 

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.   

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.  

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them. 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Spread Your Wings Graduation Day Competition for the London graduation ceremony in November 2024 (“the Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants who, during the Entry Period, submit their entry to the Competition (“the Entry”) will be in with a chance of winning the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Competition, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 26th November 2024 until 9am (UK time) on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be a graduate of Arden University who attends the Arden University London November2024 graduation ceremony (“Graduation Ceremony”) as a graduate/graduand.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student at any time; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.

2.4. For the avoidance of doubt, Arden University staff members can submit an Entry but their Entries will not be considered for the shortlist and winner positions.



3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. To submit your Entry your must do the following (we will not accept an Entry submitted any other way):

3.2.1. your photo should be taken at the Arden Wings stand at the Graduation Ceremony, clearly including the Arden Wings within the photo;

3.2.2. you must be following Arden University on the social media platform you submit your Entry on, either Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) or LinkedIn;

3.2.3. submit a post (not a ‘story’) with your photo on one of the above social media platforms tagging Arden University’s official social media account (on the same platform) and using the official graduation hashtag, ‘#ArdenGrad’.

3.3. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.4. The owner of the social media account must be the Entrant.

3.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into the Competition, subject to these Terms.

4.2. Staff from our social media team will select a shortlist of five Entries, upon which an overall winner will be chosen from. Only one winner will be chosen for this Competition.

4.3. We will only enter valid Entries into the shortlist.

4.4. The selection of the shortlist and winner will take place on or before Tuesday 3rd December 2024 (“Selection Date”).

4.5. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the Selection Date. We will use the social media handle provided in the Competition to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details (including your social media handles) being used by us to contact you in connection with the Competition. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry:

5.2.1. you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, modify, and publish (whether online or offline) your Entry; and

5.2.2. you agree to us re-posting and sharing your Entry on our social media accounts.

5.3. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Competition. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and country of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request. 



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible for the Competition under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s participation in the Competition including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Competition is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK, Instagram LLC, Facebook UK Ltd, Meta Platforms Inc, X Corp, LinkedIn, Microsoft Corporation, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as such companies listed.

6.9. The Competition can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

Effective from 18th November 2024 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University” and/or “we”/”us”) operates the DL January 2025 Early Bird Offer (“EBD Offer”) enabling international students who are studying via online distance learning and who meet the Eligibility Criteria (“you”/“your”) to receive a reduction in their Programme Fee for their Eligible Programme. 


About Arden and How to Contact Us 

We are Arden University Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02450180 and our registered office is at Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, United Kingdom CV3 4FJ. Our registered VAT number is 7053350 66. We are also a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioners Office.  

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s student terms and conditions, policies and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on our Website (www.arden.ac.uk). 

For the avoidance of doubt, you remain bound by the financial and contractual obligations of the Arden University terms and conditions applicable to your Enrolment on your Eligible Programme as appropriate. 

Contact us at: https://arden.ac.uk/contact-us  


1. Definitions 

1.1. In these Terms: 

Application means the application form for joining a Programme at Arden University; 

EBD Offer means the reduction of the Programme Fee for your Eligible Programme by a total of £1,000.00 (one thousand pounds sterling), in accordance with and subject to these Terms; 

Eligible Programme means any foundation + undergraduate course, any undergraduate course and any postgraduate course, offered by us that is available to be studied via Online Distance Learning only. For the avoidance of doubt, Top Ups are not Eligible Programmes.  

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in a Programme and the expression “Enrol” and “Enrolment” should be read accordingly. 

Fee Liability means the amount that you are obliged to pay for your Eligible Programme (as if the EBD Offer was not applied) once your acceptance of your place has been confirmed by us; 

Programme means any course (at any level e.g. foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by us and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the Eligible Programmes; 

Programme Fee means the total published tuition fee to be paid to us for a Programme from time to time and any fees, costs or expenses which are not tuition fees are expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the following items are outside the scope of the Programme Fee (without limitation): costs relating to accommodation, living, food, subsistence, travel, stationery, computer or computer equipment, registration, or Enrolment; other fees charged either by us, any of our partners and/or any other governing or regulatory body in connection with your studies; library charges; printing charges; and costs associated with retaking any assessment; 

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority; 

