Neha on stage

Arden University Berlin recently celebrated its first in person Graduation Ceremony in the German Capital. 

Bringing together learners from across the world for a day of celebration, we caught up with some of the proud graduates on the day to talk about their experience studying at Arden Berlin and how it felt to have completed their courses. 

One of those in attendance on the day was Neha, who graduated with an MSc Data Analytics and Information Systems Management. 

Find out more about Neha's experience studying, and how she came to love Berlin, despite the shock of arriving during its famously cold winter! 


How does it feel to be graduating today, after everything you’ve been through?

I’m super happy and my family are super proud. Everyone is very excited. Throughout my journey, they supported me and now, as I’ve finally achieved what I was here for, I'm feeling grateful for my professors, family, and friends. 

I feel relieved that now I can focus on my job and I don't have to do it all. As a student, mostly people do a part time job, but I was doing a full-time internship with a company. It was quite hectic to manage work and assignments. 

For anyone that isn't familiar with your course, what was it like?

So, this is the kind of course I was looking for. I was looking for something which is a mixture of analytics and systems. I come from a background with experience in analytics and project management, so I wanted something that added systems. Arden University provided me exactly what I was looking for – they have data analytics modules alongside the systems’ knowledge share. It was the full package for me. 

When I signed up for it, I saw there were six modules, three for data analytics, three for SM and I think now that was very helpful for me. 

You were studying via blended learning, could you tell us a little more about that?

Blended learning is the mix of in-person and online teaching.

For me, it meant I could start from online, and then do half of the course in the class. 

Because of the COVID situation, I was able to do some of it from India. And then do the rest from here. It was quite a journey. 

Online, you don't get to know students as well, but in class, it was fun to learn, and to meet your tutors and actually share the knowledge you’ve learnt. 

It sounds like you had some challenges through your studies then, how difficult was it overcome them?

Skills wise, it was not a challenge at all. While studying, I was able to get help from all the tutors, and all my friends. The only struggle I felt was moving to the new country and taking time to get into the atmosphere. It was also a bit lonely because of COVID. 

Moving to a new country, how did you feel through the early days of that?

The first month was horrible. I come from the hottest city in India, but when I moved here, it was winter. No one was outside and as soon as it was three o'clock it was dark outside. I was like what am I meant to do? I’ve never been in such an environment. 

Luckily I was in student dorms. So, there were people from the same background as me who were studying. We used to celebrate inside and we would get together, catch up, and share knowledge.

Arden has after class meetups too, so that was good. Plus, there were the women-for-women events every month. So, I guess that also helped me to communicate and to explore.

What are some of the things you like about Berlin as a city now?

It’s international, its spirit, and the people are very outgoing.

Staff are open to helping to solve your personal problems and open to discussion. I like the summer here, but whenever there is winter, if you want to meet someone, they people are still quite welcoming and pretty open to meeting up.

If you're feeling low, they are always here to boost you up. Berlin is the kind of city I would like to be in.

There are a lot of students in Berlin and lots of student groups. There are a lot of activities which can keep you motivated and keep you interacting with people. Plus, because it's international, you get to learn about a new culture.

Don't think that you will be bored or something in winter, just keep going at your pace. 

What do you think are some of the skills that you've developed during your time here?

Research, for sure. How to actually present what you want, how to use other people’s ideas legally by referencing and rephrasing, and how you can encourage yourself and others to do more.  

I learned about presentation, and managing deadlines, but I would say my communication and collaboration skills were improved the most and my research skills are now very good. 

In my company now when I present, they all say “You are doing good work.”

What do you do for work?

I'm a business analyst. I joined the company in January which was before I graduated. Dina [Careers Advisor] helped me a lot with it. I'm very grateful that I met her. She was always there to help with how to look for a job. and when I got the job she was very happy. 

What do you hope to do in the future now that you’ve got your degree?

I want to get more skilled in my work, upgrade my skills, and grow more in the professional area. Maybe in the future I might plan to do a PhD, but I would like to focus on growing professionally for now. 

I would like to manage the team, and I would like to lead projects. I also want to mentor people who cannot afford higher education studies. 

What was it that kept you motivated? 

Because I moved from India here, I didn’t want it to waste that. I kept on reminding myself that I had a dream to get to graduation and that I want to work here. Plus, my family and friends kept me going and the struggles, well they’re just a part of life. You will struggle through it, and you will one day achieve what you are here for. 

To find out how you could be graduating from Arden University Berlin with a degree to help you achieve more, visit our course pages today