Arden Associate Dean involved in Student Minds report

Kate Lister, Arden University’s Associate Dean of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, has recently been heavily involved with a mental health project with Student Minds. 

Kate’s work with the UK's student mental health charity, Student Minds, has led to a recently released report, entitled: Understanding Student Mental Health Inequalities: Part-time, distance learner and commuter students. 

The report, which involved a number of student panellists, attempts to shine a light on the experiences of part-time, distance learner, and commuter students, as well as highlighting the ways in which universities can provide support to these communities as they engage in higher education.

Writing in the foreword to the report, Kate outlines how more needs to be done to support students learning in these ways. 

‘Research has shown that part-time, distance learner, and commuter students can be more likely to experience difficulties with mental health and wellbeing, and paradoxically can be less likely to be offered, or able to access, the support they need from universities.’

‘Their needs and struggles are often overlooked: out of sight, out of mind. This needs to change.’

You can read the report in full at the link below: