Each module has corresponded directly with what I’ve been doing at work and has really helped to improve my skill set. As I’ve progressed through the course, I’ve gradually moved into a management role and have seen an increase in my salary.

Nasrin Balera, Arden student

Nasrin speaks about her return to higher education in order to gain the necessary management skills to compliment her current engineering role.

In January 2018, Nasrin took the decision to start an Msc in Engineering Management at Arden University. The course forms part of a management programme she is taking part in with her current employer, allowing Nasrin to study via Distance Learning whilst working full-time.

Nasrin says: “After completing my degree in mechanical engineering, I realised that I didn’t have enough management experience. I applied directly to Arden after researching the different courses available. It was super quick and easy; so much so that I was enrolled on the course within a month. 

In my job, we work to tight schedules so having the flexibility of choosing as and when we complete modules is really convenient. I try to complete a module every three months but if I’m too busy, or my shift pattern means I don’t have time to study, I can defer it and complete it at a later stage."

Each module has corresponded directly with what I’ve been doing at work and has really helped to improve my skill set. As I’ve progressed through the course, I’ve gradually moved into a management role and have seen an increase in my salary. The course has helped me realise what I actually want to do, which is to stay in operational support.

"I tend to work quite independently; however, I have really benefitted from the Student Support service provided by Arden. The team are responsive and are able to help with any coursework queries. Having dedicated lecturers for each module makes all the difference. If needed, we can take part in video calls with the rest of the group to discuss work. I love this aspect and can’t wait to attend Arden’s graduation ceremony when I complete the course and finally meet the group!