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person; and  

Website means www.arden.ac.uk 


2. Eligibility 

2.1. To be considered eligible for the EBD Offer you must meet the following criteria (the “Eligibility Criteria”): 

2.1.1. You are deemed by Arden University to be an ‘international student’; 

2.1.2. You have accepted an offer to study your chosen Eligible Programme for the January 2025 intake only;  

2.1.3. Your Eligible Programme is for a total of: 120 credits or more, if you apply for a postgraduate Eligible Programme; or 240 credits or more, if you apply for a foundation + undergraduate Eligible Programme or an undergraduate only Eligible Programme; and 

2.1.4. You pay the holding fee or full fee for your chosen Eligible Programme by, the deadline stated in your offer letter or in any event, no later than 23:59 (in your local time zone) on Monday 16th December 2024.  

2.2. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer does not apply to you if you are applying to be an Arden University student via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time.  

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, students who come to Arden through an approved Arden University recruitment agent are eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to these Terms 

2.4. Even though you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria, you will cease to be eligible for the EBD Offer if any of the below apply and you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability: 

2.4.1. your Arden University student account is in arrears; or  

2.4.2. you are blocked or expelled as an Arden University student; or 

2.4.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent;  

2.4.4. any part of your Application or any information subsequently provided to us in connection with the EBD Offer (including, without limitation, any financial information) is misrepresentative or fraudulent; or  

2.4.5. you are a Sanctioned Person. 

2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, if your EBD Offer is revoked, you may be liable for the Fee Liability for your Eligible Programme. 

2.6. If you deferred to the January 2025 intake, you may still be eligible for the EBD Offer, subject to satisfying the obligations under these Terms. 


3. Application of the EBD Offer  

3.1. Unless we confirm otherwise, if you are a student paying via a payment plan, the EBD Offer will be taken off your Programme Fee in pro-rata sums from all your levels of study. For example, if you are studying an undergraduate Programme that has 3 levels of study, one third of the EBD Offer will be applied against each level.  

3.2. If you are a student paying in full, the EBD Offer will be reflected onto the full Programme Fee you are required to pay. 


4. Cancellation and Withdrawal 

4.1. If you cancel or withdraw your place on your Eligible Programme or are withdrawn by us, you may become immediately liable for the full Fee Liability. Our finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability. Please see our Refund Policy on our Website for your refund eligibility (if applicable).  

4.2. The EBD Offer is subject to cancellation by us in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Terms. 


5. Transfer, Deferral and Leave of Absence 


5.1. If you transfer from your Eligible Programme to a Programme which is not an Eligible Programme, your EBD Offer cannot be transferred, and you will no longer be eligible for the EBD Offer. Our Finance team will confirm to you by way of email your Fee Liability for the Eligible Programme and your new Programme. 


5.2. The EBD Offer applies to students starting in the January 2025 intake only, therefore if you are permitted to defer the start of your Eligible Programme to any other intake, the EBD Offer will no longer be applied to you, and you may be eligible for the Fee Liability (including deposits) of your Eligible Programme.    

Leave of Absence 

5.3. If you have been granted a leave of absence, during your leave of absence, the EBD Offer will still apply to your Eligible Programme. If you subsequently decide to withdraw or are withdrawn, paragraph 4 will apply.  


6. Cancellation by Arden University 

6.1. We reserve the right to refuse or to withdraw an offer or to cancel your accepted place on an Eligible Programme for any of the reasons set out in your student terms and conditions, and including (without limitation) in the following circumstances: 

6.1.1. insufficient student numbers confirmed on your Eligible Programme; or 

6.1.2. if the number of students confirmed on your Eligible Programme exceeds the number of places available; or 

6.1.3. if the running or continuation of your Eligible Programme becomes, in our opinion, unviable or practically impossible for us. 

6.2. If we are unable to run your Eligible Programme or we cancel your place for any reason as set out in your student terms and conditions, including (without limitation) the reasons listed in sub-paragraphs 6.1.1 to 6.1.3, we will give you the opportunity to transfer to a different Eligible Programme subject to there being a place available. 


7. General 

7.1. Unless we state otherwise, the EBD Offer is not to be combined with any other offer run by us. If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer that gives you the greatest discount will be applied to you.  For the avoidance of doubt, you are permitted to participate in our Refer a Friend Scheme, prize draws and competitions, subject to their applicable terms and conditions.  

7.2. The EBD Offer is given at our sole discretion and our decision will be final. 

7.3. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend these Terms and the EBD Offer at any time. 

