Sep 17 2021

Subject Spotlight: Business Management

Why study business management?

Are you quick-thinking, ambitious, and unafraid to challenge people’s ideas? It’s one thing to be all of these, but it’s true when they say knowledge is power. Arden’s undergraduate degree in business is designed to equip you with the support you need to prove you can drive true success within any organisation.

What would my business career path be?

If you choose to follow a business career path, you’ll gain an in-depth insight into a range of transferrable skills that will enable you to understand the ways in which organisations operate. You’ll cover topics such as finance, marketing, economics, and human resources – giving you a foot on the ladder when it comes to applying for business management jobs. Choosing to study a degree in business management will not only benefit you as an individual, but your knowledge could also shape and affect a whole host of activities in a company. All that is required of you is a desire to learn and the hunger to perform at your very best at each stage of the journey.

Which business degree is right for me?

You may already be in the working world, or even running a successful business. Perhaps you’re just starting out, and you’re unsure which direction you’d like your career to go in? Arden’s undergraduate degree in business has been designed to cover a breadth of topics, so your opportunities upon graduating are endless. Essentially, if you are self-motivated, professional, and a keen problem solver, then our undergraduate business degree is a great way to kick-start your business career path, even if you’re not currently employed in this sector. 

Business management jobs – is it good career path to choose?

According to the House of Commons Library, Business Statistics Briefing Paper, January 2021, there were six million private sector businesses in the UK in 2020.

Employment opportunities in the business sector can range from general management to business management jobs within specific areas such as marketing, strategy planning, human resources, or IT. Some business management jobs lean more towards people management, whereas others focus on project management, but to be truly successful these skills should be closely intertwined.

Jobs related to your degree include: 

  • Brand Manager 
  • Business Owner 
  • Business Analyst 
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Project Manager

Your degree may also be useful in roles such as: •

  • Data Analyst 
  • Chartered Accountant 
  • Business Advisor 
  • Project Manager 
  • Human Resources Officer

Read what our current students have to say about the business degree.

Business degree fact sheet

Do I have to study full time to get this degree?
No, each student is different, and no two situations are the same. Online options are available to support you in following your business career path.

How long will it take?
Typically, undergraduate degree courses take three years. However, part time/online options are available, with most students expecting to graduate within three to six years.

What qualifications are needed for business management?
In most cases you are required to have 2 A level qualifications (or equivalent), supported by three grade C or above GCSEs. However, your work experience can be taken into consideration, so please get in contact with us to discuss this option. Alternatively, if you don’t have the relevant qualifications, we also offer this course with an additional foundation year, designed for those who require a little extra support when starting their degree.

What types of business management jobs could I get?
The BA (Hons) Business course at Arden has been created by industry experts with a career-focused element and your long-term future in mind. Upon graduating you could find yourself eligible for a full range of jobs in industries such as marketing, management, tourism, HR, or analytical sectors, to name just a few.

What kind of salary could I expect as a graduate?
Starting salaries will vary depending on the area of business management you choose to specialise in. If you choose to go down the project management route, starting salaries for a project management assistant are in the region of £20,000 - with experience and growth this could rise to £29,000. Salaries for more senior project manager roles can range from £46,000-£55,000, and as a top-level project manager you could earn up to £72,000.

Which business degree is right for you? Browse our business courses here.