Jun 18 2021

Meet Chris, our LGBTQ+ Student Rep


I'm Chris, the elected LGBTQ+ Student Representative for this year here at Arden University. As a specialised Student representative at the University my main focus is to advance the diversity policies on a day to day basis. 

To give you a bit of an overview of myself, I am reaching this year on Christopher Street Day ( what a funny coincidence to be born on that day), my 50th year on this planet. I believe that age is just a number, and I don’t feel anything close to this age. Born and raised in San Francisco to multicultural parents ( Father German / Mum French/American), I have been affected by my parent's legal education. Despite having a Degree in Hospitality and Design, I decided last year to study law to follow on a promise I made to my late mother to get a legal education. 

pride flag

For the last 30 years, I have worked in the Airline Industry, and while enjoying my discovery of the world, I decided it’s never too late in training an “old dog” new tricks. 

My hobbies are really as vast as my Character. I used to dance professionally in Latin American and Ballroom, and I am still keeping up a strict fitness regime. Naturally, because of my initial training as a Chef, I am interested in Cooking. I enjoy going out with friends to venues, Theatre, Cinema, and I am a Rollercoaster and Themepark fanatic constrained during the Pandemic. 

I still create a lot of digital artwork and work as a freelance interior designer, not to forget I run a successful candle company. My days are always filled with enough activities, and I do sometimes sleep as well if you wonder!

I have been very active over my entire life in the LGBTQ+ community, worked in many Charities, and held the LGBTQ+ Rep position at various Airlines I worked for and at my previous University. 

While the acceptance of LGBTQ+ matters has advanced a lot in my lifetime, I still believe there are still diversity acceptance issues in society. My work here is to be the voice for all students that identify themselves to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. My door is always open for a chat or even if you have an issue that might touch the diversity policy. 

I am working with the University stakeholders to set up a dedicated Webpage for the LGBTQ+ Community, with relevant information and links to various community organisations. I plan to do either a virtual or live Pride event this year, depending on the circumstances with the Pandemic. I want to visit all Campus Sites in the UK and Berlin before the end of this year to meet you all. 

Until this is possible, please don’t hesitate to contact me on the dedicated Email Address lgbtqrepresentative@ardenuniversity.ac.uk for a chat or concerns you might have. 

Until we meet, I wish you all a successful study here at Arden.