7.4. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

7.5. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

7.6. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it. 

7.7. We accept no responsibility for any Applications that are lost, corrupted or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. 

7.8. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the EBD Offer. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

7.9. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay. 

7.10. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.  

7.11. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.  

7.12. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

7.13. We will at all times process any of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our Website or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.  

7.14. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them. 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the FoSST Employability & Professional Development Feedback Prize Draw (December 2024) (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.


1 x £20 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the five chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.

Entry Period means from 9am (UK time) Monday 2nd December 2024 until 12pm (UK time) Friday 13th December 2024.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the FoSST EPD Event Feedback form created by Arden University found here.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 9am (UK time) on Monday 2nd December 2024 be Enrolled on a Programme; and

2.1.2. answer all the questions on the page titled ‘Your feedback about the event’ on the Survey.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 2.1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 13th December 2024 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only five winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using the initial of your first name and your full surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and country of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Student Experience Survey Prize Draw (December 2024) (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


There will be prizes for first, second and third place winners for each campus listed below, and the DL study mode:

Ealing Campus

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher

Tower Hill Campus

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher

Holborn Campus

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher

Lock 14 and Crossways Campus (counted as one campus)

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher

Manchester Campus

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher

Leeds Campus

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher

DL students

  1. First place prize: 1 x £300 Amazon e-voucher
  2. Second place prize: 1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher
  3. Third place prize: 1 x £100 Amazon e-voucher



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 12 noon (UK time) Friday 6th December 2024 until 5:30pm (UK time) Wednesday 8th January 2025.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Student Experience Survey found here.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 12 noon (UK time) on Friday 6th December 2024 be Enrolled on a Programme, as either a: UK BL (UK) student, based at one of Arden University’s UK campuses; or DL (UK or International) student.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Friday 10th January 2025 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only three winners will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and county of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by, (a) Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc or (b) Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University ASSIST question bank crowdsourcing 2025 Prize Draw (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Form, providing their details and indicating in the Form that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


  1. 1 x £10 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to up to fifty chosen winners of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means from 12 noon (UK time) Monday 6th January 2025 until 9am (UK time) Monday 3rd February 2025.

Form means the form created by Arden University found here.   

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 12 noon (UK time) on Monday 6th January 2025 be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Form.



3.1. You may submit an unlimited number of Entries.

3.2. You must submit your Entry/Entries within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry/Entries via the Form. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry/Entries, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. All eligible Entries will be reviewed and judged by a panel of staff and students involved a student experience committee (“the Judges”) based on the following criteria:

4.1.1. the viability of the question provided in the Entry. Viable questions will accurately reflect the Arden University’s AIM policy found here and the proposed right answer will be correct;

4.1.2. whether you have explicitly agreed to participate in the Prize Draw. You will not be considered for the Prize Draw if you have selected that you do not want to take part in the Prize Draw.

4.2. The Judges will select Entries based on the criteria at clause 4.1 and then these chosen Entries will be entered into the Prize Draw.

4.3. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners from the Judges’ selected Entries at clause 4.2. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 10th February 2025 (the “Draw Date”).

4.4. Up to 50 winners will be chosen from the random draw process.

4.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winners and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.6. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (to their Arden University email address only) within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Form to contact the winner.

4.7. Our decision and the Judge’s decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our / the Judge’s decision.

4.8. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and country of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by, (a) Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc or (b) Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Careers, Employability, and Alumni Team Prize Draw (January 2025) (“the Prize Draw”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Entry Form, providing their details and indicating in the Entry Form that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £50 One4All e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Form means the physical paper entry form available at our Birmingham Crossways Campus event on 21st January 2025. Physical entry forms will be handed out by our Careers Consultant staff on the day of the event only.

Entry Period means from 11:30am (UK time) on Tuesday 21st January 2025 until 5pm (UK time) on Tuesday 21st January 2025.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means any course provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. as at 11:30am (UK time) on Tuesday 21st January 2025 be Enrolled on a Programme; and

2.1.2. during the Entry Period, attend one or more of our Careers, Employability, and networking activities taking place at our Birmingham Crossways Campus.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Entry Form.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Entry Form. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting a valid Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Wednesday 22nd January 2025 (“the Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for this Prize Draw.

