After researching different options, I chose Arden University because of its [online] delivery method, and to have the flexibility of fitting the MBA around a full-time job.

The main benefit is that an MBA is a door opener. Then there are the business skills that I learnt, which I found could be used directly within my workplace.

Scott telling us what he thinks about studying an MBA at Arden University

Just like many of us with a full-time job and children, Scott Nicholson needed flexibility. An online MBA degree seemed a perfect fit and a great step towards career progression.

And indeed, since graduating, Scott’s career has picked up pace. First came a senior consultancy post at IBM, the US tech giant, followed by a stint at an IT service provider, as Head of security and compliance.

After that, Scott set up his own business, which was eventually acquired. Now, he’s working for Bridewell Consulting in the UK.

When and why did you decide to begin an MBA?

"In 2009, after researching a number of Postgraduate courses. I wanted to gain a qualification that was widely recognised, that would provide me with solid, transferable skills, and would allow me to gain a better position, preferably within the public sector."

Why Arden?

"After researching different options, I chose Arden University because of its [online] delivery method, and to have the flexibility of fitting the MBA around a full-time job."

What prompted your switch from the public sector to the private sector?

"Multiple reasons really, but primarily I was seeking the opportunity to work on different challenges in other industries and a career path based on performance."

What financial benefit is there to studying online?

"There are no travel or accommodation costs. But my main reason for studying online was the flexibility, as I worked full-time and had children, so I needed something I could fit around that."

What are the challenges of Distance Learning?

"There were certainly challenges with Distance Learning, although I would not change the method I chose. The two main challenges for me were:

  • Discipline. Having to self-learn required significant discipline. Not having class timetables and a structure was challenging, but also the reason I chose distance learning.
  • Not having anyone to answer my questions on a daily basis, although I did meet people through forums and ended up asking questions online via emails."

What has the MBA done for your career?

"I believe that completing an MBA did a great deal for me. It has direct and indirect benefits.

The main benefit is that an MBA is a door opener. Then there are the business skills that I learnt, which I found could be used directly within my workplace.

The indirect benefits are increased confidence in my own ability, and the desire to learn more. I have since completed many industry-recognised certifications. I believe the [MBA] process improved my ability to learn and develop myself in a structured manner."

What are you doing now?

"I left the public sector and went to work as a senior consultant for IBM, working all over the world on some of the largest transformational projects in the UK. I then left that job after two years to become Head of security and compliance at a leading IT managed service provider.

I decided to set up my own company in early 2015, which was acquired in 2016. I am now a partner of Bridewell Consulting LLP, which is a UK-based, industry-leading consultancy firm."