Covid-19: Update on our Approach to teaching from September 21 – Berlin

Covid-19: Update on our Approach to teaching from September 21 – Berlin 

Dear Colleagues, We hope you are doing well. As we continue to monitor national restrictions, we wanted to provide an update regarding teaching from September, based on current available information. We will of course update you as and when, or if, anything changes that means we need to take a different approach. 

We can confirm that all safety measures will remain in place in our Berlin Study Centre, in line with Government Regulations. These measures include: 

  • Entrance requirement – you will only be allowed to enter the Centre if you are -

Fully vaccinated with one of the vaccinations approved by the European Union, and if your final vaccination happened more than 14 days ago.

Recovered from COVID-19 within the past 6 months (but more than 28 days ago) OR can provide a negative test not older than 24 hours from one of the recognised test centres 

Please note that the Government is likely going to stop providing the COVID testing free of charge from 11 October, so it is really worth considering getting your vaccination! 

  • Social Distancing - all social distancing measures will remain in place. 
  • Face Masks – you must always wear a medical or FFP2 face mask in the study centre. 
  • Student Booking to come into the Centre – to avoid disappointment given the reduced lecture room capacity, students will need to book a ticket before coming to class. 
  • “Your Degree Your Way” (studying online via Zoom) - will continue to be offered to students and it will their choice if they wish to attend online or book a seat to attend face to face in the centre. 

Increased cleaning practices will continue. Social areas will be open but will still be subject to social distancing with reduced seating. 
We will keep all arrangements under review and ensure all students and staff have opportunities to share their feedback on how things are going. We will also keep in touch with you if anything changes. 
Please remember if you are experiencing any symptoms do not mix with staff and students and take a Covid-19 test immediately. 

For more information keep an eye on the official Berlin website for guidance and updates and if you have any questions, please contact your Student Support Team: 

Paula Reilly, Director of Academic Services 16th August 2021