Graduation prizes and awards

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Arden University presents several prizes at each graduation celebration to recognise and reward student achievement.

Listed below are the prizes currently approved by Arden’s Academic Board.

The Academic Board and the Progression and Awards Board, make the final decision over the presentation of any of the prizes.


Our nominated prize categories


This prize will be open to all students who have completed and been awarded a degree from an Arden University programme.

Eligible students must have completed and passed their intended award and meet at least one of the following criteria. Nominations can be from the student, from a fellow student, or by a member of Arden University staff.

The prize will go to the student who, in the sole opinion of the Progression and Awards Board (PAB), has achieved the greatest academic success while demonstrating the values of Arden University.


  1. Were unable to go to university as originally hoped due to finances.
  2. Has demonstrated that their work has benefited the wider community.
  3. Has participated in extra-curricular activities.
  4. Has balanced studying whilst working full time.


A certificate and £150 (one hundred- and fifty-pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Vice Chancellors’ Prize, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all students, who have completed and been awarded a degree from an Arden University programme. The prize will go to the student who, in the opinion of both the Progression and Awards Board (PAB) and the respective Faculty Dean, has shown the greatest improvement in outcomes throughout their journey to academic success at Arden University. This may be as a result of an improvement in grades or may be through other markers of academic success through contributions to their programme, school or faculty. 

Students must have completed and passed their intended award and meet at least one of the following criteria. Nominations and can be from the student, from a fellow student, or by a member of Arden University staff.


  1. Has made a significant contribution to their programme, school or faculty.
  2. Has demonstrated resilience and determination to thrive during their time at Arden University.
  3. Has completed their studies despite facing barriers to their learning.

Examples of successful students may include but are not limited to:

  1. A student that has engaged in enhancement initiatives.
  2. A student that has resubmitted and passed a previously failed assignment.
  3. A student whose average grade improved over the years of study.
  4. A student who learnt a language for the completion of their degree.
  5. A student that has tested for, been diagnosed, and managed a learning disability such as ADHD, autism, or dyslexia etc.
  6. A student that was displaced during or before their studies with impact on their learning.
  7. A student who has faced prejudice due to their race, sex, gender, religion, or disability with impact on their studies.


A certificate and £150 (one hundred- and fifty-pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to each chosen winner of the Dean’s prize, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all students who have completed and been awarded a degree from an Arden University programme. This prize recognises the single or collective of students who have overcome a personal challenge and achieved success at Arden University. Students must have completed and passed their intended degree programme and meet one of the following criteria. Nominations can be from the student, from a fellow student or by a member of Arden University staff.

Students must demonstrate an “achievement in the face of adversity”. This might be in the form of:

  • a single or multiple of achievements attained in the face of adversities.
  • an adversity that began before commencing studies or commenced during studies.
  • a physical, mental, social, financial, familial, emotional, or spiritual adversity.
  • an achievement regardless of grade.

Where “achievement in the face of adversity” is shared, both students should receive the prize.

Examples of successful students may include but are not limited to:

  1. A single or multiple achievements attained in the face of adversities: Overcoming language barriers, navigating systemic racism and balancing cultural expectations.
  2. An adversity that began before commencing studies or commenced during studies: Successfully pursuing education despite displacement, refugee status, trauma, or societal stigma related to gender identity or sexual orientation.
  3. Disability-related: Navigating and/or promoting accessibility and inclusion for students with disabilities or neurodiversity in higher education
  4. Financial: It can be difficult to balance the financial demands of supporting a family with the costs of education, such as tuition and books.
  5. Social: Navigating social barriers, such as feeling isolated or because of one's cultural background, to succeed academically might be some of the challenges.
  6. Familial: Balancing the demands of caring for family members, such as children or elderly parents, with the demands of studying and completing coursework.
  7. Emotional: Managing mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, while also pursuing academic goals and completing coursework.
  8. Spiritual: Finding a balance between religious or spiritual commitments and the demands of academic coursework and studying.
  9. An achievement regardless of grade: Making significant contributions to community development and initiating projects that promote cultural understanding and inclusivity while demonstrating leadership in advocating and allyship for underrepresented groups on campus.



A certificate and £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to each chosen winner of the Katie Aubrey Prize, subject to these terms.


  • FAQs

Who can make a nomination?

