James Barlett - Sheer persistence - Balancing a PhD with other commitments – 16 September 2020

Join James Barlett, an Arden University Psychology Lecturer as he discusses his journey as a PhD student and the hurdles he had to face along the way.

Taking Place: Wednesday 16th September, 12:30 – 13:30 BST 

PhDs are notoriously difficult to complete, not due to struggling with the topic area, but because of the sheer persistence it takes to stay motivated on one project for so long. Psychology Lecturer James Barlett struggled at times during his PhD because he was combining his studies with different part-time jobs and changing from full-time to part-time study. Although it has worked out in the end, there were many periods where he thought about throwing in the towel. This talk covers his journey as a PhD student and the hurdles he had to face along the way.

If you have any questions for James, please include these in the registration form and we will try to answer these as part of the session.

An introduction to James Barlett:

James is just finishing his PhD at Coventry University where he studied daily and non-daily smokers. At Arden University, James is a lecturer in psychology and leads undergraduate and postgraduate modules on research methods. James specialises in quantitative research methods with experience in statistical programming (R and Python) and psychophysiology (EEG). His research focuses on addictive behaviour, in addition to other projects on the psychology of religion and prosocial behaviour.

Arden University Psychology Lecturer James Barlett