Name: Abderrahim Lamri

Subject: LLB (Hons) with Qualifying Status - Distance Learning

Country of Residence: United Arab Emirates

Arden University Distance Learning student

Abderrahim is from a maritime background and currently works as a freelance marine surveyor for the Dubaian Government in the United Arab Emirates. 

Why did you choose Distance Learning, and has studying online been helpful for your lifestyle?  

I chose Distance Learning mainly because of the constraints imposed by my work and my family. The 
financial factor also contributed a lot to my decision. Studying online is also helpful for my lifestyle. 
Since I am a self-disciplined person, I like to play both the roles of a student and teacher.

Why have you chosen to study now?

Arden University offers adult students like me a second chance to make their life and to correct errors that they would not have done if they’d have had the actual level of maturity that they lacked when they were younger.

What do you think of the course so far?

Compared with similar courses that are provided by other universities, the course provided by Arden 
University seems to be richer in content.

Would you recommend Arden to friends and family?

Definitely, yes. Out of all the LLB providers in the SRA list, there are only four universities in the UK 
providing this course by Distance Learning; Arden is one of them. The admissions process was the most straight-forward out of them all.

Where do you see your future self?

I have three goals after my graduation from Arden:

  • Qualifying as a solicitor in England and Wales;
  • Consolidating my legal knowledge to advance academically through LLM and maybe a PHD
  • Assisting my daughter more efficiently when she will start her LLB in October 2023.