Nominations can be from the student, a fellow student, or a member of Arden University staff.

How do I nominate a fellow student or self-nominate?

The nomination form is now available until 14th October for the November 2024 graduation.

Please click HERE to make your nomination.

What rules do I need to follow?

When completing a nomination please ensure the following:

  • The criteria for the prizes has been met.
  • Nomination form must be completed in full.
  • Nomination form received by the deadline date.
  • If you are nominating a student, you must have their consent to do so.
Will I be informed if someone I nominated was successful/unsuccessful?

You will only be informed if your nomination was successful and your nominated student gives us consent to share this information.

Will I be informed if my self-nomination was successful/unsuccessful?

You will only be informed if your self-nomination was successful.

How will I be notified if I am a prize winner?

If you are a prize winner, you will be contacted via email ahead of the forthcoming graduation ceremony.

How will the prizes be awarded?

Usually, if you are a prize winner, you will collect your certificate on stage at the graduation ceremony. Your name will also be listed in the graduation brochure and on our graduation webpage (subject to consent). The cash prize will be sent separately via BACS.

What if you cannot attend the ceremony?

If you cannot attend the graduation ceremony your certificate will normally be posted to your home address after the graduation ceremony. The cash prize will be sent separately via BACS. Your name will also be listed in the graduation brochure and our graduation webpage (subject to consent).

Nomination deadline dates
UK Graduation 26th November 2024  
Nomination opensAugust 2024
Nomination closes14th October 2024




This prize will be open to all postgraduate students (not including postgraduate top-up students) who have completed and been awarded postgraduate degree from an Arden University programme. The prize is to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits shall be given the prize.
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the Arden University.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Achiever prize.


A certificate and £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Best Performing Postgraduate Student, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all postgraduate top up students who have completed and been awarded a postgraduate top up degree from an Arden University programme. The prize is to the postgraduate top up student with the highest classification mark across the university.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits shall be given the prize.
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the Arden University.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Achiever prize.


A certificate and £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Best Performing Postgraduate Student, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all undergraduate students (not including undergraduate top-up students) who have completed and been awarded an undergraduate degree from an Arden University programme. The prize is to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits from their final year shall be given the prize.
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Achiever prize.


A certificate and £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Best Performing Undergraduate Student, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all undergraduate top up students who have completed and been awarded an Honours top up undergraduate degree from an Arden University top up programme. The prize is to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits from their final year shall be given the prize.
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden best performing student prize.


A certificate and £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Best Performing Postgraduate Student, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all postgraduate students (not including postgraduate top up students) who have completed and been awarded a postgraduate degree from an Arden University programme. The prize is to a Postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits shall be given the prize
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Best Performing student prize.


A certificate and £50 (fifty pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Achiever Postgraduate Student Prize, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all postgraduate top up students who have completed and been awarded a postgraduate top up degree from an Arden University programme. The prize is to a postgraduate top up student with the highest classification mark across a School. 

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits from their final year shall be given the prize.
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Best Performing student prize.


A certificate and £50 (fifty pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Achiever Postgraduate Student Prize, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all undergraduate students (not including undergraduate top-up students) who have completed and been awarded an undergraduate degree from an Arden University programme. The prize is to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits from their final year shall be given the prize
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Best Performing student prize.


A certificate and £50 (fifty pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Achiever Undergraduate Student Prize, subject to these terms.


This prize will be open to all undergraduate top up students who have completed and been awarded an undergraduate top up degree from an Arden University top up programme. The prize is awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a school.

  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest average score on their highest 60 credits from their final year shall be given the prize
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.

Any student who is awarded this category cannot be awarded the Arden Best Performing student prize.


A certificate and £50 (fifty pounds sterling) cash prize will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Arden Achiever Undergraduate Student Prize, subject to these terms.

Eligibility/ Criteria

This award is open to all students who are enrolled on and have completed a British Psychological Society accredited programme at Arden University.

This award is for the student who has achieved the highest overall classification mark in a British Psychological Society accredited degree programme at Arden University.

  • The award must go to the student with the highest overall score across all British Psychological Society Accredited Programmes.
  • If more than one student has the same score, the student with the highest score on the research project should be nominated.
  • If that does not discern between candidates, nomination of one student is at the discretion of the institution.