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Entry Form to contact the winner.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your first name and surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and county of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by the Blackhawk Network Group, or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Blackhawk Network Group.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Module Evaluation Survey (SCC Calendar, 2025) prize draw occurring in January 2025, April 2025, June 2025 and October 2025 (subject to these Terms), each the “January Prize Draw”, the “April Prize Draw”, the “June Prize Draw and the “October Prize Draw”, and collectively “the Prize Draw”.

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)



Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the relevant Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of each Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry Period means as described in clause 4.1.

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Programme means all blended learning ‘study centre calendar’ programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.

Survey means the Arden University Module Evaluation Survey sent by us.  



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant for each Prize Draw. Please see clause 4.1. for which Prize Draw you will be entered into.

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the relevant Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. If you submit your Entry between (start and end dates states are included in the period):

4.1.1. 9am (UK time) Monday 6th January 2025 to 9am Monday 20th January 2025 your Entry will be entered into the January Prize Draw;

4.1.2. 9am (UK time) Monday 24th March 2025 to 9am Monday 7th April 202 your Entry will be entered into the April Prize Draw;

4.1.3. 9am (UK time) Monday 9th June 2024 to 9am Monday 23rd June 2024 your Entry will be entered into the June Prize Draw; and

4.1.4. 9am (UK time) Monday 13th October 2024 to 9am Monday27th October 2024 your entry will be entered into the October Prize Draw.

(collectively the “Entry Period”).

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for each Prize Draw will take place on or before the following Draw Dates:

4.2.1. Wednesday 22nd January 2025 for the January Prize Draw

4.2.2. Wednesday 16th April2025 for the April Prize Draw;

4.2.3. Wednesday 25th June 2025 for the June Prize Draw; and

4.2.4. Wednesday 29th October 2025 for the November Prize Draw.

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for each Prize Draw from valid Entries.

4.4. Each winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winners via email (which will come directly from Amazon) within 1 month from the day after the relevant Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winners.

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.



5.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

5.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

6.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and county of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.



7.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

7.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

7.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

7.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

7.6. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

7.7. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

7.8. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

7.9. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

7.10. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

7.11. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

7.12. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

7.13. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

7.14. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

7.15. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

7.16. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

7.17. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

7.18. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

7.19. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Recruitment Survey (Jan 2025 DL Intake), subject to these Terms).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)  


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.   


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.  



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms: 

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly. 

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.    

Entry Period means 9am (UK time) Tuesday 28th January 2025 to 9am Monday 24th February 2025. 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information. 

Programme means all distance learning (DL) programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University. 

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority. 

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

Survey means the Arden University Recruitment Survey (Distance Learning) sent by us.   



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant: 

2.1.1. must have signed their acceptance form for accepting an offer letter from Arden University for their Programme to start in the February 2025 intake; OR

2.1.2 must be Enrolled on a Programme in the Feburary 2025 intake.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 2.1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you: 

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or 

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or 

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or  

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person. 

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey.   



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.   

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period. 

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way. 

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified. 



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 3rd March 2025 (“Draw Date”).

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for the Prize Draw from valid Entries.  

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.  

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.  

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision. 

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry. 


5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time. 

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your first name, surname, name of Programme, and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and county of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request.



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw.

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry.

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc.

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time.

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/”us”) operates the Arden University Inter-Institution Business Pitch Competition 2025 (subject to these Terms), (“Competition”).

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)


Entrants who submit an Application and are chosen to be Participants (“you” / “your”) will be required to submit an Entry for the Competition, in compliance with these Terms.


a) First Place:

  1. One group will win £1,500 (in total to be given to the group) of funding to go towards their business idea.
  2. 3-months’ free mentorship support via the winners’ Institution will be given to each person in the winning group; and
  3. 1 year free membership with the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs will be given to each person in the winning group (each person will be required to contact Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs to obtain the membership).

b) Second Place:

  1. One group will win £1000 (in total to be given to the group) of funding to go towards their business idea.
  2. 3-months’ free mentorship support via the winners’ Institution will be given to each person in the winning group; and
  3. 1 year free membership with the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs will be given to each person in the winning group (each person will be required to contact Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs to obtain the membership).

c) Participation Prize:

  1. £250 (in total) of funding will be given to each group for participating in the Competition, to go towards their business idea.

d) Special Category Awards (each Prize will be given to one group as funding to go towards their business idea):

  1. Best Sustainability Idea: £100 prize for the best sustainability idea;
  2. Most Innovative Solution: £100 prize for the most innovative solution;
  3. Best Teamwork: £100 prize for showing the best teamwork
  4. Adaptive Entrepreneur: £100 prize for the most adaptive entrepreneur
  5. Use of Generative AI: £100 prize for the best use of generative AI

e) Each Participant will receive a certificate of recognition for participating in the Competition.



