Mar 30 2022





Irina is a Human Resources Management student who is combining studying the industry with learning on the job, working full-time as an HR assistant during the week. Having moved to the UK from Italy a couple of years ago, Irina is loving the HR world and is clearly a born problem-solver who loves to help others. You can read more below about what she enjoys about Arden and HR, as well as her aims and ambitions for the future.

Hi Irina, can you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you're studying?

Hi there, my name is Irina and I'm originally from Moldova. I came to London two years ago and decided to study at the same time as working. I’m doing a BA in Human Resources Management and I chose Arden because I felt it was a great opportunity for me – especially with the possibility of doing online courses. 

What are you doing alongside studying?

I work as an HR assistant and I recently joined a new company dealing with sport consultancy. So now my position will cover HR with a global aspect because they work with all kinds of sports and have a lot of projects.

What have you enjoyed most about studying with Arden so far?

I've been studying for almost a year now and I love the flexibility, as well as being able to learn without feeling too pressurised.

Have you found what’ve you been learning has changed you at all?  

Definitely, yes. Studying with Arden has helped me to improve my English skills, because I'm reading a lot and writing assessments, as well as giving me knowledge to build my HR career.

What do you want to do with your degree when it’s finished?

My aim is to become an HR manager in the next three years, so I'm hoping this will help me to build and increase my HR skills and help me to achieve my goals faster. 

What is it about HR that you like the most?

It's all about dealing with people – which is kind of challenging, but also very interesting. It’s about managing and interacting with people so you can help them. 


How do you balance your studying with the rest of your work/ life?

It's all about organisation. In the evening, I can dedicate maybe one or two hours on some days during the week and then at least one full day at the weekend.

What's your advice for anyone considering studying with us?

Studying with Arden is a big opportunity for everyone, whether it is young people or people in their 30s and 40s. It doesn't matter what age you are, it doesn't matter where you are living, and it's very flexible. I also get a lot of support from tutors, and other students as well which is great.

What did you feel you were born to do when you were growing up? 

I’ve definitely changed my point of view from when I was a child. Over the years, you change your way of seeing. I started to learn finance, for example, in Italy because I felt I needed to, but then when I came here I realised don't really like numbers, I much prefer human resources. I think it is most important along the way to like to learn and understand that you need to invest a lot of time in things. 

If you could go back in time and give some advice to a younger version of yourself what would it be?

I would say to myself to maybe come to London earlier. It would have been great to come here straightaway after I’d finished my A Levels in Italy. 

What keeps you motivated?

I think the desire and ambition to go after an goal. Once you have that aim it is very important to follow it.

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