A signed letter of congratulations, £30 (thirty pounds sterling) voucher prize; and a year's free graduate membership will be awarded to the chosen winner of the Undergraduate British Psychology Society Award, subject to these terms.


How do I achieve an Academic prize?

Normally approved prizes are based on academic merit and final classifications. Students who meet the criteria for these prizes will be identified during Arden University’s PAB. Students identified who meet the prize criteria will be added to a shortlist from that PAB period. Before each graduation ceremony, a PAB will be identified as the final prize PAB where all shortlisted students will be presented to confirm the final prize winners.

How will I be notified if I am a prize winner?

If you are aa prize winner, you will be contacted via email ahead of the forthcoming graduation ceremony.

How will the prizes be awarded?

Usually, if you are a prize winner, you will collect your certificate on stage at the graduation ceremony. Your name will also be listed in the graduation brochure and our graduation webpage (subject to consent). The cash prize will be sent separately via BACS after the ceremony.

What if you cannot attend the ceremony?

If you cannot attend the graduation ceremony your certificate will normally be posted to your home address after the graduation ceremony. The cash prize will be sent separately via BACS after the ceremony. Your name will also be listed in the graduation brochure and our graduation webpage (subject to consent).

Prize winners

Arden University is lucky to have such talented students, please see below all awarded graduates.

Best Performing Undergraduate Student

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Mohammed Auchoybur (2024)

Best Performing Undergraduate Student (Top-up)

Awarded to the undergraduate, top up student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Johnson Godswill Sunny (2024)

Arden Achiever Undergraduate

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Hanna Breusch (2024)

Leadership and Management

Christian Knutsen (2024)

Digital Finance

Samuel Gresham (2024)


Lenka Brnova (2024)

Design and Creativity

Adri Mari Le Roux (2024)


Shannen Kinsella (2024)

Criminal Justice

Valeriia Nedbai (2024)


Keren Abbott (2024)

Arden Achiever Undergraduate (Top Up)

Awarded to the undergraduate top up student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Ralitsa Dimitrova (2024)

Leadership and Management

Arvind Sharma (2024)


Silviu Negoita (2024)

Best Performing Postgraduate Student

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Bianka Rosanna (2024)

Awarded to the postgraduate, top up student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Muhammad Hossain (2024)

Arden Achiever Postgraduate

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Jessica Marshall (2024)

Leadership and Management

Penny Ankin Murray (2024)

Logistics Supply Chain and Project Management

Henry Williams (2024)

Digital Marketing and Sales

Amy Sciberras (2024)

Human Resource Management

Altaf Karjikar (2024)


Jonathan Pertwee (2024)


Jamie Lee Adams (2024)

Digital Education

Lynne Hemingway (2024)

Arden Achiever Postgraduate (Top Up)

Awarded to the postgraduate top up student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Leadership and Management

Ali Abdullah Al Malki (2024)

Vice Chancellors prize

The Vice-Chancellor presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education.

Isabella Sethna (2024)

Deans Prize

Arden University presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education

Patrick David Éinrí Murray Whitham (2024) Faculty of Business

Juliana Ajunga Ochelle (2024) Faculty of STEM

Daukenumwerimi Victory Charles (2024) Faculty of Social Sciences

Katie Aubrey Award

This award is in memory of Katie Aubrey, a long-standing member of Arden staff who passed suddenly. Awarded to a student who has overcome personal challenges while achieving success at Arden University

Craig Marriott

Best Performing Undergraduate Student

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Shipu Miah (2023)

Emma Japp (2023)

Arden Achiever Undergraduate

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Indira Maria Newell (2023)

Amy Louise Hinton (2023)

Leadership and Management

George Tembo (2023)

Daniel Donnor (2023)

Digital Finance

Sarah Shahzeb (2023)

Amy Kingshott (2023)


Matthew George (2023)

Sandor Artur Imre (2023)

Design and Creativity

Hanan Khalil Mutahar (2023)

Zoen Lau (2023)


Abdulhamza Rajooj Hmood Alameri (2023)

Stephanie Schildknecht (2023)

Criminal Justice

Catherine Grundy (2023)

Felicity Jane Holmes (2023)


Lauren Anne Westwell (2023)

Victoria Bajic (2023)

Best Performing Postgraduate Student

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Meerab Shahid (2023)

