Oct 20 2021

Upgrades to Dissertation Ethics System designed to help students

Introducing our new Ethics System

Arden University has proudly instigated a new Ethics System, designed to provide a one-stop-shop for the data collection and management of dissertation projects – providing full traceability across students’ projects, and their status, from the very first time they enter the working title. 

The ethics system is designed to provide assistance to students in two key ways. 

Firstly, in providing a singular platform for the management of the process of submitting a dissertation. Dramatically cutting down the need for email correspondence, all applications and their status are accessible to relevant personnel at all times, with up to-date support documentation available whenever it is needed. 

Secondly, the Ethics System assists in determining that ethical approval and risk assessment are in line, safeguarding the participant and/or researcher, and providing them with awareness of best ethical practice when conducting research. 

Applications submitted are reviewed and authorised online using a controlled process that is modelled on the Arden University Policy(ies) – ie: ‘Low Risk', 'Medium to High Risk' and 'High Risk' process and includes prompts for Health & Safety (H&S) Risk Assessment considerations. 

The Application Process has recently been updated to automatically derive the categorization of risk based on responses to questions on the Project Forms.

  • Ethics Arden is available at: https://ethics.arden.ac.uk 
  • Students can register their account at http://arden.magicsquaresystems.com/register

Additionally, the following guidance material has been produced by Magic Square Systems Limited for Ethics Arden.  The material consists of screencast links showing how to access and use the ETHICS Arden system from the perspectives of different account holders.

Student Registration - https://www.screencast.com/t/0c0VfIsbt

Edit Profile and Password - https://www.screencast.com/t/2bufPAPm

Forgot Password - https://www.screencast.com/t/fQHIQjkzQAif

Working Title Form - https://www.screencast.com/t/0O8dJNk1

Submit Project - https://www.screencast.com/t/n7TcUmeCp1r

Revise and Resubmit - https://www.screencast.com/t/5RsqBpDif

ETHICS Certificate - https://www.screencast.com/t/PxARfaJ8ryPw

Archive Project - https://www.screencast.com/t/mmwRA9bTZ