6 top tips for employees considering a change

Feeling a little fed up with your job? Consider seeking change within your current role using Student Support Manager Sian's top tips to try and make the most of what you have.


Once more, it’s that time of year when many people are considering a job change. If you are one of them, there could be several reasons why, whether it’s feeling undervalued, struggling with stress or wanting a new challenge.

Our Student Support Manager, Sian Duffin, recognises that feeling undervalued at work can be a challenging headspace. However, making a change doesn’t have to mean a new job entirely; here, Sian shares her top tips on making change seem more manageable.

1. Be the change you want to see

Why not think about how you can begin to change the culture of your team or organisation? Try sending a thank you note or email, whether someone has helped you personally, or just because you want to make them feel valued.

Man holding his hands out over a laptop

Try and smile more and be interested in others – the little things can sometimes have the biggest effect. Becoming known as the person who appreciates others can go a long way to make you feel more valued yourself. 

2. Have an honest conversation 

If you are feeling undervalued, have a conversation with your manager, as they might not be aware how you’re feeling - it could be something easily ironed out between you and could even strengthen your working relationship.

Ask about opportunities to progress, the potential for funding support for further study or an apprenticeship; make your job work for you and get qualified while you are there. Having clear objectives and activities to complete may also provide a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and could be a quick win if new opportunities aren’t immediately available.

3. Identify the source of the stress

Stress is a challenging thing to manage, so try to find the source and address it straight away. Many employers may consider flexible working or some time working from home. If you have one, engage with your employee assistance programme, or even visit your GP.
Some counselling could help if your stress feels overwhelming and you might learn strategies to help change your thinking and increase your ability to cope. 

4. Take some time to be mindful 

Try to notice the small positives and focus on your breathing. Take time each day to go outside, get some air and some sunlight. Look at the rest of your life, too; use your support network and keep an eye on your diet and your sleep. Try planning things to look forward to and work towards them. 

5. Think carefully about what your new challenge could be 

Is there a different role or project you could work on in your company? If you’re ready for the next step up but don’t have the right qualifications, explore the opportunities to learn while you earn. A distance learning degree or studying a part-time masters in the evening would mean you don’t have to quit your job, but can still actively work towards taking your next step up the career ladder.

6. Build your own personal brand

Read for personal development, seek out podcasts and say ‘yes’ to any training courses that you are offered. Network face-to-face and online – recruiters will take note of this, if you do decide to move jobs.

Look for volunteering opportunities or the chance to shadow someone and build experience in the role you want to be in. Set goals for your own development and work towards them; ticking off a module completed on a course, or a day observing a job you really want can feel positive, and encourage you to take the next steps to change your life. 

At Arden, we offer a range of Distance and Blended Learning opportunities, as well as degree apprenticeships.