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:

Application means the application form obtained from your institution* that Entrants submits to enter the Competition and that contains:

  1. Confirmation that the applicant is a current Enrolled student at their Institution
  2. Confirmation that the Entrant has an intention to start a business or that they have already started a business, and a description of what the proposed business idea is or what the current business is (the description should be no more than 300 words).
    * For Arden University students, the application form can be accessed by logging in here.

For students from all other Institutions, please email the relevant email address below to obtain and submit the application form.

  1. University of Niagara Falls Canada: Dr. Sathy Srithar,
  2. London School of Business & Finance: Shahnaz Hamid, 
  3. Berlin School of Business & Innovation: Dr Gemma Vallet, 
  4. LCCA​ London College of Contemporary Art: Helen Ismael,
  5. GISMA​ University of Applied Sciences: Dr Peter Konhaeusner, 

Boot Camp means an online, intensive and interactive workshop that will be conducted around relevant business themes on the following dates:

Opening Ceremony & The Basic Concept of EntrepreneurshipFeb 17th​
Idea Generation ​Feb 24th​
Team Formation & Concept of self-discoveryFeb 27th​
Financial ManagementMarch 6th​
Market Entry Strategies & the role of AIMarch 10th​
Perfecting Your PitchMarch 17th​
Panel discussion and next steps

March 20th​


Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business.

Business Pitch Day means the day that Participants deliver their business pitches in front of the panel of Judges, and it will also be the closing ceremony of the Competition. The Business Pitch Day will be held on Thursday April 10th 2025 online. Arden University reserves the right to change this date.

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Application (and Entry, as applicable) in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under clause 2.  

Entry means the business pitch that Entrants give in their group at the Business Pitch Day. Your Entry must be in accordance with clause 3. 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.

Institution means the following Global University Systems (“GUS”) institutions:

  1. University of Niagra Falls Canada;
  2. London School of Business & Finance (UK only);
  3. Berlin School of Business & Innovation;
  4. London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA);
  5. GISMA University of Applied Sciences;
  6. Arden University Limited.

Mentoring Session means the online 1 hour per week meetings for 4 weeks that you arrange with your mentors via your Institution which will provide you with guidance on your skills required for this Competition.

Opening Ceremony means the online open ceremony meeting hosted by us which will allow you to meet other groups and other Institution staff members in relation to the Competition. We will also provide you with information about the Competition. We will hold the Opening Ceremony on Monday 17th February 2025. Arden University reserves the right to change this date.

Programme means all programmes provided and awarded solely by an Institution.

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person. 

Team Meetings means the meetings you arrange with your team members to develop your team’s Entry.



2.1. To be eligible for the Competition, the Entrant must:

2.1.1. be Enrolled on a Programme at one of the Institutions as defined in clause 1.

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy clause 1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Competition if you:

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme; or

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as a student from an Institution; or

2.2.3. you are in arrears in your student account; or

2.2.4. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Franchise Partner of Arden University or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University  partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or

2.2.5. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Competition.



3.1. Eligible Entrants are required to submit an Application, if they wish to be chosen to participate in the Competition. Applications must be made in a group of between 2 to 5 Entrants. Only one Application is required to be submitted for your group. Each Institution will choose one group to take part in the Competition.

3.2. Applications must be submitted to the relevant email address or via the link (for Arden University students only) set out in section 1.1 above under the definition of ‘Application’. Applications must be submitted between Monday 3rd February to Friday 21st

3.3. Each group whose Application has been chosen must then go on to submit your Entry in accordance with clause 4.



4.1. Each group must submit an Entry to enter the Competition. Only one Entry is required per group.

4.2. Submission of your Entry means you giving your business pitch in front of the panel of Judges at the Business Pitch Day.

4.3. The following meetings and sessions are optional but we recommend that you attend such meetings and sessions to help you with your Entry:

4.3.1. the Opening Ceremony;

4.3.2. the Team Meetings;

4.3.3. the Boot Camp sessions; and

4.3.4. the Mentoring Sessions (Mentoring Sessions must be completed by at least 1 week from the Business Pitch Day.

