Our Policies, Standards and Procedures

University Governance

Arden University is governed by its Board of Directors and its Academic Board. The Board of Directors has responsibility for managing the business, however all academic affairs, including the award of degrees, fall within the authority of the Academic Board. This body has overall responsibility for academic standards and the quality assurance and enhancement of student learning opportunities.


Arden University Regulatory Framework

The University operates its programmes of study and awards its degrees, diplomas and certificates in accordance with its Regulatory Framework and Quality Assurance Documents. This framework ensures that students are treated fairly and equitably and that their awards will be recognised as equivalent to other UK university qualifications.

The Regulatory Framework contains information which is important to students, including assessment regulations, details of how awards will be classified and rules relating to student conduct.

The implementation of this Regulatory Framework is overseen by the Academic Board and its sub-committees.

Regulatory Framework (V9)

Where students are studying programmes validated or franchised by a partner university, then the partner regulations will apply instead. Details of how to access these are available in the relevant student handbooks.


Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Each year we produce a report on our organisation’s Gender Pay Gap, launching our second annual report in 2022.

Read the full report

Transparency Table
A-Z of Policies
Programme Specifications