Sep 21 2021

Arden University signs up to QE-TNE

Arden University is pleased to announce it has signed up to the Quality Evaluation and Enhancement of UK Transnational Higher Education (QE-TNE) scheme, on behalf of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. 

More than 70 institutions have signed up to participate in this important and exciting new programme of quality enhancement activity, representing over 294,000 TNE students (or 68% of the UK’s total TNE student population). 

Open to all UK higher education bodies engaging in TNE, the programme has been designed to help participants gain a competitive advantage on a global scale though continuous improvement, by gaining insights into overseas markets, and through shared best practice.

Participants will be able to draw benefits from access to a suite of published reports, toolkits, thematic analyses, guidance and dissemination workshops drawn together by QAA. As the only quality enhancement scheme for TNE recognised by the UK higher education sector, participants will also be able to make use of the QE-TNE badge for the institution and their TNE partners.

QE-TNE was commissioned by Universities UK and GuildHE and has been shaped following close consultation with UK and international higher education stakeholders.