4.4. We will only accept one Entry per group.

4.5. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.



5.1. The Entries at the Business Pitch Day will be judged, by a panel consisting of industry experts and staff members from the Institutions (“the “Judges”). The Judges will use the judging criteria and scorecard found here to assess each Entry and select the winners.

5.2. The Judges will select first place group winners, second place group winners, third place group winners, and winners for the Special Category Awards Prize.

5.3. The Judges will make their decision at the Business Pitch Day.

5.4. We will announce and notify the winners during the Business Pitch Day.

5.5. The winners will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to each winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.

5.6. We will provide the Prize to the winners within 1 month from the Business Pitch Day.

5.7. The decision of the Judges is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by a Participant or any other party on the Participant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision.

5.8. In the event that any winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.

5.9. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive or otherwise in breach of these Terms.



6.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with your Application, Entry and the Competition. Arden University will at all times process your personal data in accordance with relevant UK data protection laws.

6.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your first name and surname and country of residence to announce the outcome of the Competition. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your surname and country of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request. 



7.1. You warrant to us that your Entry is your own original work and that it does not contain anything defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive words or images. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Entry does not infringe any laws or the copyright of any third party. Your Entry must not have been published elsewhere.

7.2. For the avoidance of doubt, as between Arden and the Entrants, all Intellectual Property rights in an Entry will be owned by the Entrants of the group that submitted the Entry.



8.1. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the Prize to you.

8.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

8.3. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Competition.

8.4. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful.

8.5. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Competition and an Entrant’s or Participant’s participation in the Competition including a Participant’s Entry.

8.6. We accept no responsibility for an Application or an Entry that is lost, corrupted, or not successfully completed regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Application and a Participant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms.

8.7. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

8.8. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Competition or any one of the Competition at any time.

8.9. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity.

8.10. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

8.11. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

8.12. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Competition. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

8.13. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed.

8.14. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

8.15. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

8.16. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail.

8.17. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

8.18. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) form the basis on which Arden University Limited (“Arden”, “Arden University”, and/or “we”/“us”) operates the Arden University Recruitment Survey (Feb 2025 BL Intake), subject to these Terms. 

These Terms should be read in conjunction with Arden’s main terms, policies, and procedures (“Arden Policies”), in force from time to time. Copies of all Arden Policies are available on the Arden University Website (www.arden.ac.uk)   


Entrants (“you” / “your”) who, during the Entry Period, complete and submit the Survey, providing their details and indicating in the Survey that they wish to participate in the Prize Draw (“the Entry”), will be entered into a random draw to have the chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms.    


1 x £200 Amazon e-voucher (“the Prize”) will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Prize Draw, subject to these Terms.   



1.1. The following definitions apply to these Terms:  

Enrolled means the process of formally registering your participation in the Programme and the expression “Enrol” should be read accordingly.  

Entrant means any individual who is aged 18 or over, acting at their sole discretion, who submits an Entry in accordance with these Terms and is eligible under Clause 2.     

Entry Period means 9am (UK time) Monday 17th February 2025 to 9am (UK time) Monday 10th March 2025. 

Intellectual Property means patents, rights to apply for patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, copyrights and all applications and registration of such worldwide, schematics, industrial models, inventions, know-how, trade secrets, computer software programs, and other intangible proprietary information.  

Programme means all blended learning (BL) programmes provided and awarded solely by Arden University.  

Sanctions means any sanction, including but not limited to, economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes, that is imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by (a) the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), or (b) the United Nations Security Council, or (c) the European Union, or (d) His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; or (e) any other governmental authority.  

Sanctioned Person means, at any time, (a) any person listed in any Sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the United States government (including, without limitation, OFAC), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other governmental authority, or (b) any person controlled by any such person.  

Survey means the Arden University Recruitment Survey (Blending Learning) sent by us.    



2.1. To be eligible for the Prize Draw, the Entrant:  

2.1.1. must be Enrolled on a Programme in the February 2025 intake. 