Robert Sili (2023)

Arden Achiever Postgraduate

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Rebecca Louise Nekstad (2023)

Leadership and Management

Jennifer Rogers (2023)

Digital Marketing and Sales

Shannon Parfitt (2023)

Human Resource Management

Jade Robbins (2023)

Vicky Gutteridge (2023)

Project Management

Sidra Sarfraz Khan Sipra (2023)

Johanna Hansen (2023)


Steven Marsh (2023)

Neal Donnan (2023)

Design and Creativity

Paula Boenders (2023)

Digital Education

Paul Moses (2023)

Victoria Rafferty (2023)


Galina Gardiner (2023)

Sophie Yeldham (2023)

Vice Chancellors prize

The Vice-Chancellor presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education.

Gabriel Ochelle (2024)

Deans Prize

Arden University presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education

Nathalie Francis (2023) Faculty of Business

Rumana Begum (2023) Faculty of Business

Yamuna Devi Khoodeeram (2023) Faculty of STEM

Samuel Sant (2023) Faculty of STEM

Rebecca Reynolds (2023) Faculty of Social Sciences

Vanessa Krol (2023) Faculty of Social Sciences

Ramandeep Kaur (2023) Faculty of Learning and Teaching

Katie Aubrey Award

This award is in memory of Katie Aubrey, a long-standing member of Arden staff who passed suddenly. Awarded to a student who has overcome personal challenges while achieving success at Arden University

Mathew Love (2023)

Chantelle Lloyd (2023)

Best Performing Undergraduate Student

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Stephen Edwards (2022)

Louise McCabe (2022)


Arden Achiever Undergraduate

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Comfort Kaheru-Isanga (2022)

Elsa Denise Perestrelo (2022)

Leadership and Management 

Michael Ross (2022)

Anna Nolan (2022)

Digital Finance

Sana Fnaiech (2022)

Saima Taha (2022)

Human Resource Management 

Melanie Kate Belavilas (2022)


Honufa Bibi Ahmed (2022)

Mujtaba Allah Ditta (2022)


Jarl-Stian Olsen (2022)


Elenya Daley (2022)

Claire Smith (2022)


Megan Scourfield (2022)

Patrick Coughlan (2022)

Digital Education

Penelope Hyams (2022)


Best Performing Postgraduate Student

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Louise Mitchell (2022)

Ayesi Mbwanari (2022)


Arden Achiever Postgraduate

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Digital Marketing

Amy Elizabeth Chetwynd (2022)

Samuel Aylett (2022)

Human Resource Management 

Ella Palmer (2022)

Reinier Kasper (2022)

Leadership and Management

Christopher-John Perrin (2022)

Alexander Hunter (2022)

Project Management

Jade Hatherall (2022)


Neil Andrew Stephenson (2022)

Marnus Janse Van Rensburg (2022)


Richard Patterson (2022)


Rudolf Eigenheer (2022)

Digital Education

Samuel Aylett (2022)

Project Management and Supply Chain & Logistics

Energy Seplane Madzivanyika (2022)

Marketing and Sales

Tiffany Mitchell (2022)


Deans Prize

Arden University presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education

Lisa Marie Pryce (2022) Faculty of Business

Sharnay Van- Hoorn (2022) Faculty of STEM

Lisa Meighan (2022) Faculty of Social Sciences


Vice Chancellors prize

The Vice-Chancellor presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education.

Quite Phiri (2022)

Michele Gull (2022)


Katie Aubrey Award

This award is in memory of Katie Aubrey, a long-standing member of Arden staff who passed suddenly. Awarded to a student who has overcome personal challenges while achieving success at Arden University

Louise Mitchell (2022)

Toddles Lawrence (2022)


BPS Undergraduate Award

Bettina Finna (2022)

Best Performing Undergraduate Student

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Lavin Orlando Lennon (2021)


Arden Achiever Undergraduate

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Nurudeen Odunayo Oladejo (2021)

Leadership and Management 

Derek Walker (2021)

Digital Finance

Jane Waweru (2021)

Human Resource Management 

Julia-Joyce Wells (2021)

Digital Marketing

Tempitope Adeola (2021)


Daniel Martin Jones (2021)


Beatrice Viney (2021)


Elena Angela Neocleous (2021)

