Study Healthcare Management in London

Study a Healthcare Management qualification through Blended Learning with Arden University and unlock the door to a brighter career path.

Choose to study at one of our London study centres in Ealing, Tower Hill or Holborn just 2 days a week and study online the remainder of the time. Discover our courses today...

Healthcare Management courses in London


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Why choose Arden University?

career you want

Get the career you want in Health or Social Care

Arden University gives you all the knowledge and tools you need that could lead you to a range of successful careers in Health or Social Care, such as a professional practitioner, manager, or leader in Health and Social Care. The world is your oyster!


Earn while you  learn with flexible Blended Learning

Arden's Blended Learning approach means you can complete a full-time Degree by attending our study centre lectures 2 days a week, and using our online learning portal, ilearn, the rest of the week, so you can continue to earn while you learn.


Modern, convenient study centres in London

Arden has 3 London study centres in fantastic locations – Ealing, Tower Hill and Holborn. Each provides you with a purpose-built environment for you to attend classes, carry out independent study and relax with friends between classes.


Entry requirements that value your experience

We are proud to offer non-standard entry requirements for many of our courses, which means your work experience and any previous qualifications are taken into account when considering your application with Arden.


A more affordable route

With Arden you only pay for what matters – high quality courses and a fantastic learning experience. Your entire course can be Student Loan funded*, although graduating debt free is possible if you choose to work alongside your studies.

*Subject to eligibility.


Easy-to-use virtual classroom

Arden provides an online learning platform, ilearn,  where you can continue your studies when you aren't in the classroom. Most materials are accessible on any device, so you can download your course materials and learn on the go, any time, any place, anywhere.