Class of 2021

virtual graduation ceremony registration is now closed

Virtual graduation ceremony Class of 2021

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we, like many other universities, find ourselves in the difficult position of being unable to offer face-to-face graduation ceremonies at this present time. We recognise a small number of Universities have preceded with hosting a traditional ceremony, but they are very much in the minority. We are still determined to ensure you are given the opportunity to celebrate this incredible achievement in a fashion which is befitting of your success.

At the centre of our celebrations during 2021 will be a virtual graduation ceremony which will offer all our students and staff the opportunity to come together in an online environment to recognise your achievements and celebrate your successes.

Following the online ceremony, all graduates from the class of 2021 will be invited to join us for an in-person graduation ceremony once it is safe to do in the summer of 2022. This way, we can ensure we recognise your achievements in person, while reducing the risks to everyone involved.

Please form part of the Virtual graduation ceremony- Registration is now closed

Virtual graduation ceremony dates

Our virtual graduation ceremonies will be held over 4 days from the 22nd to 25th November 2021

  • 22nd November 2021- Faculty of Business
  • 23rd November 2021-School of Health and Care Management
  • 24th November 2021- School of Computing
  • 25th November 2021-Faculty of Social Sciences- Psychology, Law, Graphic Design, Joints 


Arden University graduation student