Criminal Justice

Charlotte Elisa Marie Uhel (2021)


Daniel Lee Kelly (2021)


Best Performing Postgraduate Student

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Francis Jamileth Gallardo Velasquez (2021)


Arden Achiever Postgraduate

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Digital Marketing

Corinna Wagner (2021)

Human Resource Management 

Faye Humphries (2021)

Leadership and Management

Sabrina Shariff Morisset (2021)

Project Management

Faith Augusta Simataa (2021)


David Mathey-Doret dit Doret (2021)


Brian Henricus Gerardus Jacobs (2021)

Best Performing Undergraduate Student

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Daniela Tripon (2020)


Arden Achiever Undergraduate

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Healthcare Management

Chandrika Perera (2020)

Leadership and Management 

Richard LongStaffe (2020) 


Davide Mariuzzo (2020)


Catherine Palmer (2020)

Criminal Justice

Irina Cocu (2020)


Nicole Brunt (2020)


Best Performing Postgraduate Student

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across the university.

Nader Erian (2020)


Arden Achiever Postgraduate

Awarded to the postgraduate student with the highest classification mark across a School.

Digital Marketing

Julie Firth (2020)

Human Resource Management 

Andrew Jackson (2020)

Leadership and Management

Sian Duffin (2020)

Project Management

Luxmi Kanth Navaneethan (2020)


Andrew Agborma Abaye (2020)


Hamed Khamis Ali Al Nadabi (2020)


Victoria Stakelum (2020)


Deans Prize

Arden University presents this award to the student who had to overcome significant challenges to pursue higher education

Cecilia McKay (2020) Faculty of Business, School of Healthcare Management 

Geoffrey William Sim (2021) Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Psychology

Jackson Osarumwense Omoruyi (2022) Faculty of Business, School of Healthcare Management



Best Dissertation Undergraduate Student 

Awarded to the undergraduate student enrolled on a CMI accredited course and completed their degree between 2020 - 2022

Johnathan Araujo Vaz Ferreira

Best Dissertation Postgraduate Student  

Awarded to the postgraduate student enrolled on a CMI accredited course and completed their degree between 2020 - 2022 

Ben Roughton 

Outstanding Student Award

Awarded to an exceptional learner who has demonstrated a positive impact on their own professional development and academic studies through effective application of the theory they have learned

Simon Henry

By accepting your graduation prize, you consent to your contact details being used by us to contact you in connection with the prize. We will at all times process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website ( or upon request, which is compliant with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 both as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.

Where there is a law (including but not limited to sanctions) or regulation prohibiting the provision of the prize to you from us, the applicable law/regulation shall prevail and we will not provide the prize to you.

It is your responsibility to ensure that, if you are eligible under these terms, you are able to use the prize; this includes being able to use the prize in your country of residence. No alternative prize will be provided by us.

You are fully responsible for and shall indemnify us for and in respect of any tax (including but not limited to income tax and National Insurance contributions) you are required to pay in relation to your participation in the prize

We accept no liability for any costs incurred by a winner for accepting a prize.

We will not be liable for any intellectual property infringement that arises from, or in connection with, the prize and a nominee’s participation in the prize.

The prize can be applied at the same time as other offers run by us.

The prize is given at our sole discretion and our decision is final.

We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the terms or the prize at any time.

You may not transfer any of your rights under these terms to any other individual or entity.

Nobody else has any rights under these terms. These terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of their provisions.

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under our relationship. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to terminate the relationship within 30 days of us telling you about it.

We are not liable to you in respect of any claims or losses arising from these terms and the prize. The above limitation of liability shall not apply to any claims that relate to death or personal injury through our negligence.

We are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the prize, or any interception of the prize once distributed.

If we delay in carrying out our obligations to you under these terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, then we will not be liable to you (or any other person) for the consequences of that delay.

If we delay in enforcing any of these terms, we may still enforce any of them later. If we do not insist immediately that you meet your obligations under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of you breaking these terms that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

Each of the provisions in these terms operates separately. If a court finds any part of these terms unlawful, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

These terms are governed exclusively by English law and both you and us irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any claim arising under or in connection with these terms and any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with them.


An annual report summarising prizes awarded is made to Academic Board each year. This summarises all prizes awarded in that year, new and discontinued prizes.