2.2. Despite the fact that you satisfy Clause 2.1, you will not be eligible, or will cease to be eligible, for the Prize Draw if you:  

2.2.1. withdraw or are withdrawn from the Programme at any time; or  

2.2.2. are blocked or excluded as an Arden University student; or  

2.2.3. you are or become, a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or a family member of a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary), or an agent or sub-agent, of (a) Arden University or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, or (b) an Approved Arden University Franchise Partner or (c) a company associated with any other Arden University partnership arrangement or (d) an approved Arden University recruitment agent; or   

2.2.4. are found to be a Sanctioned Person.  

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, unless we state otherwise, Entrants who are Arden University students via any of our partnerships listed at https://arden.ac.uk/studying-with-us/partners, as amended from time to time, are not eligible for the Prize Draw but can still complete the Survey. 



3.1. We will only accept one Entry per Entrant.    

3.2. You must submit your Entry within the Entry Period only. We will not accept an Entry submitted outside the Entry Period.  

3.3. You must submit your Entry via the Survey. We will not accept an Entry submitted any other way.  

3.4. By submitting your Entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. An Entry that does not comply with these Terms or is otherwise incomplete (to be decided at our sole and absolute discretion), will be disqualified.  



4.1. By submitting an Entry, you will be entered into a random draw for the Prize Draw for a chance to win the Prize, subject to these Terms. 

4.2. A random draw performed by a computer process will be used by us to select the winners. The random draw for the Prize Draw will take place on or before Monday 17th March 2025 (“Draw Date”). 

4.3. Only one winner will be chosen for the Prize Draw from valid Entries.   

4.4. The winner will be awarded the Prize as stated above. No cash alternative is available. The Prize is personal to the winner and is non-transferrable and excludes any additional costs.   

4.5. We will provide the Prize to the winner via email within 1 month from the day after the Draw Date. We will use the email address provided in the Survey to contact the winner.  

4.6. Our decision is final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into by an Entrant or any other party on the Entrant’s behalf regarding the process or details of our decision. 

4.7. In the event that the winning Entry is, or becomes, void for any reason (which is determined at our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the absolute right to select a new winning Entry.  



5.1. By submitting an Entry, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the Prize Draw. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website (www.arden.ac.uk/privacy-policy) or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.  

5.2. By submitting an Entry, and only if you are in receipt of the Prize, you consent to us publicly using your first name, surname and county of residence to announce the outcome of the Prize Draw. You further consent to your name and likeness to be used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and to take part in any post promotion publicity. For the avoidance of doubt, you can object to your first name, surname  and county of residence being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity or request the amount of information being published and/or being used by us for pre-arranged promotional purposes and promotion publicity reduced. Without prejudice, we will provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on reasonable request. 



6.1. We will reject an Entry we deem, in our sole and reasonable discretion, to be inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise in breach of these Terms. 

6.2. We accept no responsibility for an Entry that is lost, not successfully completed or corrupted regardless of cause, including, but not limited to, any equipment failure, technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind, and proof of sending shall not be proof of receipt. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of the Entrant to submit their Entry in accordance with these Terms. 

6.3. Where there is a law (including but not limited to Sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the Prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail, and we will not provide the Prize to you. 

6.4. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these Terms, you are able to use the Prize; this includes being able to use the Prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us. 

6.5. You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the Prize Draw. 

6.6. We accept no liability for any costs incurred by an Entrant for submitting an Entry regardless of whether the Entry was successful or unsuccessful. 

6.7. We will not be liable for any Intellectual Property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the Prize Draw and an Entrant’s participation in the Prize Draw including an Entrant’s Entry. 

6.8. The Prize Draw is not, and should not be deemed, in any way to be administered, endorsed or sponsored by Amazon.com Inc, Amazon UK or any subsidiaries of, or companies within the same group as, Amazon.com Inc. 

6.9. The Prize Draw can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us. 

6.10. The Prize is awarded at our sole discretion and our decision is final. 

6.11. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Terms or the Prize Draw at any time. 

6.12. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms to any other individual or entity. 

6.13. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms. These Terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions. 

6.14. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it. 

6.15. We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these Terms and the Prize Draw. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence. 

6.16. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Prize, or any interception of the Prize once distributed. 

6.17. If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay. 

6.18. If we delay in enforcing any of these Terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these Terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date. 

6.19. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Arden Policies, then the Arden Policies shall prevail. 

6.20. Each of the provisions in these Terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these Terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. 

6.21. These Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any claim arising under or in connection with these Terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.