We are very pleased to announce that the Arden University Students’ Association has now been officially launched! Students from across the University have done an amazing job with creating this Students’ Association, from submitting proposal papers, joining project groups to discuss main objectives and aims, to create an amazing new logo. We have appointed Arden University Students’ Association first President, Vishi Singh, who will be driving this Association forward in its inaugural year.

"Hi there. I’m Vishi, your first Arden Students’ Association President. As President, it is my job is to make sure you are supported and have the best experience throughout your student and academic life at Arden. I am here to represent your voice to the university administration and ensure you are heard.
My main aims this year are:
- Increase opportunities for Student Participation through student-led projects
- Build an inclusive academic and social virtual community
- Expand on Student Support Services for students
- Assist in launching the new student academic calendar
- Increase research and publication opportunities for students
- To develop and improve the current Student Representative Network system, ensuring every student is heard And many more!
I have just finished my LLB degree at Arden I understand the convenience and flexibility Arden offers to us while still pursuing our careers, but also the increased pressures this can bring. I also know how daunting university can be especially if you are studying for the first time, be it via Distance Learning or in one of Arden’s Blended Learning study centres but please know that the Student Association and your Representatives are here for you and will only be a message away!
So, enjoy your modules, make friends, get involved and I hope you enjoy your time at Arden! Be sure to follow our journey as we start to develop our Students’ Association and please feel free to reach out to studentpresident@ardenuniversity.ac.uk with any queries you may have or, just to say hi!"
Here's a message from our CEO & Vice-Chancellor, Carl Lygo;
"I am so excited that Arden University launches the new Students’ Association. It is an important step in the journey of Arden University as it establishes the first independent Students’ Association to represent the interests of our students.
It is the culmination of a lot of hard work, from the team of students who led the development of the constitution, our creative students who entered the competition to design the logo, our advisors supporting the Students’ Association and the team who work with our students to make all this happen.
A big well done to Robert Simmonds for the inspirational winning design!
Great teamwork and I am excited to be working closely with the Students’ Association to support their ambitious agenda.
I’ll be wearing my hoodie with pride!"
- Carl Lygo